MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > Had to turn it off after 30 minutes

Had to turn it off after 30 minutes

I couldn't keep up with the movie without thinking about something. It fills you with stupidity and goes nowhere. Maybe i missed something but but don't know what the buzz is all about, about this movie, one of the worst horror movies i have ever seen and i have seen worse.


It definitely picked up a bit during the second half.


"It definitely picked up a bit during the second half"
You are right, the movie picks up during the second half. It's actually not that bad and realistic to a real situation


SPOILER : yeah,right about the time the guy gets an arrow in his chest and he also gets stabbed but hey he's doing pretty well using his hands with full strength trying to strangle her.while the script tries hard to play decently this cat and mouse thing, it cannot escape the jason cliche.anyway i watched it till the end.not to recommend it to anyone.but i would like to see kate siegel again.she managed well all the way through a mediocre to say the least thriller.


He wouldn't have needed to use his full strength. She was already on the verge of passing out and he was sitting on top of her, so all he really had to do was lean down and put his weight on her.


one of the worst horror movies i have ever seen and i have seen worse.

Maybe you should try watching the whole movie before saying stuff like this.


one of the worst horror movies i have ever seen and i have seen worse.



only in the sense that it didn't follow the well worn tropes of predictable cartoon horrors. This one had a bad guy that we got to see close up, without scary lighting and a scary soundtrack sting. Perhaps this horror was too close to how a real situation might play out. Maybe that's what they mean by worst, as in the least like predictable b grade junk we're flooded with.


My thoughts exactly: "EH?"


Had to read that a few times myself, still not sure what it means.


It doesn't mean anything. Not everybody makes sense, you know.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I envy you. With all the high ratings (probably shill) I endured it till the end.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


I have nothing to do with the movie and I thought it was pretty decent.
It was different. the bad guy was right there in front of you. no spooky lighting, no editing jump scares, just 2 people pitting their wits against each other. You don't often see that in modern horror. it's all formulaic. This one broke the mold and perhaps that upset a few people.
Th bad guy certainly made a few mess ups, he under estimated her. it didn't go well for him, he doesn't have to be a criminal mastermind to be a criminal.


one of the worst horror movies i have ever seen

You haven't seen it, dumbo. Having seen 1/3 of a movie doesn't count as having seen it.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


dumbo? it takes less than seeing a third of the movie to see if it's good or not, most times it doesn't matter how it picks up cause the audience have lost interest by then. Same goes with music, if it didn't hook you in the first few seconds then you turn it off, and that goes with novels as well.


That's a dumb logic really. Movies, music and books can get better and more interesting. It all just depends on the attention span of the viewer/hearer/reader after all.


I disagree, slightly. I think that most people do turn off a song or switch to a different book if it isn't engaging enough early on. I certainly do this with music, and especially with books, if the prologue or first couple chapters suck. However, it is more rare than it used to be. I tend to sit through movies unless they are really bad, but I try my best to watch them to the credits. I would bet that a lot of people are like that.




you're an idiot


I rated it a 4 and that's only because I'm biased. If it was any other writer/director I would have given it a 1. It's a shame this movie didn't do anything new it was just the same old shyt.


can you name another horror movie that shows the bad guy so close up, or that uses the deafness of the lead actor in a similar way, and portrays it as they did?


Innovative doesn't mean good. And it isn't very innovative either.


Check out Wait Until Dark, a thriller with a blind Audrey Hepburn. It's a very similar premise (made 50 years ago!) but overall a more enjoyable film, with a great performance by a very menacing Alan Arkin.


I'm loving the rare admiration Wait Until Dark is getting across this movie's page. And your brief summary is spot-on.



Great suggestion, but I seriously doubt the OP has the attention span to make it through Wait Until Dark.


You must have not seen "They Found Hell" yet. Not to mention the horrific for the wrong reason films that have been released throughout movie history.


Good movie. I liked that the 1st and 2nd half were quite different. Saying this is one of the worst movies ever is just ignorant but what you get from internet sites.


Every IMDB board for every film ever made has someone who claims it is the worst movie ever made, or if it is an undisputed classic, that it is wildly overrated.

As a gentlemens bet here once I went to the "Citizen Kane" IMDB forum just to prove the point and sure enough, someone claimed it was overrated crap without giving one solid reason to support the assertion.

The latter aspect is my true gripe with the "this is horrible" comments. No back-up. If people were to say "This is the worst movie ever made because the cinematography is blurred, the direction is inconsistent, the actors seem to be not connecting with the material (such as it is), and the script seems to be writing itself as in the film makers are making it up as they go along" then that adds validity to stating why the poster thought it was a horrible movie. Just saying it is and that is that is nothing more than being a troll.


Yeah, I completely agree. I mean some movies are just bad but at least say why.


I never got over a deaf girl having a ring tone on her phone, then leaving it on the side, now i'm not deaf, but i'd put my phone on vibrate and keep it in my pocket.

Come to think of it, why call her on a phone as someone did, she can't hear or talk?


The phone blinked a bright light when it was ringing, but it had to be screen down. Reason it probably had the basic ringtone was that she simply never bothered to turn it off, and it still would be useful for other to hear it on those occasions when she just doesn't want a sizable, microwave-emitting device clamped to her person.

Repeatedly it was shown that sbe used Facetime (tm) where she reads lip on her conveniently synced Apple (tm) devices, or to text.

"I like to watch."  Chauncey Gardiner, 'Being There'


Didn't she also receive FaceTime notifications through her laptop?
