MovieChat Forums > Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Discussion > this movie doing so well shows

this movie doing so well shows

that movies suck fucking donkey dick right now. deadpool and wolverine was barely even funny. the story was boring. i can't believe it's getting 8 on imdb. two super long fight scenes between deadpool and wolverine really? the story is as generic as possible too. gets sucked into some world with an evil ruler and they gotta band together to take him down. but there's no time to build up the band, they meet and boom they're fighting to the death together.


The movie is a comedy, not a drama, and so you are looking at it incorrectly.

I see the film as being similar to Zoolander, which I enjoyed greatly. There doesn't really have to be a plot as it's a series of skits and jokes that are enjoyable if you like the humor.


This doesn't come close to being similar to Zoolander. This was an action-comedy, where the comedy was the (annoyingly forced) backdrop.



The reason is that constantly discussing Marvel, the plots of movies where the character knows they are movies, jokes about Jackman, etc. The "breaking the third wall" thing in the movie makes it a comedy and not an adventure.

A story needs to inspire "suspension of disbelief" and that isn't possible with a character like Deadpool. You know you're watching a Marvel Comic satire when you are watching the film with moments of action and adventure. There's zero stakes in such a film and you know it when watching.


If it isn't possible to have a story you don't have a movie. The plot was a mess. It's okay to admit it.


That isn't a well thought out response.

The Three Little Pigs is a story, but it's not a complex adult level drama.

You can't have suspension of disbelief in absurd stories and certainly not ones where the actors are talking to the audience.

As I've said, it's a comedy and the plot is just a vehicle for jokes.

Did you ever watch The Boys on Amazon?

It's the same kind of thing, it's a series of comedy skits with a loose plot to hold the skits together.


yea and it failed miserably at being a comedy because it was barely funny.


The Boys is funny if you like the type of humor.

It's mostly psychological satire about types of people mixed with whatever you call "gore humor".

If that stuff isn't your type of comedy, it will not be funny.

I'm amazed by the number of people who think it's a serious program.


This movie won't be remembered well once the thrill of the cameos and suited Wolverine wears off. There's little story at all and it's filled with plot and logic holes. And these jokes are gonna get real stale in 20 years. They're not actually funny. They require fan knowledge of pop culture and behind the scenes drama. It's gonna be like watching an old Dudley Moore movie. Like, why did people like this guy???


You're worried about what people in 20 years will think of it? Who cares? Since when is that a valid critique of a film? All sorts of great films were products of their time, and as long as they pleased the audiences that watched them, they did their job. Outside of a handful of films, nearly nothing from the silent era works at all for modern audiences. Do you dismiss that entire 35 years of filmmaking because of that, or is it reasonable to say that because audiences at the time packed theaters to watch them, and came back to watch them again and again, they can be considered successful films?

I have no idea what audiences will make of Deadpool & Wolverine in 2044. I know audiences today love it. I enjoyed the hell out of it. And seeing as it has pulled in something like $824 million dollars in 10 days I'm clearly not alone.

It's an extremely well-written film, and one in which the actors nail the comedic timing. When I saw it on opening night the audience was laughing nearly the entire time, and not one joke fell flat. As far as I'm concerned, that's a home run.


Many films from the silent era, as well as the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s still work well for modern audiences who are smart and not hung up on recentism. Comedies are among those that work the best.


Few comedies hold up decades later, particularly when they have an emphasis on pop-culture. Even action comedies that were HUGE back in the day are completely forgotten, not even hardly getting played on cable anymore. Hot Shots, Naked Gun, Shanghai Noon/nights, Rush Hour series...all mega successful franchises that are mostly gone from modern pop culture. It's a popcorn blockbuster comedy, and they are nothing new.


There are hundreds of comedies from the 1920s through the 1960s that still hold up very well. The general public doesn't know about them or appreciate them because most people are brainwashed into thinking something like "Shanghai Noon" is an "old" movie, and they've been conditioned to avoid old movies.


that 20 year statement is gonna give people a lot of points to argue from. fact is, the jokes now are barely even funny.


are they even meant to be funny? they seem more delibirate cringe than anything else


I will give it credit - it did try to be funny, really hard.
some jokes were ok, but a few were repeated many times


I will wait for this to be released digitally. This way I won't catch Covid in the theater


the torrent out now is basically DVD quality


Facts. Years from now I highly doubt anyone will recall nor fondly remember what this movie was about other than it featured the return of Jackman's Wolverine.


The movie is dumb as F**K. Literally one of the dumbest nonsensical senseless moronic movies I've ever seen. and that including various F&F and Transformers I've had the misfortune to have seen. (I shudder to think what my dad would've made of it had he been alive and somehow, impossibly gone to see it..) it also taints with the legacy of the 'serious' XMen movies (i.e. Logan) and Marvel movies in general making abit of a mockery of them in something approaching like a 2hr SNL skit


Its Deadpool.

We know his movies are dumb as f**k, nonsensical wall breaking BS (how ridiculous was Deadpool 2?). its delibrate. so, you just go with it (and enjoy seeing Jackman again and all the insane cameos etc in something approaching a meta comedy superhero action film)..or don't (and then its flat out ridiculous, which it is)


If you thought this was bad, then wait'll you see how bad the next AVENGERS movies will be


People like it. I thought it was boring (nostalgia doesn't make up for a weak story), but people genuinely had fun at the theater.


It may be a dumb pointless movie made for childish goofballs, but it got people out and into the theater. That's impressive.


Hollywood has found out that people just want an excuse to leave the house and we are willing to go to theaters even if the movies are bad.

They are correct in this assessment. Watching a movie in a theater is just a different and fun experience.

But come on. This movie was exactly as advertised. It was stupid, mindless, entertainment. It was never going to be anything else.
