MovieChat Forums > Lovecraft Country (2020) Discussion > now what does William want from Ruby?..

now what does William want from Ruby?..

Somehow I doubt that the attraction is genuine.


You know what’s ironic? Now that we know he’s a she & she’s Christina, we STILL don’t know what “William” wants from Ruby. How weird is that?


I *just* finished watching the episode, and came here to see what people were saying. Your comments made me realize:

A) We really don't know if the attraction is genuine. . .or how deep it is, and
B) We REALLY don't know if William is Christina. . .or Christina is William

[Mind Blown] BOOM [/Mind Blown]


I am inclined to think that Christina is William because she appears to be Samuel Braithwhite's daughter.

I think she chose to transform into a man when it suits her because of the sexism of her environment (like certain dealings of the Order only being open to men).


Huh. Makes sense. . .


That’s entirely logical exatera, but the only thing is wouldn’t Samuel have known that she was doing that? LOL! I’m sure he would have but he probably would’ve been like “Ok”.

Most likely everyone else at the order knew she was doing that as well so it’s hysterical when you think about it. I’m sure no one was fooled.


Here's a QUOTE from the ACTRESS who plays the part of RUBY:

I understand Christina's frustrations and how she feels unable to spread her wings and do what she needs to do. I feel like I can read and watch it and say, 'I understand it and I empathize with it as a woman.' But then at the same time, I feel like what I have to encounter as a black woman, and what Ruby encounters as a black woman is just even more suffocating. It's more pressure, it's more unjust. And yeah, I feel like the show deals with it really well, because we've got these two women [for whom] we have a understanding of why they feel how they feel; you can see it play out. But then when Ruby takes the potion, she now gets to breathe a little deeper and take up a little bit more space, which she wasn't afforded before. Yes, there's still the patriarchy, but there is just a different freedom that Ruby's afforded. But neither of them are truly free, because of the way that the world interacts with them. The world chooses to diminish and belittle and restrict both of them, but in different ways, and I think for Ruby – and I think everyone would agree – in more ways, and more heavily. Because she occupies both spaces, black and female.

This SUNDAY we've also got preview scenes where TIC will CONFRONT the FEMALES in KOREA. And one of them is also UPSET with him for some reason. So if that female he keeps talking to on the phone teams up with CHRISTINA and with RUBY, then there's no telling what might happen.

PLUS the other woman who came to LETI's house also put that other SPELL on the house so that CHRISTINA wasn't able to ENTER it when she shows up wanting that MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM that enables you to TIME TRAVEL.

And we also don't know WHERE the wife of GEORGE (who also has the MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM in her possession) and her daughter are, or what's happened to them either (they were last seen on their way to the place where those MONSTERS live under the ground).

My guess would be DIANA is going to end up being some kind of SUPERHERO (like the one in her COMIC BOOK STORY) after she and her mother figure out how to take a TRIP into the FUTURE TIME.


PS: TIC also had that STRANGE DREAM where he tries to follow the GHOST out of the MANSION, but this time he also doesn't ESCAPE from it and gets BURNED UP inside of it. Could that maybe also be a result of TIME TRAVEL???

Here's still another QUOTE from another LINK that might also indicate what CHRISTINA is after:


Tic has now realized that Christina is likely trying to kill them, too. She's also very eager to get her hands on Titus Braithwhite's book of names, which Tic's ancestor, Hanna, may have been carrying when she led Tic to safety as Samuel's mansion crumbled. She very obviously had a huge book in her hands, but is it it the book of names? Or is it possibly the Necronomicon — also known as the book of the dead in H.P. Lovecraft's works?[/quote]

And Here's still another QUOTE from another link:

[quote]Atticus suspects that she wants to decode the missing Book of Names pages to wipe out Black America with nefarious spells, much like Titus did with Yahima’s people.

This LAST quote also seems to make the most sense when it comes to understanding the reason why TIC tried to KILL CHRISTINA.

Also wonder if LETI's name would be listed there inside of the BOOK of the DEAD???

