MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > This would be decent without Holly (Gosl...

This would be decent without Holly (Gosling's kid).

To me it is a sign of bad writing when kids talk like adults in movies. But this film took it to a whole new level. Not only does the child thinks and talks like an adult, but she is also involved in the action scenes (way too much). She became irritating very quick.
I was ready to stop watching when she said: "I need a drink." LIKE COME ON! YOU ARE A CHILD! She's also a massive hypocrite. She's able to threaten a grown man with a gun, but she DEMANDED that Crowe didn't kill John Boy. This is just stupid.
I'm willing to forgive the movie's other flaws, but this is pushing it too far.


Funny how pretty much each time a kid stars in a movie not made for kids, there's ALWAYS someone to say "the kid was annoying". It's like the sole presence of a kid is considered annoying. Just accept the fact that you don't like to see kids starring in this kind of movies.

That said, I agree that kid characters in movies like this one is always risky, and a good part of them end up being annoying, but not always. I thought Holly was a pretty cool character, and her presence alone gives interesting aspects of Gosling's character.


I have no problem with kids in non kid genres but they need to be consistent in character which Holly wasn't. She dragged this movie down considerably.

Utah! Get me two.


She made the movie, you fool!

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


No she didn't.

Utah! Get me two.


I disagree. I loved Holly. The movie wouldn't have been as good without her.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


She elevated the film. She was a great character and wonderfully acted.


I liked her a lot.


I sort of agree with you. I think the movie would have been slightly better if Holly wasn't in it as much. I think she was way too involved with the story. However, I still had a great time with the movie.


Thought she was pretty cool and smart. A great addition to the story line.


She was quite smart and fit well with the dynamic of the two guys.
