MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > The kid violence and sex references were...

The kid violence and sex references were disturbing

It's been a while since I saw the movie, but despite being just a mediocre movie, I remember how much I was disturbed with some stuff about the kids in the movie.

The one thing was Gosling's 11 (?) year old daughter being in that stripclub or whatever it was, and talking with the strippers in their changing room. I mean, ok, she's a kid, not even a teenager, and she's talking with naked women in a strip club?

The other was the violence towards her and a girlfriend of hers, at the scene they're in that house, and the bad guy comes in and beats the s--t out of them, and wants to kill them. He even throws her friend out of the window, smashing the glass. And this is not a thriller, which would be ok, it's supposed to be a COMEDY.
And even worst, that bad guy is played by Matt Bomer, who is a homosexual in real life. You'll say wtf does it matter, he's an actor playing a character, but I don't know, the combination of what he does in this scene and being not a random macho actor, but a sympathetic nice gay person who has kids in real life, makes it even worst.

And the most disturbing one was with that boy talking to Gosling and Crow, and says something about sucking their penis, meaning of course he's a boy prostitute. Ok, I get it, this world is not made by rainbows, these sad things exist. But why should we make fun of them? Why should we LAUGH watching a 10 year old boy asking from someone to suck his penis for money?

I don't remember whatever else happens, and I'm really not prudent when it comes to violence and sex among adults, but these kid scenes were really uncomfortable. I don't understand how could someone laugh with them. Again, they were not even teenagers, they were not 17-18 years old, they were KIDS.


Literally NONE of what you mentioned happened in this film. Watch it again and try and pay attention this time.

Btw the most ludicrous thing you said was about Matt Bomer.
