Some Theology Miscues....

That this show has made so far in episode 2. In Genesis, it’s true that Adam named the animals but in so doing he had nothing to do with giving them their “final or true forms”. The names he gave them had no power in determining what they would be other than them having to go by those names. A dog was still a dog, a cat still a cat, a lion still a lion, a tiger still a tiger. The names didn’t magically transform them into such, but they were just that...names.

Also Titus’s aspirations to be able to transport & enter Eden were kinda confusing to say the least. The sin of rebellion by Adam & Eve disobeying God’s commandment not to eat of the tree of good & evil lost them their innocence forever & brought death into the world. So It’s a falsehood that Titus Braithwhite would have been immortal in entering Eden because that was already lost for all time with the first sin. It wouldn’t have existed any longer so I don’t know what he was thinking but he wouldn’t have been immortal.

Eden was never said to have been destroyed, it’s still said to exist even though it’s not mentioned again in the rest of the Bible, at least I don’t think so, but even so there’s still the little matter of the angel “with the flaming sword, turning every which way” that God stationed at the entrance to Eden to “keep the way of it”. So Titus by any stretch of the imagination if he succeeded in getting to Eden’s entrance would’ve had to contend with that which we all know how that would’ve went.

So just a few glaring holes in the shows plot holes that are certainly found in scripture. Seems ol’ Titus had no clue what he was talking about. Well we could only hope that the girl knew better.

But Christina was in error when she called Eve “The bitch that lost it” as I forget exactly how she put it, but she was wrong nonetheless. Adam was just as much to blame, if not more. As in baseball, “3 strikes & you’re out”. Well Adam failed God, Eve, (& all of us) 3 times. How? Consider the following.

1: He failed as caretaker: Adam was given charge of all creation, he HAD the power you know of telling the serpent to get his ass out of the garden if had the balls to do it. Scratch that, it wouldn’t even have taken any guts because as having charge of all creation Adams’s word was law. Satan would’ve had to have obeyed had Adam spoke & told him to get lost, but he didn’t

2: As husband: He saw & heard every word that the serpent spoke to his wife but he remained silent & did nothing. He didn’t object or intercede on her behalf, so he failed her in his husbandly duties. He didn’t step up & be a man. He could’ve said “HEY WAIT A MINUTE! ENOUGH! DEPART!” But he remained watching & did nothing. In other words he was a schlep.

3: Forget how the 3rd failure was labeled but suffice it to say When all this crap went down, Adam didn’t own up to his responsibility & neither did Eve. Instead he tried to deflect the blame on her by saying “The woman YOU put here with me”. God loved that. “Excuse me? The WOMAN that I put with you? Do you mean to refer to your wife?” So by failing to own up to his part & to come clean with God & sacrifice himself for his wife which as husband he should have helped seal his & all our fates.

Interesting stuff when you study these things more in depth.


I think you accidentally submitted your post before you were finished typing.


Thank you Fella. It’s fixed now.


Um. . .

(As gently as possible). . .I think you've missed the point, Entirely.

The POINT of this show is that it's Fiction. In this Fictional Universe, Titus is explaining what "really happened," and giving more context/explication to the Judeo-Christian creation tale.

You're making the mistake of conflating your beliefs with the story they're trying to tell. They're under No obligation to conform to your theological concepts. . .no matter how dearly you hold them.

When you watch Clash of the Titans, do you get confused when they start talking about Odin killing Ymir, creating the world from his body, then bringing forth Ask and Embla from two tree trunks? Or do you take to the message boards and complain about how that's not how it really happened?

In neither case, is it a "miscue." It's Fiction.
