MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > The kid violence and sex references were...

The kid violence and sex references were disturbing

It's been a while since I saw the movie, but despite being just a mediocre movie, I remember how much I was disturbed with some stuff about the kids in the movie.

The one thing was Gosling's 11 (?) year old daughter being in that stripclub or whatever it was, and talking with the strippers in their changing room. I mean, ok, she's a kid, not even a teenager, and she's talking with naked women in a strip club?

The other was the violence towards her and a girlfriend of hers, at the scene they're in that house, and the bad guy comes in and beats the s--t out of them, and wants to kill them. He even throws her friend out of the window, smashing the glass. And this is not a thriller, which would be ok, it's supposed to be a COMEDY.
And even worst, that bad guy is played by Matt Bomer, who is a homosexual in real life. You'll say wtf does it matter, he's an actor playing a character, but I don't know, the combination of what he does in this scene and being not a random macho actor, but a sympathetic nice gay person who has kids in real life, makes it even worst.

And the most disturbing one was with that boy talking to Gosling and Crow, and says something about sucking their penis, meaning of course he's a boy prostitute. Ok, I get it, this world is not made by rainbows, these sad things exist. But why should we make fun of them? Why should we LAUGH watching a 10 year old boy asking from someone to suck his penis for money?

I don't remember whatever else happens, and I'm really not prudent when it comes to violence and sex among adults, but these kid scenes were really uncomfortable. I don't understand how could someone laugh with them. Again, they were not even teenagers, they were not 17-18 years old, they were KIDS.


..the OP is spot on.. this movie glories kiddie porn. period. so glad i'm not the only one that sees this. Plus, the movie is boring too.

..that scene with the boy talking about how the director wanted him in a porn movie coz of his penis was so trashy and discusting. and more pathetic, the scene is played as 'comedy', which it isn't. Shane Black is seriously perverted, demented and sick in the head.



No, it doesn't. At no point does the movie suggest "kiddie porn" is a good thing.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


king_of_bob um yes it does kid.. period. and that fact that that scene tries to be 'funny', which it's not, means it sure DOES glorify kiddie porn. wow you people are so clueless and blind trying to defend this trashy garbage.



even if the movie did say it'a good thing.... it's a *beep* movie it's ok that damn it!


What does "it's just a movie" mean exactly? If you see a comedy which shows 5 guys gang-banging a 10 year-old girl and have fun with it, you'd say "relax, it's just a movie!". SOME things are sensitive. If you don't get it, at least respect if some people feel otherwise.

And about my homosexual comment, what I meant is that I think that gay people (and actors) are more sensitive than straight people, because of what they've been through. And they're more sensitive about child violence and stuff, because many of them have been bullied (or worst) when they were kids. So, to see a homosexual actor, and ESPECIALLY a family man like Matt Bomer, a father of his own kids, beating so viciously a little girl, is another reason to get upset. If this movie was a drama, ok, but it's supposed to be a comedy, and I didn't laugh with these scenes. Violence against kids is NOT funny. And no, I don't have to have experience with violence as a kid to be sensitive about it.


It's a movie it suppose to tell you a story

If you see a comedy which shows 5 guys gang-banging a 10 year-old girl and have fun with it, you'd say "relax, it's just a movie!
yeah i will say to you relax it's just a movie. I think you can laugh about anything only depends on how you do it. And you can even more do it in a movie and by the way this movie is a dark comedy.

You didn't like the movie fin I get it everyone have their own opinion, taste, value and I respect that. But to say that it's not normal this or that things because it's immoral come on men. Have you seen the movie Killer Joe it's about a men wanting a little girl for revenge the movie was in my sens good and disturbing but it was good. Since when movie it's suppose to only make you feel good and happy.

Good movies challenge expectations. Mediocre movies confirm them. (I've stole this quotes)


I don't think you're for real.
I think you're a troll looking to mess with people.
But just in case you are a seriously disturbed human being I just want to say that a lot of what you mention here didn't even happen in the film.
A boy saying he will suck the main characters penises?!
Wtf did you watch?!
What's more disturbing? The content of the film The Good Guys or a person like this who sees sick things that aren't even there?
You have a perverted and warped mind. Stop projecting yourself onto this excellent film.
There's clearly something wrong with you.



