MovieChat Forums > Loki (2021) Discussion > It is actually quite lame, surprised abo...

It is actually quite lame, surprised about the high IMDB score

From the impression of the first episode I think it is pretty much going to be a low cost soap type of show.

Infinity stones used by TVA staffs as paper weight? Everyone can touch it without feeling anything?

How could multiverse even exists if TVA is doing everything to stop it?

I think this is going to be the show ruin marvel movies and comic books for people who watch it.


Its obvious you have no idea what is going on. The stones does not have any effects out of its reality.. It was in the comics. The TVA is not part of the universe also the TVA is not trying to stop the multiverse since there has always been a multiverse, what they are trying to do is stop a branches in the multiverse since the multiverse is supposed to follow a sacred timeline. Loki was supposed to be imprisoned in asgard but he escaped therefore creating a new branch.


Did you even watch it?


I think he is right.

The TVA is outside the normal reality so the stones are ... useless. And they don't nullify the multiverse but they try to control the timeline. Each universe in the multiverse has a time line that it needs to follow.


The TVA is outside the normal reality so the stones are ... useless.

Let's say that is true. Think about it, TVA staff can go in and out all timelines, where these stones will be sought after. No matter what, these stones should have been locked in a safe.

Each universe in the multiverse has a time line that it needs to follow.

I don't know if you are a Disney employee or anything. The show stated very clearly TVA existed to eliminate multiple timelines, AKA multiverse.


They were not corruptible, probably ... so no need to keep them in a safe ...

TVA exists to eliminate variants in the timeline for each universe. Doesn't eliminate the multiverse but multiple timelines for the same universe. They force each universe in the multiverse to have only one timeline ...

There might even be multiple TVA, each universe with it's own TVA.


TVA exists to prevent wars of multiple timelines or multiverse. I don't think you were paying attention when you were watching.

There might even be multiple TVA, each universe with it's own TVA.

If that is true, then what is the point of TVA? You do understand each universe is a timeline, right?


It might be that no, not every universe is a timeline bu a separate, parallel universe in the multiverse.

I never bought the “multiverse is just a collection of different timelines, when someone does a different choice a new universe is spawned” - that’s stupid, where is the energy needed to spawn the new universe coming from? How does it even work? How is possible for someone in one universe to make 2 choices at the same time, so having 2 timelines? It’s more logical to have one timeline per universe but that timeline can be altered by the choices made, so the TVA’s job is to make sure there are no deviations from the “perfect” timeline.

They might use the terms as synonyms but they are not.


That is what Marvel multiverse is, you can even check the wikipedia.

You can always trying to make it work in your mind, find your own interpretation of everything. But that does not mean it works outside of your head and it is not how Marvel interprets it.


The same could be said about your lack of comprehension. You not seeing it work isn't the same as it not working.


They were not corruptible, probably ... so no need to keep them in a safe ...

They must be since they fared so well under threat (From Loki that is). Clearly they have no weaknesses.

Do you even believe that yourself?


I can further elaborate: two castes, the incorruptible warriors/upper management. We’ve seen how strict they were even in mundane situations, like with the ticket. They are the only ones that leave the bubble. And the clerks that never leave the bubble, don’t have the means to, so the stones are useless to them. The “weak”clerk even said so, when he said that he didn’t know what a fish is, he was never out.

They don’t have real power, the power is that of the 3 lizards …

Of course, this is just a product of my imagination, I guess you have none …


If infinity stones are used as paper weight in office, that means anyone and everyone has access to them, including those enforcers.


1. As I said those enforcers could be uncorruptible, we saw weakness only in the clerks.

Or maybe they are aware of the grandfather paradox and you are not ;)


Grandfather? These people are created by TVA, they don't have relatives. If they can create uncorruptible enforcers, then why create corruptible clerks?

I don't think you even believe what you said.

Other than working for Disney, or even directly related to this show. I can't think of why anyone is trying this hard.


Hahaha, ok, you made me laugh, hard.

Why do you assume that anyone that has a bit more imagination than you works for disney?


