Season 2

Is out!!!


Sweet!! Hope there's a recap, my memory is a little foggy on how it ended.


I am planning on binging it this weekend. I refreshed my memory and rewatched the last ep of season one a couple of days ago. I hope it's as good.


I don't know if it lost the novelty feeling or something but it's not as good as the first season.

And those Ludds are so fucking the image of stupid socialists ...

"We hate the inequality in the world so we will build a new one, led by authoritarian fanatical cult leaders, in a forest where we will all live in tents in mud and our main concern and 24/7 work would be food - so much better, we are all poor and indoctrinated but equal".

Picks up in the last episodes and fucking ends with a cliffhanger (actually more) ... so season 3 incoming ...


"so much better, we are all poor and indoctrinated but equal"

It's a proven fact that people behave much better in societies without much inequality. That's how we survived in the past, by actual socializing and not being selfish pricks like the individualism driven societies of today


"It's a proven fact that people behave much better in societies without much inequality."

Proven by who? Can you share that "proof"?

I remember from my years in socialist era the opposite.

Staling building a fucking megalomaniac subway in Moscow while millions of Ukrainians were literally dying of hunger in Holodomor ... Mao's China and their cultural revolution in which millions were killed as well.

We fucking killed Ceausescu after a bloody revolution, do you think that equality was that good?

People behave much better when they have food and live a decent life, NOT when everyone is equal in poverty.

"That's how we survived in the past, by actual socializing and not being selfish pricks like the individualism driven societies of today"

Read some history please and stop saying stupid shit like this. Socializing has nothing to do with equality. And you cannot find bigger selfish pricks than in the past, including the communist leaders like Stalin, Mao, Castro.

Have you ever heard the expression "L'État, c'est moi!"?

Literally thousands of years of extreme inequality, where large masses of humans were even considered possession (slaves, serfs, etc) while a very small minority had absolute power and all the wealth.


Oh dear, another "socialism bad, capitalism good" guy who hasn't done his homework.
Maybe if you learned about all the totalitarian dictatorships that happened in capitalism you will understand that those things are not related to the underlying political ideology. Power corrupts equally in all ideologies.
And "socialism bad" guys somehow keep forgetting that the Roosevelt's "New deal" made America the best country in the world to live in after the great depression almost ruined it. Today, he would probably be called as a socialist moron, just like they call Bernie Sanders. It's really a shame how Reagan dismantled the "New Deal" with his "Trickle Down Economy" bullshit.


Are you talking abut doing my homework???? Maybe you should do yours.

"Maybe if you learned about all the totalitarian dictatorships that happened in capitalism" - list a few. That are capitalist.

"Power corrupts equally in all ideologies."

False. ALL socialists countries had been corrupt. MOST capitalist countries are alive and well. Learn some history.

The problem with socialism is that it is full governmental/social/economic system that lacks any check and balances, the party controls everything so it's rather easy to fall to authoritarianism. And it needs authoritarianism to stay relevant and keep the power, in a democracy it will never be in power (or maybe for a short period of time).

Capitalism is only an economic system, everything else is not part of capitalism. The type of government is not relevant for the economic model - unless it contradicts or enforces it. Usually you have separate powers to govern and regulate the market.

The example of USA as being a failed capitalist country (and it is, because it allows corruption to run rampart) is not a fail of capitalism but a fail of USA. A lot of other capitalist societies thrive. But you are incapable of seeing that. USA bad => capitalism bad - illogic.

Look at China how much improved after switching from socialism to "capitalism" - while still retaining their communist authoritarian party/government. I hope you understand while I'm using quotes here (If not, here: Set apart a word to show irony, sarcasm, or skepticism (scare quotes) )

Stop spewing ideological nonsense and look the reality in face. And apply some reason if you are capable to do so.


Capitalism is failing all over the world, because free markets are a lie. Without constant bailouts of banks and corporations (socializing the losses and privatizing the gains), it would have failed ages ago. In fact, it's all about monopolies of power and resources. Corporations and financial institutions like Goldman Sachs make the rules and enforce their will to everyone. China is also on it's way to fail. In 50 years time, there will either be no Capitalism or no human civilization. The only way forward is resource based economy and no private ownership of essential resources.


