MovieChat Forums > Baby Driver (2017) Discussion > Hipster douche, the movie. Awful film.

Hipster douche, the movie. Awful film.

1. Everything seemed mad-libbed and not part of a cohesive plot, almost like it was a satire of heist movies.
2. You just knew Kevin Spacey was going to pull the "You're not finished" act with Baby.
3. Ansel Elgort is just an awful actor. I hated his character and wanted him to get buckshot, the sooner, the better.
4. It was very obvious Baby was meant to be a hipster d-bag, but they had to make him flawed to be sympathetic to audiences.
5. When I saw Sony at the very beginning and the numerous shots of records and tape players, I knew this movie was nothing more than one gigantic advertisement for vintage music mediums. Sure enough, Sony announced this week they are getting back into making records, and I suspect, if they're not still making cassettes and players, that won't be too far behind.
6. What sort of cute, white baby gets adopted by a black guy who clearly must have been 50 or 60 or older when he adopted him? Why do they still live in a dump when baby makes all that money?
7. Baby is clearly the best driver in the criminal world. Why is he taking crap from Kevin Spacey's character and chump change? He has to have earned him millions on his jobs, he really would keep him on the hook for 10 years over a car full of "merchandise"? At some point, I think it's clear he would have to give him more incentive to work.
8. It's pretty clear Baby never touches his money. How is that possible? He's buying all sorts of vintage electronics, equipment and dresses like a hipster douche, but doesn't touch his money?
9. Multiple clues the writer/director was rich and privileged are evident in the writing. Baby finishes his last job and just decides to walk away and become a pizza delivery driver? Doc never says anything like "You ready to make real money now?" or anything like that? He chooses to go with the aggressive, "I'll kill everyone you love" approach instead of "You wanna make millions, kid?" Baby has this "money isn't everything" attitude.


Apparently you're in the minority: IMDB: 8.2 RT: 94%.


"He's dead."


The majority like Walmart and McDonalds.
Are you suggesting those are of stellar quality?


Wow! A Blast from the Past!

Do they? And no, of course not, but that has nothing to do with what I said. I was just pointing out that your opinion
was in the minority. I didn't say it wasn't valid.



"My opinion"?
Which one was that? I have not shared my opinion of this film.
Critiquing a fallacious statement is not praising the target of the fallacious statement. It is simply pointing out a poorly reasoned argument.


Actually I was referring to the OP. Sorry for the confusion.



Agreed. Most of the scenes were pointless and didn't lead anywhere

What was the point of the scene where the crew kills the dirty cops selling guns? It's inconsequential. It just leads to a brief argument between Kevin Spacey's character and the rest of the crew then the movie proceeds as if never happened

What was the point of the scene in the car where the Mexican girl and Jon Hamm plan to kill off Jamie Foxx? Again, it leads nowhere and has no impact on the rest of the film. I guess it's just meant to show off how crazy Jon Hamm is, but Jon Hamm isn't really a good choice to play a deranged psychopath and I didn't buy it

What was the point of Jon Bernthal being in the movie? He's basically just there for a cameo. It's like they just getting a bunch of A list actors and giving them all a bunch of "cool" lines would be a legitimate replacement for character development and quality writing

Ansel Elgort has no charisma and is an ok actor at best. His character is just a self-centered, self-righteous hipster yet all the other characters treat him like the most interesting person in the world. They're constantly asking him questions about himself or talking about him amongst each other or just acting totally flabbergasted by his little personality quirks like driving with earphones or wearing sunglasses indoors. When the Mexican cop gun runner asked "what's he listening to?" about Baby all I could do was roll my eyes.

Look, I get it. Heist movies are almost always crowd pleasers. Reservoir Dogs, Heat, Point Break, The Italian Job, Inside Man, The Town, etc. when you have people with machine guns robbing a bank half the work of making an entertaining film is done for you. So I get why Edgar Wright made this steaming turd. It allowed him to do his typical quick-cut, quirky, snappy comedy schtick AND expand into more actiony territory. It serves almost as a "look what you're missing out on" to Marvel for not letting him make Ant-Man his way.


But the movie never really becomes more than just a showcase for Edgar Wright's particular style.

The writing does not ring true. The character's aren't well-rounded. A large chunk of the dialogue between the criminals is just there so you can get to know Baby's backstory and quirks more, but when it's Ansel Elgort's time to actually step up and bring the character to life he just comes across as a bored and boring brat.


You got that right. #3 Especially. Turned off after 20 min. NFW I would have paid money for a stupid movie with the worst title ever (I was expecting something as bad as "Look who's talking" crossed with "Driver" and it was worse than that.) I just wanted to punch that dbag in the face every time I saw his girly lips. Music sucked too. The entire movie was an empty gimmick with hollow characters.



The lack of realism is what pissed me off so much about this movie. There's almost zero element of plausibility in any respect of this movie. Why would this chick put up with even a quarter of the baggage he's brought to the table? He hadnt even laid the pipe down yet which at least would have made it more believable had it been amazing or something. Otherwise, I don't know a single woman who would do all of that for a stranger, let alone wait five years for him lmao! If she did, I'd honestly think she was bananas and become highly suspicious of her mental health.

Also, Kevin Spacey allowing basically all of his thugs to fuck with his lucky charm is ridiculous. Despite the fact that im disappointed in Baby's lack of cajones dealing with those bullies in a timely fashion given how much of a risk taker he is, it's also ridiculous that any successful criminal would arbitrarily antagonize their already decided crime partners to the point of compromising an extremely lucrative operation.

There are so many things that pissed me off about this movie, but nonetheless it was fun. Jamie Foxx and Debora were the film's saving grace, not that Jon Hamm did a bad job. Also, the main character wasn't a hipster, I don't know wtf you guys are talking about. You must not know any actual hipsters.


Apparently you are in the minority since it has a 7.9 rating on IMDB.


"I Am the FBI."


It was an 8.2 last time you posted the same thing. It will be a 7 in another year. Citing IMBD joke rankings isn't an argument for a movie being good. Unless you think There will be Blood at 8.1 is a slightly worse movie than Baby Driver.


What was hipster about him? Using the old stuff to make music? Ever heard of "make do"?
