MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2016) Discussion > Do you really think Mahershala Ali deser...

Do you really think Mahershala Ali deserves the hype for this role?

I was absolutely shocked that Ali was nominated for a Golden Globe... not denying he's a good actor but the guy is in the film for about 4 mins total. I read about all his nominations and the hype and I kept expecting him to turn up in later scenes. In my opinion the teenage Chiron and the older Chiron conveyed so many more complex emotions. Thoughts?

In this supporting actor category the award should go to Dev Patel for Lion - absolutely way more moving.


I do. Thought he was excellent in this.


Yes I do. I thought he gave the best performance in a film filled with great performances.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Even though his screen time was minimal, I thought there was something so natural and authentic about his performance. It was the kind of role where an actor isn't acting at all and just completely blends into the persona of the character being portrayed. From the way he walked and talked, to the way he was trying to get the little boy to speak, to his interactions with the boy's mother, to teaching the boy how to swim and telling the story about finding your own way in the world...everything felt so raw and real, like I was watching a documentary instead of a movie. And of course the scene where they're sitting at the dining table and he is struggling to hold back tears after Chiron asks him those questions - what an emotional punch to the gut.


Just saw the movie and when I left u said to my friend I hope the drug dealer in the beginning gets nominated and I'm so happy to find out he did.


I think you may need to learn more about time. MA was onscreen for maybe 15 - 20 minutes, and these days that's enough to be eligible for supporting actor. In the olden days it wasn't, then Judy Dench got a supporting Oscar for about 4 minutes in Shakespeare in Love. That probably was when everything changed. I for one think that choice was absurd, but I'm not in charge.

Now Michelle Williams is onscreen in Manchester for about the same amount of time as Mahershala Ali is, and both gave such wonderful performances, they really deserve a nod.


I thought Mahershala was better in "Luke Cage" on Netflix actually. And I think the teenage actor who played Chiron did the best acting of any of the men in the film. When he broke down in the counselor's office, that was powerful. He and Noemie Harris stood out the most for me.

Self-Respect and a hymen are better than friends and fun. Love, Mom-Amy, The Big Bang Theory


I think he deserves the oscar nomination, it is supporting actor after all. The screentime isn't relevant. I thought one of the best scenes of the film was when he and chiron were sitting and talking at his dinner table. Very memeroble, very powerful. And a lot of it has to do with his performance.

But i do agree that the actors playing teenage and older chiron were both great. I thought Ashton Sanders should have been nominated as well, for lead actor, or supporting if his performance doesn't count as lead performance since three different actors play the lead role.


Regardless of the screentime, the teenage, older, and even kid Chiron gave more in the film. I don't get all the hype as well.
