

Agreed. In the end . . . its just a movie.


Kcj211, yeah! You tell them babies what waste of living life they are

I have a feeling you're just as horrible as the ones you kick



Forgive me, I was more focused on your "waste of life" comment.

There are far better and convincing ways to get your point across.

Anyway, I was interested for a moment and now that moments gone. Take care.



You care about someone else's social media account?



If 'its just a movie' then 'its just the internet'.

Who cares.



But it is just a movie, and it is just bs on the internet.

Since when did anyone care what someone else says about them on the internet?

You just called a whole heap of people babies and life wasters because they don't like a movie ...



And I agree that creating 10 fake accounts to downvote a movie is a waste of time, same as creating 10 to upvote it.



Did a Star Wars fan beat you up when you are kid and now you are here years later and this is your revenge payback?



I certainly don't think they ruined the whole series, but they may have damaged the OT as a cultural institutional. I don't like guilt by association and think it's unfair, but many people do it. The Star Wars films have had a huge impact on the culture over the last 40 years (much of it good, but not all of it), and I don't have a problem with people having strong opinions about it, but as you say, let's keep things in perspective. No one should be obsessing over it like a religion, or using their dislike of the current crop of films, or the prequels, or even Return of the Jedi, to justify vile personal attacks on people associated with the films. If you don't like it, state your reasons politely and move on.


I disagree. They're not just movies. They're 40 years of George Lucas' legacy. His life's work. His art. Something we all enjoyed.

When he sold his company to Disney and named Kennedy as president, he said he trusted her with his treatments for the upcoming sequel trilogy and 100s of books and resources for future movies. She said that she would protect the characters and they would collaborate together for future films. He's still a creative consultant.

Instead, 40 years of EU work was tossed in the garbage, he was kicked to the side, his characters killed off and hacks were hired to destroy the stories which in turn has destroyed the merchandising, marketability of the films and fandom.

Lucas has no power. Hamill and Trevorrow fought and failed. Only the fans are left to fight for Star Wars.

Lucas gave the fans 40 years worth of entertainment! I think of this fight to restore Star Wars to what it had been as a huge thank you to Mr. George Lucas.



There is no way any actual human being can enjoy any of the Disney "films" over any of the Star Wars Prequels. And I hate to burst your bubble, but Star Wars has ALWAYS been kids movies. Are you really trying to tell me the OT was some kind of form of very intellectual art that was only loved by adults??? LOOOOLLLL...

A five-year-old can come up with a much better and more complex story than the one we saw in the OT.



Yeah because spoiler alert: people have different tastes in film than and there are kids like me who grew up with the Prequels and loved them and still do.

But then again, I'm talking to a troll, so I don't expect to get much out of this conversation we are having...



I don't see much 'crying' going on, seriously.

I see a lot of criticising happening, what's wrong with that? The 'new' movies have indeed damaged the franchise for core fans - It is perfectly fine to feel this way.

Now I do agree that creating accounts to downvote something is a waste of time. Kind of like frog's alt accounts too.



What are you actually talking about?

Seriously, what specifically are you talking about? YOU are trying to tell ME that I'm not allowed to dislike TLJ?

GTFO of here, now.

You're the F waste of space, C.



Did I say 100% of core fans, no.

You no actual argument. You are just whinging & attacking others in the exact same manner that you are complaining about.

Classic irony.



No-one who has posted in this thread has 10 fake accounts or is crying - yet you are replying to every post within minutes, disagreeing with whatever they say. You are then trying to nitpick posts, which is laughable.

It doesn't get more childish or ironic.

You're basically another frog.


Sigh. There's that word again. 'Entitled'. At least now you know what you're dealing with.

So let me get this straight. Others aren't allowed to call people they don't know Star Wars fans but you're allowed to call people you don't know names and insult them?

Sounds about right.



I consider myself a core fan, and I like TFA, TLJ and Solo. Rogue One was good, but I didn't like it as much.

