MovieChat Forums > Mulan (2020) Discussion > Wow this movie was shot in Xinjiang, whe...

Wow this movie was shot in Xinjiang, where they hold all Uighur Muslims in concentration camps.

Just imagine in the 1930's. America sent all there manufacturing jobs to Germany and then Hollywood and Disney pander to them by making a Hansel and Gretel movie, shot just outside Auschwitz with all the Jews in there Death Camps. Because that pretty much what happening now.



This post here as well as others I have seen by you have confirmed in my own mind that you're as stupid as a box of rocks. Try reading a fucking book for a change. Don't get on here and air your garbage unformed ideas.


Point out one thing I said that wasn't a fact. Or have you ever read the Koran? I had a whole class in college dedicated to it and it is not a user's guide to peaceful coexistence with anyone outside their faith. That is a fact.


You take that back thomas. Metatron is right. He can prove to use he's right by going to the Middle East and kiss some random dude in front of a crowd. They'll applaud him for it and celebrate with a wedding. Definitely no stoning or thrown off a roof. Best try it in Saudi Arabia or maybe Iran.


You can't talk crap about the Muslims, no matter how heinous they are. You can get banned from message boards for life for that sort of thing! I know, I was.


Im not a fan of Islam as a religion. But systematically killing people because what they believe or for there ethnicity is not right.


Being a muslim isn't ethnicity or racial, you choose to be a muslim just like you can choose to be a Baptist or Catholic, it's a choice. As for killing someone for what they believe, a serial killer has a belief in killing people so do you think serial killers should be allowed to roam free and kill when the mood strikes them? I don't. Killing someone that is going to try and kill you or someone else simply because they don't believe the same bullshit that they do isn't killing it's self defense.


You do realise that the US created ISIS , no ?
That's what Trump said.


He said Obama created ISIS. He was right, the Kenyan born Muslim Obama was responsible for them. What is your point? Muslims are a threat to the world, that hasn't change regardless of who started ISIS.


Are you saying Obama created ISIS by himself ?
CIA and Pentagon not involved in this creation?

Dude , Trump literally said , the US created ISIS. And we all know why.


You ignorant fool you provided a link where it literally quoted Trump saying Obama was responsible for creating ISIS.


Dude , what's your IQ ?


If you can't even back up your bullshit, then do the world a favor and piss off.


Posts like this by thomas998 are a daily reminder that Western civilization has arrived at a point where it's not only indefensible but also hopeless. And I'm saying this as a person who lives in the "West."
It's no longer a question of "What if Hitler had won?" We're seeing these genocidal maniacs right here on our streets, in our educational institutions, workplaces, medical facilities, political establishments, online, and everywhere else.
And how dreadfully low these educational institutions have fallen to produce such wrecks as thomas998.



Say goodbye to your account.

Assuming too much about what complete strangers know or don't know is a good indicator of low intelligence and lack of awareness. After years of research, I have weighed in both Muslims and you, and I have found YOU lacking.
You should pay more respect to people's right to freedom of religion, primitive fool.
Peace be upon Muhammad.


I can't feel bad for Muslims being held in concentration camps. After all the atrocities they commit every single day as a matter of what they deem 'normal'.


Muhammad was a pedophile fucking 10 year olds, anyone that follows him is just as sick.


You deleted your own comment but I got a screenshot. Cold feet again. Just like your hero who took his own life in the bunker.

In the United States in the year 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7. You should also condemn everyone who follows the US Constitution because the age of consent was low when it was written. You should delete your account next.


I never delete anything. If something is deleted its only because raghead cunts like you complain when their feelings get hurt. Do the world a favor the next time you start tossing gays from roof tops and hitch a ride.


Aw man, is Disney getting its butt fried now. It's bad enough the lead actress supports the CCP treating Honk Kong natives like dirt under their feet, and it's bad enough taking away everything that made the cartoon great, but the filming location and ignoring its significance just takes the cake.


Disney Editing Blunder: An Uighur Concentration Camp Can Be Clearly Seen In The Background Of 'Mulan'


Ah, woke Disney getting eaten by the woke crowd. Love to see it.


Well they did say they weren't going to film in Georgia because some abortion law (a subject i really don't care about). But i guess killing people after there born is o.k. according to Disney, if they can make money.



Muslims do this kind of stuff to non-muslims in Muslim majority countries all the time. Not saying this sort of stuff is right, but it's the truth.

In the case of Communist China they're pretty much opposed to all forms of Religion.

Members of any religion are treated with extreme prejudice and persecution in China. Not just Muslims.


Disney only cares about money
