MovieChat Forums > West Side Story (2021) Discussion > Financial flop, from early returns, open...

Financial flop, from early returns, opening weekend

It only grossed $800,000 on Thursday's open. Estimated budget of $100 million (how much of that goes into Steven Spielberg's pocket?). Opening weekend forecasts are $13 to $17 million in North America. So it is likely to lose a lot of money, probably over $50 million.

On Friday, it grossed $4.1 million in 2,820 theaters, an average of $1,453 per theater.
Saturday $3.8 million, Sunday projected $2.7 million.

Opening weekend: $10.6 million in 2,820 theaters, below most forecasts.

EDIT: In the Heights (2021) grossed $11.5 million in 3,456 theaters on its opening weekend, and it was also available on HBO/Max at the same time. So it topped this film. It had been promoted in theater trailers since early 2020, delayed by COVID-19.

The lead actress trashing the US publicly is not going to help sell tickets for West Side Story.



You are really making some overexxagerated claims. 'Nonexistent foreign appeal"---the musical has been performed in high schools, colleges, and community theaters all over the world for decades. This is not merely an "American" musical. Was it merely a "Verona" play when Shakespeare mounted the original?
-"not enough bilingual theatergoers in the US"--you imagine an absurd fantasy that audiences will be leaving in a huff and demanding their money back because they hear a few words in Spanish. I just saw it and there was practically no usage of Spanish that I couldn't figure out for myself what was meant without knowing a word of Spanish. Also, there isn't even much of it.



"nearly nonexistent foreign appeal" I agree. I suspect that Spanish speaking nations aren't looking for an iconic American musical in in any language. I suspect the same applies to non-Spanish speaking countries also, especially without sub-titles.

We could be wrong but will find out in coming days. I think Spielberg mis-tseped on this one.


I'm wondering if a totally different audience demographic will turn up at the weekend? Also, perhaps big numbers on a Thursday is a younger audience for the latest super-hero franchise release?


I don't know if it's true for all theaters, but the one where I saw West Side Story showed several Disney-Pixar trailers seemingly aimed for tweens and teens--an indication of what type of demographic they expect for WSS. That would be interesting if 12 year old girls turn out to be the biggest ticketbuyers for the film.


I was thinking more of an older audience. People who don't go to the cinema so often but remember the original. If it turns out the film is really good it could break all the usual models used to predict audiences.


Covid! Many older people are avoiding movie theaters for now.


This is true, especially with this latest variant appearing.


This would be people Spielberg's age - 70+. I am 66 and WSS was after my time


Yeah, true and before mine too. But I remember when it was a big film to show on TV and so many of the cast were still stars. So that part of the older audience - maybe?


Suck on that, Rachel Zegler.



Who is surprised?

Everyone go to theaters for big-budget-spectacularity, the price on tickets is the same. When Toyota and Ferrari cost the same, who is going to buy Toyota?


A nonsensical comment. Are you comparing West Side Story with a Toyota and something like Spiderman No Way Home as a Ferrari? You've got your head on backwards. Spielberg's film is the Ferrari, if you will. It's the Spidermans that are the Toyotas (or, I would suggest, the Pintos) of the world today. Go to your CGI fest with its "spectacularity". I found it was far more spectacular seeing ballet in a modern American film.


Yep, a Ferrari no one want to buy, despite the price is the same as Toyota.


Stick to Spiderman


Copy, roger, the next week Spider-Man will smash boxoffice to put a nail on the same price Toyota.


Bye bye, comic book man-boy. I already have a date to see West Side Story again next week. I don't care how much your superhero garbage movie grosses. What's more important is that Spielberg has done justice to the memory of Broadway giants Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim and also to his father to whom he dedicates the film. I haven't cared this much about a Spielberg film in decades. Run off to your superhero trash now, boy.


Bye bye same price Toyota, your future is streaming not theaters.


This IS a big budget production, wtf are you talking about?!


I said "big-budget-spectacularity."

What spectacle do they have? People dancing?


Yes, big music set pieces. Or do you think only action scenes are "spectacularity (sic)"?


Yep, what a spectacle, people dancing. Zzzzzzzzzz


Just say you don't like musicals and move along.


I like muscials, but theaters is for spectacles. They have two choice:

1. Not charge the same ticket price.

2. Streaming.


"Movie theaters for comic book movies and action movies only!"

Moronic comment after moronic comment. I'm done.


It's not a opinion, it's a FACT.

"The sun rises in the east."

"Moronic comment."


Any appeal in Latin America I wonder... South America that is.


On Friday, West Side Story (2021) grossed $4.1 million in 2,820 theaters, an average of $1,453 per theater.


"The lead actress trashing the US publicly is not going to help sell tickets."

I don't know what you're talking about but it must be the typical right wing overreaction.

I follow all major entertainment websites and no one reported any controversies involving this young lady.


Rachel Zegler, star of this movie on Twitter:
"Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted on all charges after such heinous heinous crimes is the epitome of white privilege and exactly what is wrong with this godforsaken country"

There was already a thread on the MovieChat West Side Story (2021) page about it, 47 posts, including a flame war:

People in the entertainment industry should really keep their big mouths shut about politics or major news items. Why alienate a huge percentage of your possible audience? NOBODY is interested in your opinion, Rachel Zegler!

Anyone can watch the evidence of self-defense that acquitted Rittenhouse in the videos of the three people chasing and attacking him. The man whom he shot in the arm began to commit perjury, until he was confronted with the video of himself pointing his gun at Rittenhouse's head. The courtroom video of him admitting that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense is online.


STOP WITH THE KYLE RITTENHOUSE BULLSHIT. I am sick of coming here and watching another rightwing fascist come here and defend that goon. Then if anyone, especially a celebrity, makes a comment indicating they are repulsed by the verdict, the rightwing thugs have to harp on it endlessly. Rachel Ziegler is a girl in her 20's. She may be a celebrity, but her views are very naïve as are many girls in their 20s. And a lot of people in Hollywood follow the identity politics of the Democratic Party. Many of them are correctly protesting this travesty of justice in the Rittenhouse case but make the mistake of following current terminology of such Establishment "movements" which have no support in the working class like #MeToo and the 1619 Project which seeks to sow racial divides rather than fostering unity. Rachel Ziegler has a perfect right to air her views even if she believes in the rather dumb"woke" principle that the Rittenhouse case is indicative of "white privilege" gone crazy. Please stop quoting that woman, which is most likely out of context. Get used to the fact that Rittenhouse has ripped the country in two and some see a hero and some see a murderer and there is going to be widespread debate on its darker implications of the rise of fascism in the US. You do not see this because you are part of the problem. And please stop hoping West Side Story will lose box office owing to Ziegler's opinion. People like yourself don't strike me as the audience for West Side Story anyway so stop pretending you're staying at home and not buying a ticket to protest this woman's opinion.


Rittenhouse shot three white psychopaths who were trying to kill him. There's no debate or opinion; their criminal records are on file, and the event is recorded on video. He has not "ripped the country in two" and he is not a fascist. The verdict in his trial was right. Too bad you're sick of hearing about it, but before you start pecking on your keyboard you need to learn to distinguish between reality and CNN-style lies.


I don't follow CNN, but please refrain from talking to me. I don't consort with fascists and their minions.


I'd be afraid to hire her if I were making movies.