And how do we know that LETI isn't also someone else who only wears the OUTSIDE SKIN of someone who only looks like they are LETI (the same way as CHRISTINA wore the OUTSIDE SKIN of WILLIAM and RUBY wore the SKIN of the other WOMAN with the 2 DOGS who stood guard at the TOWER)???

Because at this point ANYBODY could be ANYBODY else due to the MAGIC POTION that enables you to MORPH into being someone else for a while.

And when that LANCASTER LAW MAN removes his SHIRT (while RUBY was hiding inside of the CLOSET with the guy who had his TONGUE CUT OUT) that white guy who changed his shirt also had the CHEST of a BLACK MAN.



GREAT answer(s) Jol! Thanks for taking the time to type them out & explain stuff to us. The only thing I personally disagree with s the theory that Christina wants the missing pages to “wipe out black America”. Sorry but that’s too out there for me as I’ve seen nothing from her that suggests she’s racist & even if she is that she’s all that rabid of a racist, vile enough to even think of something like that.

It’s a gut feeling I have but I believe this explanation is wrong, even if other websites agree with this point of view. From what we see of her, she doesn’t seen to shy away or mind being with & dealing with black people. Any hatred she does bear is related to such things as the patriarchs of her order & her place as a woman in a mans world. She wants to get to Eden, not wipe out Africans in America or all over the globe. Hell she saved their butts a couple of times already.

The only thing I’ll admit where she may have inferred harm is when she gave Leti the money & maneuvered her to buy the Winthrop house where she knew Hiram was in there, so there’s that. But if she wanted them dead, then she’s more than capable of doing it.

On a footnote, regarding Titus, what he did to Yahima & her people was not because he was a depraved racist & wanted to wipe them out but he was angered that she refused to help him any further after seeing his true colors so he did that for revenge, not prejudice of any kind. The hatred may have been there but the motivation behind it was different.


I agree about how CHRISTINA hasn't behaved like she wants to WIPE OUT an entire civilization of people, but the one thing that does worry me is the scene where her FATHER SHOOTS and KILLS both LETI and GEORGE, and CHRISTINA was also STANDING there at the time and says nothing to her father to try to stop him from doing that. PLUS she also saw what happened to the BENTLY when it HIT that INVISIBLE BARRIER and she did nothing to try and help LETI, TIC, or GEORGE out of the car after they'd been in that HORRIFIC ACCIDENT.

And one could also RATIONALIZE that situation to say there was nothing she could have done because the POWERS of her father were STRONGER than hers, but she also stood there WATCHING that other time when LETI, GEORGE, and TIC were confronted with those other ILLUSIONS of the KOREAN woman, the FAKE TIC, and the FAKE version of TIC's mother.

So we also know she's WILLING to USE people to further whatever AGENDA it is that she has in mind even IF it leads to their DEATH (such as the case with LETI buying the HAUNTED HOUSE). But then LETI is also already suppose to BE DEAD as well. So maybe CHRISTINA also realized that and knew an already DEAD PERSON can't DIE again?

TIME TRAVEL might also explain how the WOODY (the other car that got wrecked like the BENTLY) was able to still look UNWRECKED. Because the MAGIC in fixing it might also involve going back in TIME??? And getting into EDEN again might also involve the same thing? Going BACK in TIME to the time before the FALL at which time perhaps CHIRSTINA is also hoping she can be the ONE to NAME things (at which time she may also declare the MALES or the SONS of ADAM to be INFERIOR to the FEMALES ... perhaps as a way to seek REVENGE upon them for the way that they've MISTREATED her)???

And then we might also end up with an organization called THE DAUGHTERS of EVE???

And maybe this other woman from KOREA that we meet tomorrow night also already knows some SPELLS that can deal with MALES who think they're SUPERIOR to FEMALES??? Because it also looks like the MALES abuse them as well in the preview clips???

Here's a LINK where you can see how the LANCASTER guy has the CHEST of a BLACK MAN:

Which also makes one wonder why he would TORTURE LETI inside of the POLICE VAN when she was thrown all around inside of it while she was handcuffed???


