MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > This would be decent without Holly (Gosl...

This would be decent without Holly (Gosling's kid).

To me it is a sign of bad writing when kids talk like adults in movies. But this film took it to a whole new level. Not only does the child thinks and talks like an adult, but she is also involved in the action scenes (way too much). She became irritating very quick.
I was ready to stop watching when she said: "I need a drink." LIKE COME ON! YOU ARE A CHILD! She's also a massive hypocrite. She's able to threaten a grown man with a gun, but she DEMANDED that Crowe didn't kill John Boy. This is just stupid.
I'm willing to forgive the movie's other flaws, but this is pushing it too far.


I found her really irritating too. She was just a giant plot device and unrealistic as *beep*. Not that the movie is realistic but she's just a way to force drama at every turn. Gets kidnapped, is home when hitman shows up, throws film reel out, etc. It got a bit much to the point where I stopped caring a bit because of how much the film relied on her. I can only suspend my disbelief so much and I think they pushed it a bit too far with this poorly designed character.


Totally disagree. The Nice Guys is one of 2016's best movies, and the character of Holly is one of its strongest elements. It was pure Shane Black. Reminded me of the daughter in The Last Boy Scout.

"I think working around a bunch of nurses is giving you a false sense of your ability to intimidate."


I didn't care for the daughter character, but I don't believe she harmed the movie at all. I did wince when she was watching the porn at the party. That seemed a little over the top. My biggest issue with her character was letting John Boy into the house. He was a stranger, she knew people were trying to kill Amelia AND she was not on the phone when her dad called Tally so she wouldn't know that Tally had offered to send over a "doctor".

Holly is portrayed as smart and advanced for her age, but she let a total stranger just walk into the house. I guess Holland could have told her someone was coming while off-screen and he figured they were safe, but wouldn't she be even a little bit suspicious or ask for some ID? Wouldn't Holland be just a bit more concerned about his daughter's safety than delivering some briefcase of what he thought was money?

That scene just seemed like a writer's contrivance so he could set up the shootout scene. Shane Black is an amazing writer, but that was pretty lazy.

My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.


what are you talking about? this movie is brilliant and Holly was a huge part on that. I just can't get when people rant about silly things like that, complaining about Holly's best lines tells us more about your lack of sharpness than it tell us about the movie.


She was a sweet but smart kid and was the conscience of the group. People have a problem with a kid living in California (hell any normal kid living anywhere) NOT wanting to murder someone? Also it's sad but believable that a kid that has been forced to take care of her dad would be more mature than her age.

What's up with people hating children?
