MovieChat Forums > Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) Discussion > Anyone else disappointed Ego turned in t...

Anyone else disappointed Ego turned in to a bad guy?

Felt really false and out of character. It would be better of he was more of a 'professor with good intentions who had gone too far and ended up redeeming himself (at least to a certain degree) before he died' type of archetype. Not to mention the obvious retcon. Peter's mom died early in his childhood. I'm sure they planned out that the reasoning for that back in 2014 was that his abandoning dad had god powers and gave her cancer!!!....


I expected it but yeah I was disappointed he just turned into another dude who wants to destroy the world. Felt he could have been so much more.

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He didn't want to destroy it. He wanted to remake all universes in his image alone.


There was no "retcon". And it was very much IN character. Gods are fundamentally narcissists. Ego was no different. Peter's mom died when Peter was about 10. That was when Ego sent Yondu and the Ravagers to go and get him from Earth. The impetus for Ego was to do with him what he'd done with all his other "children", use Peter to try to power his "take over" as it were. What he didn't bank on was Yondu double crossing him and keeping Peter for himself, using him to "get into the smaller places". It wasn't until after Ego heard about an Earth man being able to hold an Infinity Gem in his bare hand did he know that it was Peter, and that was his son. Most Gods in the mythology books I've read are not only bad fathers, but mean ones. Always eating their children, or taking them away from their mothers. So to say it was "out of character" very much falls into line with most Gods in how they abuse their powers.


Was it planned from the beginning who Peter's father was? If so, I retract my retcon statement.


The comic version of Ego was never exactly a nice guy. Granted, I don't recall him ever committing genocide, but there have been plenty of stories in which he was an antagonist.


"The comic version of Ego was never exactly a nice guy. Granted, I don't recall him ever committing genocide, but there have been plenty of stories in which he was an antagonist."

Most God-like characters in Marvel comics are villains, and for a good reason. If Ants were making movies, we'd be antagonists too. If you have the power of a creature like Ego, in the big scheme of the universe and billions of years, what's one man, or a woman, or a few dozens or even thousands?
