Skip Episode 3?

Okay, I like the show so far, but with episode 3, I'm like 4 min in; it's just unbearable. I can get on with the reasons why but nobody actually cares anyway. Without me having to justify my view, can somebody simply answer if I can skip the damn thing without it effecting the following episodes? Does it even matter? Skimming through, the whole freakin' episode is of that lady who I don't give a crap about. May as well be the guy telling George Carlin about the dinosaur turd.


Just re-read this, and you're probably dead by now, and if not you should be ... but skipping a piece of a work of art, such as it is, is bad enough, but then coming to a public forum and making a stink about it is psycho. Maybe you need some of Steve Buscemi's Probitol? before you hurt yourself of someone else.
