MovieChat Forums > Don't Breathe 2 (2021) Discussion > Wait so now he's a good guy?

Wait so now he's a good guy?

So now he's a sweet old man with a little girl getting invaded by criminals? wasn't this guy like kidnapping women and trying to impregnate them in the first movie with his sperm using a turkey baster? We supposed to root for him now?


Yeah honestly I think I'm gonna pass on this one for that reason unless I hear it's actually good.


Yeah he was a straight up villain in the first movie, now in the trailer for this its played up like he's a sweet old man teaching this little girl and they have a sweet relationship, he has a dog that gets killed, and you got these scumbag thugs coming after him. Now he's like John Wick taking them out and protecting himself like he's some anti hero.

No he's not a good guy ffs, i wanted this guy to die in the first movie, he was disgusting, i remember him tearing a hole in the lead girls pants and about to inject his sperm into her through a turkey baster, now we're supposed to root for this guy to kill the bad guys like he's Liam Neeson?


Yeah, just the latest trend in Hollywood of making villains "sympathetic".


Where else has this been used? Am
I missing something?


Maleficient and Cruella for example


Oh ok, I have never seen either of those, so I guess I am missing this trend….


Arnold mowed down 50 innocent cops in the first terminator and became the good guy in the second


Wasn't the same Terminator in part 2 though.


Exactly and they explain why he's a good Terminator in part 2 by telling us John and the Resistance reprogrammed him and sent him back as protector.


bad example by acelesson but there are lots of "good protagonists" who have killed dozens- hundreds of thousands or millions of people and we root for them


Okay playing devils advocate for a moment, he wasn't 100% a villain in the first one.

Sure, he was trying to kill the main characters, but they were home invaders and as far as he knew, were gladly going to rob and kill him. Granted, the forced impregnation thing was bad, but it's not like he kidnapped random women for this. Both of them wronged the hell out of that guy.

All I'm saying is, a redemption arc to anti-villain status isn't unreasonable.


Yeah, let's reserve judgement till we see how they handle it. If anything we should be happy they are trying something different. Him protecting his house again would be a bit stale.


"Granted, the forced impregnation thing was bad"

Sit down, you fool


Got anything worthwhile to contribute? Or is that silly ass response all your capable of?


You defended someone who shoved a turkey baster packed with splooge up a woman's vagina, save the fake outrage for another time.


Wasn't defending his actions, just putting them into context that character wasn't a full on villain. Look at Negan on the walking dead. Dude was a straight up warlord who murdered, brutalized, and raped for two seasons, and now he's basically a fan favorite character and living amongst the people who he terrorized.

My point remains, you could easily make Lang's character a reluctant anti-hero in a sequel with decent writing.


"just putting them into context that character wasn't a full on villain"

My point remains"

Stop. It.


kuatorises: stfu, imbecile.


-man kidnaps and rapes women

"that character wasn't a full on villain"

No more questions, Your Honor


What's the problem with that?


IIRC the woman he kidnapped in first place wasn't random, like UncleRuckis said. It was the woman who killed his daughter in a car accident and got away with a slap on the wrist because her family probably had enough money to pay a good lawyer ("rich girls don't go to jail"). The blind man thought it was only fair that she gave him a new child, in fact he promised her he would set her free just as soon has she gave him a child.

Does it make his actions good? No, but it gives them a context to understand his character. Once he accidentally found a new child (Phoenix/Tara) he took care of her, protected her and taught her. He knew from the news that her parents were not good for her (the house burnt down because of the meth lab in the basement) and he was right from what is revealed to be the father's real motivation behind "saving" her from the blind man.

He never meant to kill anyone, and no one would have died if it wasn't for the home invasions (well, both of them).

Is he good? Is he bad? Or is he just broken? That's up for debate.


"Is he good? Is he bad? Or is he just broken? That's up for debate."

Be quiet. - and this was after he already RAPED the first girl.


Did you forget that Rocky broke into his home with his friends and caused the death of Cindy?

There's a lot of movies where the "bad guy" character is open to debate. "Law abiding citizen", "Prisoners" are just two that come to mind right now.

I would recommend you to read warrior-poet's excellent post on the subject here:

Be quiet.

No, why should I?



kuatorises why are you even here? there are plenty of Disney films for you to watch. you don't need to be in here spewing outrage as if the film is real life. go away and let people have a meaningful discussion since you have nothing at all to contribute.

what he was doing in the first film was fucked up for sure, but I don't think it's unreasonable for dude to point out the fact that his victims had wronged him, it's a valid and relevant point, unlike anything you've said so far.


That's how I felt about it. And ultimately, he's better for Phoenix, because it boils down to that he wants to protect her while her birth parents just wanted her for... you know


Who said he's a good guy? Criminals broke into his home in the first movie and he was the villain.


I watched the trailer and I don't think he's playing the good guy so much as a villain fighting antagonists.
There was a line that goes something like, "He isn't who you think he is."


I saw a video with the director and he said this movie is bad people vs bad people.


Can confirm with that. Just saw this in a theater. That's exactly what it is.

Not gimmicky at all. Just one fucked up situation leading to another fucked up situation. You don't sympathize with him per se at all, and the movie doesn't pretend to do it. You sympathize with the girl throughout. The movie is just one continuous high stakes scenario.


I just don't understand how people just went right to "Oh, so he's the good guy now?" It's not just this site, I saw it on IGN's Facebook too. People were all, "hOw DO yOu MAkE HiM a gOOd GuY NOw?!" after a single trailer. Calm the fuck down and watch the movie before assuming. The OP called him a sweet old man for fuck's sake. People can be so stupid and go all in on those kneejerk reactions.


Again, idiot: he's not a good guy, he's just the lesser evil one. But you're just angry that her meth-cook mother didnt get the heart-transplant so the little girl died and the parents could cook more meth happily ever after, arent you? -Seriously: meth is bad for you. Quit it.


moron, you are nowhere near mature enough to be watching these films. I don't care how old you are, go watch some inoffensive kids films. although I'm sure you'll find some reason to pollute their boards with your tears too


Maybe some Jehovah's witnesses got to him inbetween.


this is dumber than any other trailer i've seen lately

