MovieChat Forums > Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Discussion > All this hate before it has even been re...

All this hate before it has even been released?

It could well turn out to be a steaming pile of shite but let's give it a chance. It will certainly be a damned sight better than Justice League was and it has cost less than 25% of what Justice League ended up costing....


Nice try. You can’t fool me.

But I’ll chime in anyway and throw you some facts. Could well turn out to be a steaming pile of dung, yess? And, oh, what do thou based this on may I ask? Cuz juding by its generally (you can say overwhelming if not for those trivial “not big enough stakes” critics) favorable reviews, it will be the FURTHEST thing from a pos a la BVS, Suicide Squad, Justice League. AM&TW looks like it’s going to continue Marvel’s winning streak. Period!

And just take a closer look. It’s butthurt manbaby fans of the DCEU (one troll in particular *winks*) spreading any hate you see. Like today’s real life bots, they want to make it appear as if there’s division here (hmm, could I be on to something OP?). There are some Marvel fans that don’t share the same excitement for this movie than they did for other recent MCU movies, but I doubt any real fan is worried or expecting this to be shit.

Your hate aside, the movie has been getting tons of positive buzz. Fact.


Wonder how much money feige gave to critics lol


I love Marvel and DCEU movies. Hate the fanboy attitude and wish people can just appreciate that now we get these movies so much we can actually see some shit 3 or 4 times a year. Back in my day sonny, comic book movies was the Tim Burton campy Batman or no effects really to speak of Dick Tracy (and there were no actual dicks to see at all)

So we should all just get along. While I dont like TLJ I still watched it and went, meh, but not enough to attack another dude if he likes it.

I will definately watch this movie and Aquaman and all the other shit thrown out me because life is short and I dont wanna die without watching what I can. #turtlemoviesweregreat



Ant man and wasp will be biggest flop of 2018 lol mark my words



mcu sucks dceu is best everyone knows it lol


If the movie doesn't flop, you'll eat your own shit, right?


Ignore DoucheFanaticArmy. I think he's either 11 or mentally challenged...or maybe a little of both?


Dc shits on marvel in every way since from 1939 lol


Thank you so much for this extremely poorly constructed comment that confirms my above comment. This will be the last time I reply to your poorly crafted trolling attempts. There are people good at it in these forms, take a lesson from them.


i am a dc fanboy not a fake dc fan like you guys who loves marvel and shitty nolan trilogy
andre is the best dc fan ever


Andre is a fucking idiot, the most angry butthurt stupid fat fuck to ever walk this earth



being I saw it, i'll say it's a lot lighter than most MCU movies. Almost a family film basically. But it's fun and funny one Rudd, Lilly, and Douglass are awesome in it again.
