When did movies go "Woke"?

And what was the first one?

Did GB2016 start the woke franchise?


The very first "woke" (using the modern definition of the term) films were around 2003-2004, but it didn't become a full scale pandemic infesting all of Hollywood and ruining existing franchises until around 2016-2017.

"John Q." starring Denzel Washington from 2002, is a very early example of a 'woke' film that was created purely to push a narrative and beat the audience over the head with its "social justice" message.


Other examples of pre-2016 "woke" films is Green Hornet (2011) and The Lone Ranger (2013) engage in revisionist re-writing of their source material so the white male title character is portrayed as dumb, sexist, ignorant, incompetent, etc., so the "person of color" subservient sidekick is the "real" hero of the story, the brains behind everything, and an all around perfect savior but doesn't get the credit he deserves.

And "Milk" (2008) with Sean Penn is up there with John Q. in that it existed purely to push an agenda and beat the audience over the head with its "social justice" message, and perhaps it was even worse because it was supposedly "Based on a true story".


Alien in 1979




Mad Max Fury Road was the first to turn the hero into a woman. They did it sneakily by including a character named "Mad Max" but the woman Furiosa was obviously playing the Mad Max role in that. There have been other action movies with female leads before, but that was the first one where the woman stole the established hero role.


It's interesting that a term called "woke" and its movement is the most "braindead". And I'm a liberal Democrat saying this.
Movies were diverse before quite a bit but it was done right. Something has gone wrong now and it has become "woke" type thing now with blatant stuff like a cake being rubbed on your face so you see the awesome wokeness. Instead of it being there and you not caring about that but the story.

Personally I think inserting diversity for a checkbox instead of telling a good compelling story with good cast is a racist problem in itself. You cannot combat racism by being racist yourself. It only comes through education, tolerance and getting the right person for the job and focusing on the story instead of the changed diversity for checkbox purposes and idiotic dialogs they get.

In the recent past, this is how it was done and it was fantastic. Several examples abound from Star Trek: Voyager (the best imo of all ST) - which had a female Captain, female chief engineer, native American first officer, black pure Vulcan, Asian Comms officer, female astrophysicist and female alien Kes, female chief protagonist Borg Queen to many others. But the show was amazing not because it was so diverse, no one cared about that, but because it was good. They all worked together as a team, a unit and shared their experiences in a positive way and it was never about them being a woman or black or white or whatever but because of the content of their character. And the stories were all almost about them working together to fix things.

Other examples are Stargate: SG1 which had a black main char Teal'c who was amazing. And Stargate Atlantis had Ronon and Tayla and female Dr. Weir who commanded the unit and Roberto Picardo (who was also in ST:Voyager) and they all were excellent.

Movie examples are Independence Day with Will Smith, Matrix with several prominent Asian chars and Keanu Reeves to Morpheus who is also black.

Others like 48hrs, Lethal Weapon to others.


"Movies were diverse before quite a bit but it was done right"

Nothings changed particularly , maybe women and blacks are getting more roles,
But if those old time examples came out today the "anti-woke" crew would be up in arms about it.
I can just picture the rabid rantings about the diversity of Voyager

They'd be all like:
"OOH THEY JUST HAD TO TICK ALL THE BOXES! , I cant stand being preached to , Its a piece of shit , im not watching it , those colored peope were given the job because theyre brown -ITS RACISM against us over privelideged white keyboard warriors I tell ya"


You are probably right.

Maybe the problem is both - movies overdoing it to an extent and people overreacting to everything.
Movies doing it is clear with changing the race of already established chars or neutering what they stand for e.g. James Bond's latest movie or Ann Boleyn, a historical person, becoming black to many recent movies and TV Shows with idiotic dialogs I've pointed out like in Batwoman where the lead says - "the suit is perfect only when it fits a woman". And Supergirl, which even to a liberal guy like me, comes off as Supercringe.

I would agree also that people are overreacting. We should blame the emergence of easy to access chat rooms and social media where we can easily broadcast our thoughts with no filter, find hundreds of matches and enter echo chambers which doubles down on the view that you are 100% correct and everyone else now must be wrong.

Moderates are a dying breed online but exist in reality but the vocal few extremes are drowning the large moderates because they shout more.


I would agree also that people are overreacting. We should blame the emergence of easy to access chat rooms and social media where we can easily broadcast our thoughts with no filter, find hundreds of matches and enter echo chambers which doubles down on the view that you are 100% correct and everyone else now must be wrong.