Shit, so many ideological lies and stupidity.

And you just pointed to why capitalism MIGHT fail: because it is not really capitalism or free markets and because the government is doing what it always does.

But we can meet again in 50 years and see if we all had become socialists meanwhile or are going to still be capitalist.


People like you are too blind to see how Capitalism is failing everyone but the rich while blaming everything on the myth of "human nature" instead of blaming yourselves for supporting this sad POS socioeconomic system which is just well disguised feudalism and slavery. Saying how Capitalism provides freedom while the only choice workers actually have is wage slavery or death from starvation is the biggest stupidity of them all.


"Saying how Capitalism provides freedom while the only choice workers actually have is wage slavery or death from starvation is the biggest stupidity of them all."

I'm a worker idioten, NOT a billionaire. And I'm quite happy with my choices and I don't consider my work as "wage slavery".

No my dear, stupidity is to believe that somehow food, housing, etc are magically materialized out of thin air and no one needs to work for those.

It's easy: you want to eat? You have to work for it. And you can work for yourself or forage or hunt. I don't care but it's still WORK. Only idiots don't understand that and feel that somehow they are entitled to free food and shelter while doing nothing.

Slavery is actually forcing others to work so you can get shit for free.


We have reached a technological stage where NOBODY needs to work to survive. Just the mere fact that you are not aware of that makes you unable to comprehend anything about the system you live in. So keep working for your slave wages, and drink the CoolAid your slaveowners give you to not revolt against them.


We have not, leave fantasies and utopias in the SciFi area.

We are talking reality.

When that will happen you will be even more miserable because your Mac job will not be available anymore and you will be jobless, moneyless and homeless.

And guess what: even if we would reach that level in the near future (we will not) you will not own ANY of that technology so you would NOT receive anything, your work will be useless, your life will be useless, YOU will be useless and starving. As a matter of fact I believe you are already useless.


I read conversation between you two. OMG, footlegger. You can’t be serious will all that nonsense and actually believe it? Are you one of those rich or middle class kids who were sent by parents to college and then were brainwash there into believe all this delusional crap?

I can’t see any working class self made person who would believe in fairy tails and that "We have reached a technological stage where NOBODY needs to work to survive". Like... are you aware how many countries in the world are and how shitty and poor they live? Nobody works in Africa and somehow there is no food on the table. They constantly ask that food from countries where people work.

In China they work like slaves for many hours for little pay so that you could get that Iphone from daddy that you write this thing on. And that new car and everything you have in your rich free life of college person. So you could chill, be brainwashed in University that everyone needs to take hands and there will be free happy utopia where no one has to work. This is what happens when children of rich people in rich countries have nothing to do. Like those Capitol people in Hunger Games who were chilling while other districts were starving and working to support their chill life.


You have never lived in socialist and communist countries did you? Spoiler alert - they are all poor, miserable, behind in technology from Capitalist countries. I recommend you to come visit Venezuela and live for few years. While that socialist zoo still exist. Maybe one day they will come to their senses and kick out their dictators.

Socialism is basically when everyone are poor and forced to work for very cheap salary. And to force people to stay in that state - government becomes dictatorship and kills and throws in prison everyone who disagrees and wants to live better. First thing they forbid them to go outside of country. So they would not see that others live better and would not escape there. Like is was in USSR. And North Korea.

Capitalism is when person can chose profession and work and live better life and chose what to buy. Those countries are smart and they move progress forward. THEY CREATED Internet, smartphones, cars, planes, they fly to Moon and Mars... Basically everything that moves humanity forward.

Socialists countries created nothing. Because everyone works for small salaries and they dont have motivation to create something.

USSR was behind Europe and USA in everything. Like 30 years behind. And government propaganda kept telling its people that USA and Europe are living way worse than them. But when someone was allowed out of USSR like sports people, singers, diplomats - everyone begged them to bring something from the West. Like jeans, pretty dress, coat, shoes. Because everything was such shit quality in USSR. And when they got it - it was subject of great pride and everyone envied them.

This is what Socialism is. No, its not free utopia. Its luck of technological evolving, everyone are equally poor, police state to keep everyone inside and not let them to run to Capitalist countries. Those who dont want to live in Socialism - they throw to prison or execute.
