
Coming in 2023 folks


What would make it NOT woke? All white cast? What is the deal with you anti-woke people? These things don't bother me, and I'm not a racist. So when I see that it bothers other people, I assume they're racist, and I understand that could be a false assumption. Is it possible for diversity to bother someone who's not racist? This is a serious question, not a joke. I'm truly curious. Please advise...


If you do get an answer it'll be a load of bullshit they think justifies their bigotry
"Forced on us"
"box ticking"
"race proportional"


Yes. That’s exactly how us white folk see it.
We don’t go to the movies to be preached.


A black girl on screen equals preaching? LOL!


She did seems to have a major role when it is suppose to be about Wonka.
Ticking boxes.




What an uncomfortable life to live. To see all these hidden meanings and have it affect you emotionally. I don't envy you, or your ilk.


us white folk



You don’t count 😉




This doesn't look like it is going to be preachy at all. What makes you think that you will be preached at by Wonka?


Wonka is woke cause most of his chocolate is brown and dark brown. Even in the 1971 original, whenever a kid opens a Wonka bar, I never see white chocolate. It's been woke since 1971. LOL!


Please don’t pretend you speak for all “white folks.” It’s insulting to the rest of us.


You don’t count either. Ask Jo Willi


Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I needed your permission.




So, please inform me. What other members of the human race "do not count?" Who else exists and doesn't have the right to?


People with woke agendas who enjoy pissing off those that don’t.
Why would you even visit a thread called ‘wokena’ if not to troll?


So, your definition of "trolling" is to disagree? Interesting.

Out of curiosity, what is your definition of "woke?" From what you've written, being "woke" either means not being a Caucasian male or having the audacity to think that any human being other than a Caucasian male is inferior to a Caucasian male.

If your definition of "woke" is anything else, please, enlighten me.


"If you do get an answer it'll be a load of bullshit they think justifies their bigotry
"Forced on us"
"box ticking"
"race proportional" "

So, you've listed the legitimate reasons that rational people might object to woke casting, called them "bullshit" to justify bigotry, and that's how you head off any logical arguments. Perfect example of leftist strategy.


the difference is those things are not whats happening


What is "woke casting"?


YES, it is possible for diversity to bother people who are not racist. It depends on the circumstances. A black character in The Neverending Story did not bother me as it was set in a fantasy world. In the live action Beauty and the Beast it did trouble me somewhat because it was set in France around the 17th-18th Century when most people in France never saw a black person until at least World War I and then very few but it didn't absolutely ruin the movie for me. The remade A Wrinkle in Time and The Little Mermaid I could not watch. In A Wrinkle in Time the movie had Meg Murry be both black and adopted. In the book she is the actual (not adopted) child of a white father and a redheaded mother and they have to make out like there's something wrong with that! In The Little Mermaid the audience is supposed to accept that Ariel's father has a lot of wives as the daughters all look so different but for crying out loud we all KNOW what Ariel looks like! Also didn't like what they did to some of the other characters who were cute in the animated version. I don't appreciate when characters in some of the works of Charles Dickens are race swapped. Sometimes it works but usually it doesn't. That being said, the black characters in Wonka didn't bother me because who's to say they weren't black? The roles were well cast and well played.




Just out of curiosity, what is Ariel supposed to look like according to you?


Ariel should look like the animated version, since that films popularity is what inspired and motivated them to make such an expensive movie remake. This didn't get made because of the 1837 story that was considerably darker and different.


I did ask CoriSCapnSkip meant when they said

we all KNOW what Ariel looks like!

Disney created the Ariel character as she didn't even have a name in the original story. I just wanted clarification if the were meaning just the Disney version.

As for Disney changing a character they've already changed, I don't care.


Burk48917 nailed it as far as what Ariel looks like and why so no need for me to repeat.


Wow. What a mouthful.


Beauty and the Beast is also a fantasy story. As is A Wrinkle In Time, a movie literally based on a book of fiction. And The Little Mermaid. So you either don't agree with your own premise or you do?


What premise? The original works established what the characters look like. Sometimes race swapping works but usually it doesn't. Meanwhile there are plenty of good works about people of color not being made which should be.


You stated the race of a character in The Never Ending Story didn't bother you because it's a fantasy story, but all the stories I mentioned are also fantasy stories, hence the premise of why their race is acceptable to you. Nothing else you added negated that point.

Establishing what a book or movie character looks like doesn't mean that appearance is set in stone. Ariel wasn't a redhead in the original book, the movie changed it, and another movie changed it, and so on - there are multiple little mermaid films just fyi, she was only a red head in the early Disney franchise. "Race swapping" an actor also doesn't set in stone the new actor's race as the go-to race for the character forever, they just went with an actor whose voice and acting ability they liked - just like they did with the Filipina voice actor for Disney's animated version of Ariel. The Japanese little mermaid anime film featured a blonde Ariel and a Japanese voice actor.

It doesn't matter what "good works about POC" are being made or not, that's irrelevant to this particular discussion. POC acting in films usually featuring a white only cast doesn't contribute anything to films featuring a mainly POC cast not being made - but it might, if those POC actors are given the chance to shine among predominantly casts and allowed to prove that those films deserve to be made.


Beauty and the Beast is set in France in around the 17th Century. Most if not all people in France never saw a black person until American troops came over in World War I. Even in England where black slaves and servants were held for a time they were fairly scarce in the general population. I suppose the characters in A Wrinkle in Time could be any race, but the author created not only a book but a series about a white family with a redheaded, possibly Irish, mother. Making major changes is bothersome to people who cared enough to read the books.


Pretty sure they also never saw a kid who turned into a beast and lived as one until true love turned him back into a human in his adult years, or an eternal rose, or a witch that created a magical curse, so I think they can handle not white people in this same fictional alternate France.

Loads of POC with Irish descent exist, like Obama and Mariah Carey. Not that hair colour makes a difference when it comes to portraying a character well in most cases, but celebrities are pretty famous for dyeing their hair red for a role, like Sophie Turner and Cynthia Nixon


Who cares what "most" French people would have seen? And to say that anything close to no French person at all had seen a black person prior to WWI is ludicrous.

French traders and sailing ships were sending slaves from west Africa to America in the middle of the 17th century.

The French passed a law in the following century to stop Africans from entering France. Sounds like they thought they had enough or there were too many coming in. Who passes a law preventing people from a whole other continent entering a country if nobody at all has ever seen one of these people in that country?

Please google Thomas Alexandre Dumas.


They like to be asleep. It's how they thrive.


