MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Season 3 episode 1 thoughts

Season 3 episode 1 thoughts

I guess they were afraid the fans would not be able to accept Isaac being back in the crew without at least an episode, maybe an entire season-long arc, of making him suffer for it. This they did by exploring how the crew now views him. I would actually have been fine with his return without such an episode.

So it's a rather unusual episode. I admire the daring of doing something different, but at the same time the end result is a little underwhelming. In fact my partner started to fall asleep at times. I didn't have that problem, but still, it's not what I'm really looking for in this show. I want more discovery and adventure. But I'm patient.

For fans of ship detail, there was a whole lot of "ship porn". I can take it or leave it with this sort of stuff. Would have preferred more storytelling instead. By the way, the idea that they're doing possibly destructive maneuvers right next to several ships seemed rather foolishly risky.

It was good to see another regular character in the show, Charly Burke, as the new navigator. However, her acting at times was far from convincing. Maybe she's better for comedic or action scenes. For the dramatic scenes that happened to show up in her first episode though, she seemed out of her depth. Well, let's see if she can improve.

The level of humor seemed down in this episode, probably because of the nature of the storyline. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come, though. They should definitely bring it back.

Overall feeling was that it's fantastic to have the show back and looking forward to new stories and developments with these characters.


I thought it was a very good episode, especially coming back after such a long break.

Isaac's suicide was a surprise, and I think they did a good job of exploring how it affected different crew members.

The comedy was definitely toned down.

I though the CGI in the "ship battle" was poor compared to a similar battle against the Kaylon fleet in Season 2.

I though the Ensign Burke character fits right in. I though the actress did well, especially in her mess hall scene with Isaac.

The Orville continues to carry on the spirit of Star Trek.


Did you mean the dream at the beginning or what happened later? I thought the dream was just the season 2 stuff repeated? If the later stuff, what aspects of it were worse? I'm curious.


Yes, I meant the dream stuff.
I re-watched the S2 Kaylon episodes last week and the ship/battle CGI was quite good.
It seemed to me that the dream battle CGI was not the same quality.
Could be wrong.


It's not just the same footage repeated? Surprised! Haven't watched it in a while. Maybe they don't have the same budget on Hulu that they had on Fox.


I still hate the 3 bar engines and the huge empty space in the hull. I was hoping they redesign the ship for this season. The Pteradon looks stupid too. Glad to have the show back though.


I'll tell you what, it was a welcome breath of fresh air from the garbage that they now call Star Trek.

I'm looking forward to more of the same.


I agree, I will take this over the "excellent" Star Trek: SNW any day. I have no desire to see a TOS wannabe cover band that craps over existing Star Trek canon (Lt. Kyle is Asian now, and if you don't like it, you're a bigot!).


Not being a fan of the old Trek (have seen maybe 2 episodes, lol) I do enjoy SNW. A lot more than the other 2 failures and a bit more than The Orville.

But still Orville is quite good.


I was so looking forward to season 3! But I'm disappointed. Not sure why, this episode didn't seem all that interesting. I hope it improves for me, as it seems many others enjoyed it. I don't know why I feel this way, maybe because it feels like it's been so long.


Dedicated to Norm MacDonald (Yaphit). I don't like the lengthy space CG scenes. Just showing they have a big budget now.

It would be more realistic if Isaac was assigned to a military base if he had useful information. Otherwise reverse engineer him.
