MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > This would be decent without Holly (Gosl...

This would be decent without Holly (Gosling's kid).

To me it is a sign of bad writing when kids talk like adults in movies. But this film took it to a whole new level. Not only does the child thinks and talks like an adult, but she is also involved in the action scenes (way too much). She became irritating very quick.
I was ready to stop watching when she said: "I need a drink." LIKE COME ON! YOU ARE A CHILD! She's also a massive hypocrite. She's able to threaten a grown man with a gun, but she DEMANDED that Crowe didn't kill John Boy. This is just stupid.
I'm willing to forgive the movie's other flaws, but this is pushing it too far.


I thought she was one of the best in the movie.
Yes her not wanting Healy to kill Johnny Boy came off as annoying, but it was consistent with how her character was in a similar situation earlier.


I agree. I'm not sure if it's sloppy writing, or just trying to cater to a dumber audience. I thought the character of Holly would have been much more authentic if it had been written for an older woman, say a girlfriend of Holland. It would have been smarter, and made more sense.

And, I personally thought every scene Holly was in dragged the movie down. She's a good actress, and has great potential, but the role was just too jarring.

But then again, modern audiences are so used to overdone CGI crap that they believe just about anything. Who knows, maybe Holly was half CGI'd anyway.

A person's taste is a person's taste. Everyone has different likes and dislikes. The thing of it is, to whatever extent movies have of influence culture, is that kids ought to be able to enjoy childhood without being forced to act like adults.

Nor should kids have to feel inadequate because they can't act or think like the characters they see on the screen. But that's water all over the dam.

No wonder we have so many dysfunctional adults.


So you hated "Stand By Me," then? Because those kids didn't act that much differently.


You're crazy. She stole every scene she was in. You know when I was this girls age I cursed like a sailor too. Never ever around my parents, but some parents let their kids talk that way. No one was a angel at that age. Calm down.


I like how almost everybody in this thread is calling the kid selfish for not wanting anybody to die.
You guys are great.


I think she is central to this movie and it wouldn't be as good without her. She talks and acts like an adult because of the way her father is. She has had to raise herself because her father isn't capable as a parent. After having the house shot up and girl they were trying to protect being killed,,I can understand her frustration when she said "I need a drink".

Free your mind and your ass will follow


Nah. Holly helped making the film even better with her role.


Yep could have done without the Holly character. She wasn't consistent at all. First she wants to pay Healy to beat up an innocent girl at her bday party then she does a 180 and doesn't want him to kill Blueface or John Boy when both of them directly threatened her life. She also has no problem extorting more money from Kuttner then 5 seconds later she scolds her dad for lying and being "the worst detective ever" It made no sense. This doesn't count all the other stupid *beep* she does in the movie like letting a strange guy in her house where Amelia is.


Yup, it's like they had another character in mind and someone rewrote the script to give all her dialogue to a 12 year old. Made NO sense.

Project Mayhem ID: In life I am ur432978. In death, I have a name. My name is AfroGeek.


Way to completely miss the context. Her character was making a joke at the birthday party. There's no contradiction at all with her extorting more money and then scolding her dad. None whatsoever. And the "strange guy", I'm assuming you mean the dude pretending to be a doctor... Why wouldn't she let him in, she was expecting a doctor to arrive.


Totally agree. Came here to post this same sentiment. This movie also gave off a pedo vibe which I'm sure others have commented on.

Project Mayhem ID: In life I am ur432978. In death, I have a name. My name is AfroGeek.


Holly needs to go.