True, I have thought much about that scene where Tic pleads with Christina to intercede on their behalf when Samuel shoots both Leti & George. The thing is i truly believe that she felt for him I really do but as you had stated & I believe she didn’t have the ability or power to interfere on his behalf. No surprise, we’ve all been there, in a situation where someone may plead with us for help but we on our part act like good little soldiers & stand pat because we’re not able at the time to do anything. She may have incurred her father’s wrath for doing so, & that’ s something she couldn’t afford as she probably couldn’t counter it & withstand any punishment derived from it.

But as she told Tic, “All of us white people are not out to get you” & I believe her, she seems pretty progressive on that front for a white woman of her time.

It was never fully explained (to my satisfaction) why Montrose murdered Yahima & that scene between Tic & Leti was some pretty bad acting (I think) where he tells her the truth about what happened & then she fakes being super upset & then comes out with “Look how your father protected you”. “Wha?? That was a pretty crappy scene that didn’t fit, at least IMO anyway. Tic seems to accept this all of a sudden only after beating his father to a pulp. Doesn’t make sense.

Why is no one asking “What did he do with her?” Stuff like that. On a different note, when Tic was reading the notes & then we see him get real upset & he winds up calling Ji-Ah in Korea, well what was it that he read that motivated him to all of a sudden think of her? He’s reading Titus’s notes but yet stops & calls a woman he once knew in Korea, I mean what was it that he read in between these unrelated events to make him think she’s involved? We may or may not find this out tonight. We’ll see.



Ji-ah's existence was confirmed tough a call between her and Atticus, where she told him that he never should've left. Lovecraft Country episode 6 could offer some answers as to why she warned him against returning home and what else she knows about him.

What's interesting here is that the story doesn't exist in Matt Ruff's 2016 novel of the same name. This is a new territory that will be explored moving forward. This latest mystery about Atticus' past suggests that something more happened to him while he's away from home.

Perhaps she knows what happens to TIC after he GOES HOME because she also has the ABILITY to TIME TRAVEL???

That also could explain how she knows what's going to happen to him???

In the PREVIEW clip for tonight it also looks like that SAME SNAKE creature that we saw appearing in LETI's VISION when TIC unzips his pants was also there with Ji-Ah for some reason.

And we also heard LETI telling TIC that what they were doing was EVIL and WRONG.

So if LETI is right, then that might also mean ALL of them are being SEDUCED by their attempt to also LEARN how to use the SAME kind of MAGIC SPELLS as a way to PROTECT themselves???

And MONTROSE may have also done the right thing by BURNING that book as a way to try to PROTECT TIC from learning more about how to USE IT???

But that other vision of HANNA as the MANSION falls down also seems to have some kind of a BOOK in her hands as well ... so why didn't she also let that BOOK BURN UP inside of the MANSION instead of RESCUE it???

Does that also mean HANNA (and all the rest of her OFFSPRING down to TIC and his mother) are also EVIL for having used some kind of MAGIC SPELLS that are in that BOOK???

And what is in that BOOK that we see Hanna holding and where is it located now???

Is it possible JI-AH may also have that BOOK in her possession now???


Also FOUND THIS link:

The teaser trailer for "Lovecraft Country" Episode 6 ends with Ji-ah lying down with a worm-like creature creeping in her ear.


I remember everything. When I absorb their souls, I see their entire lives before they die. All of his memories are in me.

Ji-Ah [to Umma]

Ji-Ah: My mother is expecting me to bring home a man tonight.

Young-Ja: From a meeting? If she thinks you'd hit it off with these engineering nerds, she's asking for a miracle.

Ji-Ah: She's not asking. She's demanding.



Could the FIRST TRANSCRIPT QUOTED indicate JI-AH has ABSORBED the SOUL of TIC??? Maybe LETI has also really been having an AFFAIR with JI-AH instead of with TIC (the same way as RUBY has been having one with CHRISTINA who she thought was WILLIAM)???

That could also EXPLAIN the reason why LETI sees the VISION of the SNAKE when TIC unzips his PANTS???

It was also pretty ODD how TIC shows up at LETI's HOUSEWARMING PARTY that night wearing his ARMY UNIFORM. Why the hell would someone chose to wear their UNIFORM to a PARTY where BEER and other things could end up being SPILLED on it???

About 6 more HOURS left to go until it's SHOWTIME again on HBO.
