MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2016) Discussion > Do you really think Mahershala Ali deser...

Do you really think Mahershala Ali deserves the hype for this role?

I was absolutely shocked that Ali was nominated for a Golden Globe... not denying he's a good actor but the guy is in the film for about 4 mins total. I read about all his nominations and the hype and I kept expecting him to turn up in later scenes. In my opinion the teenage Chiron and the older Chiron conveyed so many more complex emotions. Thoughts?

In this supporting actor category the award should go to Dev Patel for Lion - absolutely way more moving.


Mahershala did a really good job, but no. I don't think he deserves all the hype he's getting. Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes were both much more powerful in their performances, and both deserve Best Supporting Actor nominations more.

I say Best Supporting because, despite portraying the main character of the film, they are each only in 1/3 of it.

There is another reason to fill your heart with hatred.


OP - thanks for this thread. I also don't see why Ali is getting all the hype. His performance was good, not more. I give the highest praise to Alex Hibbert, the kid who played Little. He conveyed so much without words and was true every moment. The actor who played the teenage Chiron, Ashton Sanders, was also excellent. Both were better than Ali.


No he is the token black actor who will get an Oscar this year. After the white Oscars blackout for the past twp years you KNOW a minority is going to win. I prefer Dev Patel to win for Lion because he deserves it. This guy does not have the acting resume Dev Patel has. Patel is younger and a superior actor.


I'm seeing the film tonight, so I can't really comment on whether or not Ali's role deserves hype.

But as per the argument about whether he deserves a Best Supporting nod based on his screen time, see 'Network'. Ned Beatty is in that film for one scene that lasts about five minutes and he got a Best Supporting nod as well. When you see it, you'll know that an amazing and memorable performance is completely achievable in a small space of time.


Trevante Rhodes should have gotten the nod over Ali. Though I really like Ali as an actor and thought his small performance in this film was pretty dang good.


not denying he's a good actor but the guy is in the film for about 4 mins total.
There have been several extremely short supporting performances that nonetheless were nominated for or even won Oscars. Hermione Baddeley was in A Room at the Top for only a little more than two minutes, and she was nominated for an Oscar. Beatrice Straight was in Network for under 6 minutes, and she won an Oscar. Size doesn't matter.

I kept expecting him to turn up in later scenes.
How could you have expected him to show up in later scenes? During the middle section of the movie, various characters kept talking about the fact that he had died. Since his character was dead, why would you have any expectation that he would show up again, except maybe in a flashback?


I did like his acting in a few scenes and he was by far my favorite character. I wish he had more screentime dammit.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Totaly agree.

There were actors that were robbed for Supporting role on the past. Val Kilmer for Tombstone wasnt even nominated!!! One of the best performances ever for supporting role...Check his performance and correlate it with Mahershala Ali...Laughable...And Mahershala Ali is a good actor I dont mean the opposite...


So powerful and effective. Lit up the screen in every scene. So yes
