What a mess...

Average watcher here who didn't read the graphic novels but loved the movie.
Visually stunning.
Many different story arcs.
Seems racist.
Alternate timeline universe?
I think Sonny Crockett hung himself in the last scene to get out of the series.


I think Sonny Crockett hung himself in the last scene to get out of the series.
You were right. He hung himself or was made to hang himself, via "Mind-Control".


Right, because everyone just wants out of a critically acclaimed HBO series ASAP...


The phrase is, “he hanged himself.”

As one of my English professors put it, “ALL men are hung.”


or was made to "Hang" himself.

Thanks for the err, uh correction?


It's always been an "Alternate timeline universe"

Oh, and I caught a mistake, in the GN, there were no superhero comic books, there were only pirate ones.


The fact that we never see superhero comic books doesn't mean there Weren't any.


“Well, what sort of comics would they have? If they’ve got superheroes in real life, they wouldn’t be interested in superhero comics” and I think Dave said “What about pirate comics?” and I said “Yeah, sounds good to me,” so we dropped a few pirate comic titles into the background, including “Tales of the Black Freighter”

- Alan Moore, October 2000


That thinking doesn't track. We've got crime in real life. . .no shortage of crime comics. Romance in real life. . .same story. Westerns, detective, etc, etc. . .

That said, I've never seen that interview, but if that's what Moore said, then that's that. But it's another example of a flaw in the original GN. Great story, but not the flawless work of brilliance people tout it to be.


If you'll notice that TV shows, since November 2016 have all begun to have a common theme in their villains- gone is the Islamic Fundamentalist, it is now the age of the Straight, White (preferably Christian) Male. Anyone who would even think about voting for Trump in 2020 will be humiliated


Everyone supporting racism and bigotry deserves to be humiliated.




Question is: how many of "white" "straight" "males" really do? And how much of that kind of accusations is nothing more than projection?
Because "All white males are racists" is exactly the same kind of racist libel as "Jews drink blood of Christian babes" or "Negroes rape white women on purpose".


Trump has got more jobs for blacks then any other president....KAG


Does that negate his racism? Not quite. He actually prefers giving minimum wage jobs to blacks.


How many people really Support Racism. We don't live in the 1950's anymore. Frankly this show was boring as hell because its one boring badly made lecture about how Racism is bad. When there far better movies about how Racism is bad. Its not like we don't know this shit already.


I don't think it will work.