Moderates are a dying breed online but exist in reality but the vocal few extremes are drowning the large moderates because they shout more.

You were doing good up until all of this cringe.

This is complete and utter nonsense. I didn't go on forum boards to complain about minorities and feminist propaganda because I'm "overreacting", I'm simply REACTING to the propaganda that has become so blatant even a Liberal Democrat like yourself sees it.

It's invaded EVERY single medium and pastime I've enjoyed to the point where I've had to retreat to just disengaging almost entirely from most media.

Every single AAA video game is filled to the brim with feminist/globohomo propaganda. Every single big budget movie seems to be pushing Liberal Progressive agitprop down our throats, from global warm-- oops, I mean "climate change" -- to "white man bad" to "minorities can do no wrong" to "female empowerment saves the day". Literally every single movie, book, tv show, streaming content and game from major studios is filled with the nonsense.

People aren't overreacting in the least bit, they're actually UNDER-reacting. I'm so sick of all of this nonsense because where do normal people go to NOT be beaten over the head with this crap? And Moderators being a dying breed online? That's hogwash.

Every single major social media place is OVER-moderated with Liberal Progressives. This is one of the few places that isn't. If a place isn't over-moderated all forms of interaction/communication are simply prohibited, like what every major news organization did when normal people started pointing out their lies by posting facts.


Well, you probably have a fair point on people but I think you were looking at it backwards.

I was referring to the minority extreme crazies from left and right overreacting to everything.

The moderates are under-reacting as you've put it.

See, the positions of progressive liberals is actually tending to be the correct one but extremes here have hijacked those good positions and caused a mess which has distanced them from myself and other liberal Democrats who are not that crazy extreme left.

I think you're likely a rational person but on the right and you likely would have a good discussion with me and agree on some of my views and solutions while disagreeing on others and vice versa.


Not sure when it started but i keep hoping it ends.Problem is wokes are so loud and self rightious that they drown out and character assassinate all other voices on social media.So studios are under the mistaken impression that these obnoxious ranting woke voices are their fanbase.How many movies have to flop before they realize that's not the case.


I don't think the studios are making any mistakes at all.

Marvel Comics has been catering to this non-existent crowd for OVER a decade all while sales have tanked.

Manga has over-taken all of the graphic novel industry as the best-selling products within that category yet Marvel continues to create hideous SJW-themed content like Snowflake and Safe Space:

Any normal company would have seen that quarterly profits are down and would course-correct thereafter. But spending a decade losing money and still pushing forward? No, just no. That's a sinister agenda afoot. And now we're seeing Marvel Entertainment (the movie arm) following suit with wokeness behind the comic book arm. It's obvious this is deliberate agitprop by corporations trying to indoctrinate and inculcate society.

Capitalism driven corporations don't keep throwing money down the drain like that.


MAD MAX FURY ROAD 2015.They made Max a supporting character in his franchise not to mention that Mel Gibson should have played his iconic movie role...


Look what they've done with the Netflix Masters of the Universe update....same thing again. The iconic male character is undermined and we get a load of fucking women. They just keep doing this shit...can they not come up with anything else? Make these fucking movies if you want but give me a proper R rated film aimed at men. I want action, gore, excitement, fast cars and beautiful women as tertiary characters.

Aren't they doing another Conan movie? Probably do the same thing again with that too......


A new Conan movie would just sideline Conan and be about Valeria and her wife.


It actually started mildly in the early 2000's with things like sitcoms and commercials. As if to right the wrongs of the past, sitcoms and commercials started making the white male....the husband, father, boyfriend, what have you....the inept dope, and the female in his life the smart and reasonable one.

People are quick to throw out things like....."It was always there, look at movies like Alien".
Bullshit. Alien is actually an example of how a movie or story does NOT need to go all woke, punative and extreme in order to show "diversity" and equality. Aliens is a movie in which the sole survivor and hero just happens to be a woman. It doesn't feel forced, pandering or condescending. It just seems natural, and part of a great story.

Still to this day, as if to correct (and punish) the "May I speak to the man of the house" culture of the 50's, 60's and 70's.......listen to ANY radio commercial while you're driving around, and the white man/husband is always the clueless, dopey dipshit....and the wife is the smart/sensible one.

And this is just a microcosm of the bigger picture...(TV shows and movies), in which the white male is always the evil or weak wretch.....and the women throw men like him around like rag dolls. (When did every female cop on TV become a 7th degree black belt, BTW???)
