MovieChat Forums > Loki (2021) Discussion > Ep 4: Turns out Kang wasn’t the true thr...

Ep 4: Turns out Kang wasn’t the true threat…

It was Renslayer, because of course it was. She led his armies, she won the war, she alone kept the TVA in line, and she’s the true leader while Kang (He Who Remains) is just the figurehead who reaped the rewards. They can’t even let their big villain of the saga be competent without a woman pulling the strings, and after all that effort of casting a black guy and hyping him up to be the next Robert Downey Jr. I guess black men aren’t diverse enough anymore.

Granted, I wasn’t convinced with Kang since season one, but this still made me roll my eyes. I saw it coming, but I wanted to be wrong, I wanted to give Kang a chance, but nope, the girl boss is the true bad guy. At this rate, there’s no way Kang was ever gonna top Thanos.

Funnily enough, this could work out now that Majors is in hot water. Renslayer might have been pruned, but as season 1 showed, characters can come back from that. Whether they filmed this beforehand, or reshot parts of the season after the allegations, either way they now have an excuse to replace Kang, and they could just write off the mid-credits scene from Antman 3.

I’ll say this though: the music was great.


I think you are way off base here. My theory is that Timely willingly went into the temporal loop knowing full well what was about to happen to him, and that he has basically seeded himself throughout all of time. Had he not come to the TVA, stepped through that door, and been spaghetti-fied, there would be no Kang. By doing that, he's placed himself in all timelines everywhere, and now Kang is coming.


It’d be nice if that’s the case, believe me when I say I want to be wrong. But with Disney’s track record with its shows, I’m not holding my breath.

That still doesn’t change the fact that he was all but helpless without Renslayer and Ms Minutes. There’s using pawns, and then there’s having someone else do all the work while seemingly stealing the credit.



The women in the MCU haven’t been hot for a while, with the exception of Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, and even then, they gave her frumpy clothes to hide her body. It’s expected at this point, that’s why people don’t bring it up as much. Part of me expected Kang would be up-staged this season because of the allegations against Majors, but if this was always the plan, it just makes Kang even more lame. He’s supposed to be the new big bad, but every appearance he’s had so far has been disappointing.

If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I’ll gladly leave this post up and you can come back and tell me “I told you so.”




Yes, it would appear the writers held back a little, this time. I interpreted it as "Mrs Kang" being eaten by the purple cloud, her facial expression meaning that she was gonna take it with bravado rather than cower and cry. She may not take over as the big bad of the Multiverse Saga, thank god, but the damage has still been done. She lead Kang's armies and won his battles, that hasn't been proven to be a lie on Ms Minutes' part. Kang's already thin reputation was further diluted because of that. It's made even worse due to that the actress's performance was mid, and the character has no screen presence whatsoever. I did like the scene were Mobius talked about how there's no comfort in making hard choices, and that Renslayer had to suffer the consequences when she refused to prune a variant child, but that rings hollow when we didn't get to actually see it, on top of the fact that Renslayer just isn't that likable or interesting.

I do agree that Loki finally felt like the star of his own show towards the end. Took them long enough, but at least he stopped being out-classed by Sylvie and got to do something that made him look good. Where they'll go from here, though, and how this affects the Multiverse Saga, I don't know. Season 2 takes place immediately after season 1, and ends only a short time afterwards, yet this had no impact on Spider-Man NWH, Doctor Strange MoM, or Ant-Man 3. If you skipped this show, you'd miss nothing, and Kang would just be some one-off villain in an Ant-Man movie, which is probably for the best, for the audience and Disney who seems hellbent on moving away from Majors after propping him up so hard. While it was nice to see Loki finally shine, I have yet to see how it matters in the long run. Honestly, he was better off dying a hero in Avengers: Infinity War after finally redeeming himself.



both are fleeting exposition dude... highly selective reasoning..severely lacks consistency

I don't get what your issue is here. Both statements tried to make Renslayer look better than she actually is. Not only did neither statement work, they made Kang look worse than he already was. What's inconsistent about that?



Yes, it rings hollow, because we were told and not shown. Therefore, neither statement made her look good as the writers intended, and it instead made Kang look worse.

I disregarded all of it, even though the writers expected me to accept all of it.


Male tears are delicious.


I’m not a male, sweetie. What now?


You're a pick me girl, then. Do you know what's that?


I know I’d never pick you for anything. No woman would.


I'm sure you picked a lot of men telling them what they want to hear.


Aww, feeling left out?


My guess is that Marvel is distancing itself from Johnathon Majors in case he ends up going to jail.


That's what I'm thinking is the case. Loki S2 ending with the idea that they're just hunting Kang variants seems like a clean way to warp up the Kang arc if things go south for Majors.
