MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > What I've Learned from Aftermath

What I've Learned from Aftermath

1. Aviator shades aren't just for sunny days.

2. You can pick up fully automatic weapons at the local gun store.

3. Air Force special operations guys are combat-trained commandoes.

4. Skinny white chicks can be bad-ass AF special operators.

5. Wayne Brady can be a bad-ass AF special operator.

6. You don't need to aim a gun.

7. No training or practice is necessary to become proficient with all manner of firearms.

8. Having gasoline in plastic jugs strapped to the top of your RV while bullets are being shot at you presents no danger whatsoever.

9. Have your aviator shades on you at all times.

10. Amish guys weren't made for these end days.

11. When you need to bust through a chained gate, just drive your RV (your only form of transportation) through it. It'll bust through, the chains won't hold.

12. An RV that's been treated like a tank will show no signs of wear and tear.


35. If you need to get to a wounded comrade during a firefight, just run across the line of fire.

36. The thin sheet metal in automobile doors can stop bullets and is a good shield to hide behind in a firefight.

37. Twin voodoo can help you determine if someone is going to die.


38. When a volcano is about to blow, stay behind to repair the RV because your research is in it.


39. Anne Heche can run 498 mph.

I always make my wife look under my ballz. No joke! Ticks look for warm places 


LMAO! Love this one!


40. Louis Ferreira (Bob 'Moondog' Black - The voice on the radio) is Portuguese, like me!!
I just learned that a few minutes ago. Nice!

I always make my wife look under my ballz. No joke! Ticks look for warm places 


Thing is, I could make a much longer, more damning list for the Walking Dead.
Basically, if you are looking for faults, you'll find them in every single show. If you want, I can write an 80 point version for Walking Dead or Breaking Bad.


40a. Comment disregarded because it didn't start with a number.

Also, you are right but it doesn't change the FACT that "What I've learned" lists are fun.

I always make my wife look under my ballz. No joke! Ticks look for warm places 


There's always a contrarian going, "you know gold and sh!t is basically the same." No you couldn't. You could make a forced and unfunny attempt, if you felt like wasting your time and entertaining no-one.


41. If you're going to set a show in a certain state or city, don't bother to know anything about where the cities are in relation to each other or the real names of roads. Just make it all up because no one will know the difference (except anyone who lives or visits that state.)

42. Volcanoes just stop spewing dust and rock after an hour or so and then it's sunny and safe to move around right next to it. Bonus! All the dust and rock just disappear.

43. If a pyroclastic floe or hot volcanic ash or the ejecta from a meteor strike is headed your way, hide under a bus or RV because all of that stuff only goes around the sides and never under the vehicle.

44. When it's the end of the world, your mom and dad will both be okay with a 12-year age difference between their 16-year-old daughter and 28-year-old soldier.

45. Eventually realize that every stranger you meet, no matter how nice they seem at first, will a) try to kill you, b) fall in love with one of your children c) die within a few days, d) do all three.

46. After a volcanic eruption and all the ejecta magically disappearing, it is very important to dust the inside of the RV so it looks nice.

47. Whenever scouting for food or checking out a new area, be sure to talk loudly amongst yourselves, never look around and not watch your backs.

48. Don't bother to bring a siphon hose with you and empty every vehicle you run across because in your gas-guzzling RV those gas tanks on your roof will never be punctured, stolen or run out.

49. In a world full of skinwalkers, shape-shifters, people-eating plants, crazy homicidal people and escaped prisoners, it's okay to leave people alone in the woods or RV or elsewhere. I mean, what could happen?



50. To survive the end of the world, you need to be very sarcastic.


6. You don't need to aim a gun.

Nope. You just have to aim for the sky and watch the bullets fall on your targets.
Or, as any good SecOp would tell you, use a long distance remote tibetan monk...

7. No training or practice is necessary to become proficient with all manner of firearms.

Hence the monk.

Drinking glue and sniffing booze.


Nope. You just have to aim for the sky and watch the bullets fall on your targets.
Or, as any good SecOp would tell you, use a long distance remote tibetan monk...

I think in the new Call of Duty game that is a new weapon, the Tibetan monk. Get 10 kills in a row and call in the monk to take out your enemies without even having to see them.


51. Just because a couple is married in real life does not mean they will have any chemistry on film together.

52. Teen girls will get back to smiling, joking and fighting with their sister within twenty minutes of their boyfriend dying right in front of them.

53. When you drive all the way back to your farm to find your land salted, your home partially burned down and your feverhead neighbor raging on your front lawn, just turn the RV around and go east. (I'd be seeing if there anything salvageable that I might need before leaving.)

54. When building an emergency eruption bunker under a dormant volcano, just put in a regular air vent straight from the outside. No need for filters for all the superheated and toxic volcanic ash and steam that would blast down the mountain and into your air vents.


55. RVs in the Apocalypse get amazing gas mileage.
