
I tried to pay attention.

1. Why would sex traffickers kidnap a senator's daughter?
2. Why did the senator either commit suicide or get killed?
3. Why was Angel, his son, and Joe's mother killed?
4. Who did the cops kill at the hotel room door?
5. Why after killing the guy at the door wouldn't they kill Joe?

I have long admired JP. His performances in Return to Paradise and The Village are among my favorites of any performer....but I did not get this movie at all.



I would have to go back and re-read the novella again (it really adds to the watching of the flick)....if I recall, in the book the traffickers got the girl from the father (I believe because he owed money...but I'm not sure)....

Which answers why the suicide....

Joe was creating such havoc that they were killing everyone close to him to get to flush him out and they waited for him....

I'm going to have to watch it again for the other stuff....


1. Why would sex traffickers kidnap a senator's daughter?

The man Joe mortally wounded in his house and then sat there until he died told Joe that the senator "wanted out, of all of it". This suggests the senator was part of the child sex abuse/trafficking ring. When he wanted out. the "organization" for lack of a better word kidnapped his daughter to send a message to him that there was no getting out.

2. Why did the senator either commit suicide or get killed?

Could be either. Suicide over guilt that he was responsible for the kidnapping of his daughter, or maybe he was killed.

3. Why was Angel, his son, and Joe's mother killed?

The people searching for Joe went to his handler John McCleary (played by John Doman) and saw the index card that had their name and number on it. Joe had told John that they need to lose Angel's number as he didn't want to use him anymore for transmitting funds. McCleary either ignored him or just hadn't gotten rid of the card yet, as you see it there on the desk covered in blood by McCleary's corpse.

4. Who did the cops kill at the hotel room door?

That was the hotel desk clerk. They forced him to go to the door and stand there so that if Joe looked out he would see the clerk and not the men coming to kill him/re-capture Nina.

5. Why after killing the guy at the door wouldn't they kill Joe?

That likely was the plan, but Joe didn't wait around for that to happen. Possible he was going to try and question Joe a bit first about who else knows what.