Surely every reality is part of the multiverse. "different timelines" are just realities that are very similar to other realities. If there is some kind of difference between different kind of multiverses depending on similarities of timelines, then this should really have been explained, and it wasn't. They said "multiversal war" after all. So that means different timelines are different realities in the multiverse.
It does seem like the TVA is way too powerful. If they can cantrol time, they can easily defeat anyone, even Thanos with all infinity stones. So what is the point? I don't really like it.


Me neither.

Dr Strange created hundred thousands of timelines using time stone to find ways to defeat Thanos in infinity wars movie, yet that was OK with TVA, that is just not working for me.

That is why I said this show was going to ruin Marvel movies.


No, Doctor Strange just looked into possible futures, he didn't create any alternate timelines.

I don't really have a problem with the Avengers not getting arrested by the TVA, since they are from their own original time-line. They are not alternate versions of themselves.

On the other hand, why was the entire reality "deleted" immediately but Loki gets a trial? That didn't make any sense. I guess you could say everyone else was still the same as they were in the oringal timeline, so they were just deleting duplicates. But that is not right either, since captain America also saw himself and found out that Bucky was alive. Why did he not get a trial? And the Tony Stark who was with Loki would have also diverged from his original timeline. Maybe They didn't diverge significantly enough or something? Seems fudgy to me.

More importantly, what about the entirely new timeline that the Avengers created when nebula showed Thanos his own death and changed that reality entirely. How can that be Ok, but Loki escaping capture is not? If it all comes down to "what the avengers did was supposed to happen", then the Avengers also "did" Loki escaping, since both Loki and Thanos were unintended consequences of them travelling back in time.

Endgame already had its own plot-holes of this sort, so that isn't even what bothers me the most. It is that the TVA seems to be omnipotent, which makes you wonder, if the Avengers had lost to Thanos, would they have just come in and deleted Thanos anyway?

I am guessing that Loki is going to end up causing the destruction of the TVA by the end of the series anyway, since Feige already said that people won't have had to have seen the shows to understand the movies. The TVA popping up in Doctor Strange without any explanation would seem odd. And them not turning up at all when he is opening up multi-verse would be even odder. So I think you can regard this as all quasi-canon.


If you watched the Dr Strange movie, it was said in the movie very clearly that if you manipulate time using time stone every time you will create a new timeline. It can't be any clearer than that.

But I agree with the rest of what you said.


The stones do exactly what the scriptwriters make them do. FTFY. Didn't even ask Disney for money for this info.


And think a little bit further. How could crime against TVA staffs even exist, even simple arson worked, if they controlled time? Even time stones can reverse time, which they use as paper weight, don't tell me they can't.


Again, they exist in a separate bubble with different rules, probably "time" in that bubble cannot be jumped. Or something.


And yet, they police time. I think you are very desperate to make it work (and failing), why?


He is right. You are the one that somehow doesn’t get the rules set out in this show.


For someone saying things like this without giving proper explanation. I can only assume you are also working for Disney.


it was a well made rubbish... the high praise will probably fall exponentially..
I hope I'm wrong but I'm not holding my breath..


It's crap and pure trailer bait.
Fairly entertaining trailer bait.


I've come to the conclusion that the Marvel fandom has become a bit of a cult that will eat up any mediocrity thrown at them and ask for seconds.


Or maybe the initial high score was due to Disney employees and I think there are Disney employees working these forums as well.


All 12,000 Disney employees voted 10*! I'm sure Mickey Mouse has a MovieChat account. Would make a good moderator.


I don't know, I liked it ...


I was a little put off by the cartoons in the TVA. I could do with less of the in-your-face comedy from Marvel. And I am always upset by how underpowered they make Loki. He is a god. They make him too weak. But overall I enjoyed it. Hiddleston is, as always, an inspired Loki. People burning alive at the end was a nice setup for the tone of future episodes.

I think the Loki from a different branch escaped pruning and is working to create as much chaos and new universes that he can. I imagine that he will team up with himself to destroy the TVA and then betray himself. The result being the multiverse that Dr Strange will be dealing with in his movie.


It is not just Loki that is weak, TVA enforcers too. If Loki could kill them using simply fire, imagine what if, heaven forbid, Loki gets a machine gun.

How could they possibly capture even more powerful beings?
