Skip Episode 3?

Okay, I like the show so far, but with episode 3, I'm like 4 min in; it's just unbearable. I can get on with the reasons why but nobody actually cares anyway. Without me having to justify my view, can somebody simply answer if I can skip the damn thing without it effecting the following episodes? Does it even matter? Skimming through, the whole freakin' episode is of that lady who I don't give a crap about. May as well be the guy telling George Carlin about the dinosaur turd.


Hope you ended up watching the whole thing. It's a master class in dialogue.


Well, clearly it failed for me and for certain others. That's a subjective claim you're making, and I'm the last person to say something like that. I'm sure it had objectively good qualities about it, but there some people like you are talking about it as is it's the only case of good dialogue ever scripted for TV.


Don't get mad ! I don't mean to be a snob about it or stupid stuff like that. I just think it is a great conversation anyway. Peace!


Holy sh!t. Go play Pokemon Go or something you Millenial f@cking travesty.

That rug really tied the room together.


Nice conflation there, but I'm certainly much more critical of Pokemon Go than I even am of this episode.

In any case, I was right. This episode had absolutely no bearing on the rest of the show, so it really does turn out like just a fake interview of an imaginary character who is never shown again. Why would I have needed to watch an over half hour audition of some random actor? There's no reason care and I connected with and understood Louie's character sufficiently without it. Don't be such a dramatic *beep* [kuhnt].


I just finished ep. 3. I found it the best one so far. The writing and acting are top notch. It felt like a cross between Bergman/Allen.

Citing NASA as experts on these matters is like citing the KK on matters of race relations.
- rj


I agree, and the acting by Laurie Metcalf was amazing. I can see if an episode or a character does not appeal to some people, but making a big crap about it over nothing just shows they are nothing.


I hated Episode 3 so much i stopped watching the series. Its an old woman droning on about having an affair with an even older man. You don't even get any context in the beginning, and then you realize its Horace listening (God knows why even Horace would care about his ex-wife's current marital problems).


Are you for reals? Go ahead and skip the whole show, man, every goddamn episode. This art is lost on you.


A bit late there buddy? I mean, commit whatever logical fallacies you want but the rest of the show was great. Sorry, didn't know there couldn't be a single bad episode in a show.


Just wanted to say that OP is the reason why people around the world look down on Americans.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


Lol, yeah, yeah. What took you so long in making that thoughtless comment? It's been over half a year now.


I could just has skipped the episode. Gave me nothing exept for a lot of boredom.


You sound an idiot.