I find it annoying when people tell me I'm wrong when I say that Solo was a really good movie. If someone else doesn't think it's good, that's fine. But I shouldn't be told I'm wrong for thinking it's really good.


Ziggy, you're a MORON.




I consider myself a core fan, and I like TFA, TLJ and Solo. Rogue One was good, but I didn't like it as much.

What else do you expect me to say, when you make such contrarian statements like the above?


Of course, you’re right. Having an opinion that is different from yours makes me a moron.


I'm only calling you a moron because your opinion is likely to inhibit your survival if you're cornered by a gang of angry OT fans, and you said you liked TLJ even though Rian Johnson killed off their hero, Luke Skywalker, in it. You see my point? :)


How convenient.

There are many core fans who don't like the new films, and they are allowed their opinion. It goes both ways.


>> "How are you losers okay with having such worthless lives that you actually take the time to do that? "
>> Spends the next 4 hours arguing on a Star Wars forum on the internet.

Kjc211, are you by any chance posting these comments from the deck of your catamaran? Are you surrounded by beautiful bikini clad women giggling incessantly at the internet beat downs you're distributing to all these 'losers'? Or are you just a hypocritical twat?

If Alex Guinness was still around he'd think you were a grade A fuckwit (well, he always was an excellent judge of character).


Debating on a movie discussion board is different than making twenty different emails, signing up with a site for each of them, and then rating a movie zero with all of them just out of spite. Or mocking and attacking actors on social media.

The poster is wrong to say anyone is a waste of life, but the point being made is accurate. If you hate the movie that much, you have bigger problems than the movie. Star Wars has the biggest snowflakes of any fanbase. The Last Jedi didnt do anything other than come out. The characters aren't real. Being so obsessed about a movie you hate, and hating real people because of it, ruins any valid point someone might have.


Fair point wilson24 but the OP is still a knob.


So are you, acting like the sequels or the makers shot your dog, instead of just making a movie you didnt like.


But I haven't though have I?

I don't particularly care that the sequels are bad films. So were the prequels. So were the Ewok movies. We've had 30 years of terrible Star Wars movies so it's hardly a surprise we continue to get them. If you look at any of my posts critiquing these films never once do I insult people who do like them or imply they must be morons/incels/fanbois or whatever and in return for that I get called all the names under the son by hypocritical cunts like the OP. And that's why I still post, because I find this reaction fascinating.

I mean just look at the above? 'Fair point' I said, *agreeing with you* that it's silly and in return you call me a knob. So thanks for that, you sanctimonious prick.


You weren't called anything by the OP until you replied to them. Unless you do the things he mentions in his OP.

Apparently you posted on Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams boards just to say insults which is pretty childish.


So if a movie simply "comes out" and is not to be held to any standard, lest we be labeled a dirty labeler, then I take it that you would be fine if Evil Otto from Berzerk was a Sith lord in the new movies. Not one word of it ruining the movie. Nope. Not you. To hate that would make you a snowflake.

The Last Jedi has entered the temple with its shoes on.


Jeebus H Crisco Oil...

I totally forgot about that game.

But a bouncing smiley face with robot minions would make for a WTF? concept for a Star Wars film...



You're welcome!

I do feel better, yes. Why else would I do it?


I agree , it is sad to see people create groups on facebook such as down with disneys treatment of star wars etc , ill admit i was really dissapointed in TLJ but i aint going to blow a gasket and rate it 0 out of 10, i actually rated it 5 out of 10.

Id rather have star wars film than none at all , i enjoyed TFA, RO, and Solo, i think the problem is that there is a politically angenda thats being pushed down our throats and use Star wars as a platform to do this, they should just naturally write the stories as they see them and not , we must have a female lead, he must be black, she must be asian , we must change the story to accomdadate more women, and they need to think about the release dates, 2 a year or even 1 a year is just to much , every 3 years is enough to wet the appetite for more star wars movies.


Sooooo....kjc211 is Rian Johnson, right?
