MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2016) Discussion > Do you really think Mahershala Ali deser...

Do you really think Mahershala Ali deserves the hype for this role?

I was absolutely shocked that Ali was nominated for a Golden Globe... not denying he's a good actor but the guy is in the film for about 4 mins total. I read about all his nominations and the hype and I kept expecting him to turn up in later scenes. In my opinion the teenage Chiron and the older Chiron conveyed so many more complex emotions. Thoughts?

In this supporting actor category the award should go to Dev Patel for Lion - absolutely way more moving.


I do believe Mahershala Ali deserves all the hype. It doesn't matter how long the character is on screen. Viola Davis was literally in one scene in "Doubt" and she received an Oscar nomination. His performance was so powerful and believable that he is getting the consideration he deserves.

I do agree with you though that Dev Patel deserves a nomination. I also think Aaron Taylor-Johnson had an excellent performance in "Nocturnal Animals." So I don't think Ali will necessarily win but I think he deserves the hype.


Her crying! That scene has stuck with me for years! She actually appears in multiple scenes in the movie, but otherwise you are correct.


"His performance was so powerful and believable that he is getting the consideration he deserves."

And what exactly was so powerful and believable about his performance? His little speech about not letting anyone else tell you who you are?


That speech was one of many factors as to why he's receiving the recognition he is for this role. Ali definitely immersed himself in his character and was able to exemplify the emotion that comes with being somewhat of a guardian to a child while also being that child's mother's drug dealer. It's an emotional role to play and you can tell through Ali's performance that Juan knows the difference between right and wrong although he's on the wrong side of the law.


No way.

I saw Kevin Costner in Hidden Figures, and he gives a far better performance with far more lines and screen time. Compared to Ali, I'm surprised Costner isn't even being mentioned or considered to be in the top 5. I'm not saying he was "that good", but more deserving than Ali.


William Hurt was in A history of violence less than 20 and was nominated


Hurt had a 20 year career . Ali was good but a few scenes .


You have no idea what acting is if you thought Kevin Costner was a) acting; and b) acting well. No emotion in every single performance is not acting.


I haven't seen Hidden Figures but Hugh Grant was incredible in Florence Foster Jenkins. He actually was the soul of the movie.

I'm so excited, I think I'll brush all my teeth today!


Love Hugh Grant but should he, and especially Streep, have been nominated for that movie?????


Judi Dench won an oscar for Elizabeth; she was onscreen for 8 minutes. Ali was oncreen for 1/3 of the film. And yes, he deserves an oscar. That role crushed me.


Just out of curiosity, did you find Ali's performance more moving than teenage Chiron/older Chiron?


"Ali was oncreen for 1/3 of the film."

That's not really a lot in a 110 minute movie and I don't think he was even in it that long.


wait, what ? a nomination for a little time of role ? this film is overrated asf


The fact that Ali has been getting a lot of critical acclaim for such a nondescript performance is indeed shocking. Like you and many others, I assumed and expected that Ali would show up again at some point later in the film, but that never happened. Here's what I wrote about his performance in another thread:

His "frontrunner" status is completely baffling. All he did in the movie was: walk around a little bit, sit around a little bit, drive around a little bit, chitchat with Little and his girlfriend, get in the water at the beach, and...that's pretty much it.


Haha yes totally agree!


Thought his performance was quiet and somber and truly great however Im always on the fence on wether this type of performances deserves awards
Kind of like when Hathaway won her oscar for Les Mis, she was indeed really good but was probly just in it for 10-15
On the other hand a great performance is a great performance so yeah understand both sides arguments wise


Judi Dench got nominated for a role in Shakespeare In Love and she was only in it for like 1 or 2 scenes. Viola Davis got nominated for Doubt and she probably had just the same. Doesn't matter how much time you put in, it's what you do with it. And why would Dev Patel be a supporting actor when he headlined that movie?

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


Dev Patel is nominated for an Oscar in the supporting actor category, and he was nominated for a Golden Globe in supporting actor too :) I think he should have been nominated for best actor but I guess because he's only in the second half of the film that counts for supporting actor for the Academy voters.


He was good but I don't think it was an awards worthy performance.

He is essentially Glenn Plummer's character from Menace II Society but with a little more depth and dialogue.

"Money's flowing, everything is fine; Got myself an Uzi and my brother a nine"
