MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Only reason it got good reviews was beca...

Only reason it got good reviews was because it's Liberal Pro-Immigration Propaganda

Rian Johnson tricked all of us into going to see a film that after 40 minutes became pro-immigration propaganda.


What part was pro-immigration propaganda? The characters in the film could not agree on whether she was natural born, an immigrant or what country she was from.


We are Melting Pot in The US eff your Anti-Immigration Everyone should be part of Sea To Shining Sea


If you don’t like this movie, see Brick. Rian Johnson. It’s fantastic. It was done in 2005. Kind of a take on Dashiell Hammett. I’m mean if you’re really serious about watching film.


I enjoyed Brick and The Brothers Bloom. Not sure why he felt the need to start inserting his politics into all his movies.


I saw both. In the first. Just curious what politics?


Too many retarded neo-nancyboys, armed only with limpwristed excuses and attacking ''left'' and ''liberal''.

It couldn't possibly be that anyone simply disagrees with them. LOL


So basically you're admitting that being liberal, inclusive, PC, welcoming, leftist, etc, is embraced by a lot of people. So many that it bothers you. Well isn't that interesting you lil wingnut


Pretty much.

I wouldn't have minded so much if they hadn't cast such an obviously white, classically pretty, woman to play the 'poor, oppressed immigrant', and maybe cast a Mestizo actor, or someone who actually looked ethnic, but, alas, Hollywood for all its faux-liberal BS, still clings to this reactionary and moronic idea that an individual has to look like a WASP, or be a WASP, in order to merit sympathy (hence why so many gentile actors are cast as persecuted Jews, and why the 'White Saviour' genre is so dominant; after all, we can't have a Black character/actor or a Jewish character/actor at the core of a film about slavery or The Holocaust, can we?)

And, fwiw, I'm half-Portuguese, so my ancestry is quite similar to the 100% Spanish and white Ana de Armas's (heck my mother even has the same first name), but the part-Jewish Jamie Lee Curtis is the one member of the main cast who belongs to a *genuinely* oppressed minority (and, yet, she's cast as one of the xenophobic 'villains'... *eye-roll*).

As for the 'propaganda', I'm a staunch leftist, but I also hate being preached to. If Rian Johnson was a better, more subtle, filmmaker, I wouldn't mind, or if he were making a genuinely political film like the brilliant 'Bob Roberts' (which is egregiously leftist and nakedly political, but actually funny and perceptive, and works because it's not trying to be 'sly' and force politics into a genre where it isn't welcome), rather than unsubtly trying to shoehorn his politics into genre movies, I'd also be onboard.