You're right, I didn't remember correctly. The boy didn't say that he would suck them, but that he let that producer touch his dick for money, and he asks from Crowe and Gosling 20 bucks to show it to them.

It's funny, because if you really remembered the movie and the scene, you wouldn't say that I made this whole thing up, but that I just didn't remember the dialogue 100% correct. But in both cases, the boy offers sexual pleasure to men for money. Close enough, huh? What do you think?

So, WHAT other thing I said didn't happen in the movie, and it came out of my disturbed, perverted imagination?

Oh, also, the name of the movie is The Nice Guys, not The Good Guys. Maybe YOU saw another movie, idiot?


Man alive, you are seriously in need of therapy.

"I tried to get a job. I offered to show my dick ... 'cause (nonchalantly but matter of fact, boasting while trying not to appear that he is) I got a big dick."

That's the actual line of dialogue.

IOW, he wanted to start a career as a porn star in one of Sid Shattuck's movies. But Sid declined to even look at his dick because there was no way he was going to hire an underage kid, no matter what his qualifications for the job (and having a huge dick is the only qualification to be a male porn star).

Nothing in the actual dialogue, which you supposedly just watched, about money being exchanged or any kind of sexual contact. You made that s*** up. In your head. That's sick.

(To be frank, you're posting like someone who was abused, so I'm going to cut you all the slack in the world. But it is disturbing as all hell.)

Nor is there anything sexual about the kid offering to show his dick for money. The fascination that men have with other men's extraordinary equipment is a pretty common theme that has nothing to do with sexuality. It's a whole subplot in M*A*S*H (the best-equipped Polish dentist). Milton Berle was famous for being well-hung and there's a whole bunch of funny anecdotes about other guys hearing about his reputation (the best being that some guy challenged him to a showdown, Berle wasn't in the mood, and some buddy said "Milt, just take out enough to prove him wrong.") It crops up (no pun intended) in Boogie Nights, where it supplies the film's memorable final scene.

If this kid truly is hung like a porn star, he's been getting that attention in the locker room, and from other kids who don't shower with him. So it's funny that he thinks two adult men would have the same fascination that his peers do, and might be willing to pay for it.

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


"I tried to get a job. I offered to show my dick ... 'cause (nonchalantly but matter of fact, boasting while trying not to appear that he is) I got a big dick."

That's the actual line of dialogue.

I need to know, if a 13 (I'm guessing) year old kid said that to you, then offered to show you his penis for $20 dollars, that wouldn't disturb you? Is this totally normal for you?

I don't know if it was meant to be disturbing, funny, or just to get a rise out of folks (parden the pun) but I'm just amazed by some opinions here. I usually ask for more information before I form an opinion though. So, is this normal conversation between your young kids and adults? Just asking, I don't have children.


The one thing was Gosling's 11 (?) year old daughter being in that stripclub or whatever it was, and talking with the strippers in their changing room. I mean, ok, she's a kid, not even a teenager, and she's talking with naked women in a strip club?

Oh no! A girl is seeing other girls naked. The world has come to an end!

The other was the violence towards her and a girlfriend of hers, at the scene they're in that house, and the bad guy comes in and beats the s--t out of them, and wants to kill them. She even throws her friend out of the window, smashing the glass. And this is not a thriller, which would be ok, it's supposed to be a COMEDY.

Movies don't have to be just one thing. This is a crime drama and a comedy, and a dark comedy at that.

And even worst, that bad guy is played by Matt Bomer, who is a homosexual in real life. You'll say wtf does it matter, he's an actor playing a character, but I don't know, the combination of what he does in this scene and being not a random macho actor, but a sympathetic nice gay person who has kids in real life, makes it even worst.

You're an idiot, straight up. It's called acting.

And the most disturbing one was with that boy talking to Gosling and Crow, and says something about sucking their penis, meaning of course he's a boy prostitute. Ok, I get it, this world is not made by rainbows, these sad things exist. But why should we make fun of them? Why should we LAUGH watching a 10 year old boy asking from someone to suck his penis for money?

