MovieChat Forums > Le bureau des légendes (2016) Discussion > Damn good show where any faults are grea...

Damn good show where any faults are greatly overshadowed by the rest...SPOILERS...

Just finished Season Five of this series. It is a highly addictive show once you get going, though there are some problems.....

For example, there is a tendency for the show to suddenly drop characters along the way. I'm still wondering about the outcome of a major character in the final season. There was also a French soldier that was utilized a bit in the fourth season (he was played by the French attorney in the French series Spiral.

Something else that bothered me was how one main character in the later seasons was known to keep a notebook filled with all sorts of dirt and information and at one time it showed him simply storing the notebook in his desk drawer. Also, there were times when supposedly brilliant people in the world of espionage ignore their safety when through the show the intelligence people are told: "never let your guard down."

One last thing I really would have liked was if they had built into the five seasons that the final outcome of the main character was planned from the start. hello

Still, with any fault, this show is still one of the best shows around. Looks like there is a 6th season coming along, too.

Also, in one episode - I think it was the next to last - the use of sound during a lengthy segment completely blew me away in how much tension it created.


I saw this series a few years ago - Season 1-4 and waited for 5 - the last season where the last two episodes were to be directed by a different director - Jacques Audiard. A fantastic director that the brilliant original creator/writer/director decided upon for the reason that he wanted someone new who was not emotionally attached - this I will never understand. But anyway, that implied there would be no Season 6.

I have a lot of questions about this series too. It is without a doubt one of the best series I have ever seen. It is very complex and a real thriller. I decided to see the whole thing again. I am not sure you will get this response because it is way after your initial posting.

The French solider wasn’t dropped. He was there to guide and protect Jonas while they were looking for jihadist No. 3. The notebook - JJA’s? The ending came full circle. My questions are completely different - if you are still around - I will ask you. But after seeing the whole thing again, I agree with the actor who played the main character, Malotru - this series could have kept going even replacing new agents with new legends as the ones we saw already had lived 2-3 lives (legends). As far as the main character, he wasn’t in the right place at the end. He would go on however. It would be interesting to see how. But the creator, you have to give him credit, knew when and how to end a series. He knew his ending. Unlike most US shows now, nothing ever ends even in death. So when you ask, “…I really would have liked was if they had built into the five seasons that the final outcome of the main character was planned from the start. hello”. Well they did do that. It ends at it starts. It was all planned.


When does it start getting good? I watched the first three episodes and find it just too slow. It's kind of like being at work, actually. Projects are moving at glacial speeds, nobody knows what's going on, some people are pricks, etc. Not really a fun association. Don't really understand the character motivations and don't particularly like any of them.