God damn, you're a prude.

I don't remember whatever else happens, and I'm really not prudent when it comes to violence and sex among adults, but these kid scenes were really uncomfortable. I don't understand how could someone laugh with them. Again, they were not even teenagers, they were not 17-18 years old, they were KIDS.

And you prove your stupidity. Prude =/= prudent.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


King of Bob, quick question: Did anyone invite you to a Christmas/New Year's party these holidays? You sound a bit grouchy. Don't worry, there's always next year! You'll find someone to warm your heart and put a smile to your face.


jesus what a retarded thread


It's labeled as "Action, Comedy, Crime." And it's rated R.

You DO know who Shane Black is, don't you? This is the guy who wrote Lethal Weapon. Another movie that isn't action, and it isn't comedy, but it mixes elements of the two.

Just stick to the Hallmark channel. You'll be happier there.


"Lethal Weapon" ISN'T action? Yeah, and "Winnie the Pooh" isn't animation. :p
"Lethal Weapon" is the definition of an action movie. Just like "Die Hard". Just because it has comedy elements doesn't make it less action.


I'm glad OP wrote this post, because this is where we are now as a country . I think you find the attitude toward the subject matter so off-putting because we live in unstable times. Shane Black's script was written in 2001 (probably before 9/11, when it still felt like the 90's). It is a product of that era, in its ironic detachment, and world weary sophistication toward sex and violence, both of you which strike you, I'm guessing, as fundamentally alien and immoral- proof that Hollywood is disconnected from the values of "real America."

But really, it's just for fun. I want to give you advice on how to enjoy this film. I want to say don't look for any lessons , or to take away anything from the film... It's not a message film , it's not Oscar bait, it's not a superhero film with a solid moral at the end. I want to say that, but at the end of the day, it's just a matter of taste.


Yes. And I find the taste of humor of this movie very poor.


Third, the young daughter, sneaks to an adult party her father and Crowe attend to do some investigating. There, she's dressed quite inappropriately for a young preteen and is among people who work in the adult film industry. In one scene, Crowe finds Gosling's daughter lying on the bed next to a porn actress and they are watching a porno she's starred in. The little girl is lying on her back, legs crossed, in her sexy (and it pains me to use that word) outfit, completely engrossed in the film. She very much comes across as a young woman rather a little girl. She's not sitting indian-style wide-eyed. She's completely relaxed, inviting. When Crowe finds her, he doesn't even make her leave or stop watching the film. To me, this seems like the ideal scene and movie for a pedophile. This is something that would speak to them. Not to a normal person with normal sexual inclinations.

Finally, why is this little girl in the movie SO much? She does not have that many scenes with her father. There is no real development, no real arc to her and Gosling's relationship in the movie. Most of the child's scenes are with Crowe and really have a vague romantic feel about it. The way the child speaks to him and her expectations of him and how he responds to her: It feels way more like a romantic relationship rather than an innocent one between a man and his friend's daughter. Why should she expect so much from a stranger? And every time he walks up on her, she's alone. Without her father. In one queer choice, she's alone in a field, sitting cross-legged on the grass. Finally looking like a child. And here walks up Russell. Predator's dream. It reminded me of the speculation surrounding Natalie Portman's role in Louie: The Professional:

She's supposed to be 12 in this film.

I don't know. I really don't feel like I'm reaching. Did anyone who saw this film have any similar feelings? I've just been so disturbed by it. On the surface, it's a good mystery. But it felt more and more to me like one predator's artwork to his circle of predators. I just hate the idea that, here I am participating in this sexual deviancy however indirect. (Well, I did pirate the *beep* so, I'm not that bad.) It's like, if this industry is as deviant as I think or some people think, it really is in the hands of the consumers to see about a change. At the end of the day, money, the loss and gain, is the most powerful tool in affecting change. Thoughts guys? I really want to talk about this.


I thought the Amish weren't allowed to use electronic devices? JK.


I agree. It was disturbing.

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