MovieChat Forums > Raised by Wolves (2020) Discussion > first episode disapointing - spoliers

first episode disapointing - spoliers

androids with a lot of ilogical decissions. androids that can mind controll a ship of a newer generation. androids with weapoms that would never be allowed on an android (unless humans are way too stupid), that suit they are wearing (or the skin) is suddenly bulletproof but in other ocassions breaks so easy.

reminds me in a way of mother but nothing of the good points.


The only purpose of this show is to push a woke agenda. It is not concerned with logic.


Sure. Ridley Scott the 81 year old woke guy. Very typical of him. Get over yourself.


Well, not sure about the show but he started moving in this direction decades ago.


I don't get it - he directed only 2 episodes, but the creator is some other dude - I dunno why they even put Ridley's name in the ad to begin with - fucking hbo. Anyways, putting his name in the ad is akin to saying this is going to be utter shit, given how he's fucked up the alien sequels.


Ridley's SON is directing it. :(


There is like 5 directors attached to it - check out the names of people who directed various episodes.


that could explain a lot too :D


Age is not a factor. If you are Hollywood, you are Woke... If you want to work, that is.


Do people here just nitpick stupid shit like this instead of actually discussing things? Next time, try a deeper analysis than this cinema sins shit. It's weak and juvenile.


I guess I didn't mind those technical snafus as much as just the bland story. It did stuff, it's got some sci-fi, ramps up to an action packed ending, that still seems kinda dumb and bland.

Really not much about religion/atheist stuff.... religion killed everybody, but this (glitching robot) kills almost everyone?

Not feeling much redemption for anyone in this plodding plot so far.


I agree, was gonna give up on the first episode after 10 minutes. Seemed to be some atheist agenda. Then it flipped. The female android went nuts. But she’s also more human sometimes. The remaining humans have become weird and the religion is hard to describe. However the kids were praying for help from some deity and I think this will still be developed later.

7/10 for the first 3 episodes.


just seeing the ad alone, I'm getting galactica vibes, which was ok, but with weird dialogues/dream sequences/etc - it seems like this took all those weird dialogues/dream sequences/music and removed everything that made galactica decent.


Religious and atheists alike are all fucked up and crazy in this movie.

Ragnar seems to be the only one that's sane ...


It has "movie" production values, but this is just a "TV Show", not a movie.

Movies serve up a complete story (mostly) with a resolved ending. TV Shows are designed from the ground up to continue forever, to "sell more soap" (sopa opera) or maintain paying viewership - HBO fees.

I guess that is my own biggest problem: shows are not for me, so I need to shut up and move on.


1/ They were all the same generation and both groups left the Earth at the same time. The Arc was just slower.
2/ Mother was clearly a special-weapons military model hastily repurposed and with a personality adjustment. Since we have no idea how an AI would work it is possible that it was some kind of a memory repression and once Mother started breaking down the repressed memories resurfaced.
My guess that nuclear strike was the Theists' answer to such machines.
3/ Father was some kind of general purpose android and as such easily damaged.

All that can be explained. What I don't get is this: why don't they have any tools? It's not enough to breed more humans. The androids should be able to restart the civilization. And, more importantly, why do they have no medical kit or knowledge?
I mean, I know the answer: so that the plot can happen but that makes no sense at all.


the "newer" android said "she is an older generation, i can handle her with no problems".


My guess she was instructed to morph to look like a standard issues android.
So far there is no indication that androids communicate in any other way than verbally - so it's not like he queried her system to provide model and system build data.

I've started episode two and there is a possibility that your statement about too powerful androids was correct. It's possible these things turned on all humans - including atheists.


There is a HUGE indication that androids could have different levels of intercation/communication: when she remotely controls Ragnar's ship and overrides his access, commands, etc. But that was the only time when it happened.

Of course most of interactions must be verbal or the viewer would be confused and there would be close to zero dialogue. But at the same time it makes it inconsistent.


It appeared I was wrong about some things so I guess we will have to wait for more of Ragnar's flashbacks to put together a better picture of the future Earth and the war.



It's 2 different strategies. The Arc is like putting all the eggs in one basket, they have all the people, tools, etc., to find a place, set down and rebuild. But the atheists spread their people out like dandelions. It seems like they are trying to train the children to not be dependent on advanced tools, as the androids will eventually break down while the children become adults. These humans would not be responsible for restarting civilization, the next groups will. The first humans are there to guide the next ones to do the basic stuff necessary to grow their colonies. Father put a priority on preserving the lives of the kids, the Mother put a priority on preserving the colony. A lot of times, these priorities don't conflict, but we see some instances where they do.


I hope you still don't feel this way. It's so much better than mother.


No way. I loved Mother.

But the show has become more interesting, more dark so i kinda started to enjoy it more.

Still the powers of the android don't make sense to me. Telekinesis? WTF?


I must have been in a bad mood while watching mother.
Yes it is becoming confusing because of the whole supernatural aspect of the Mithraic religion. I am hoping that all the "magic" will be explained by ancient technology. Actually I am hoping it will tie into the Aliens universe (just a little). The head on top of the 12 sided die in Marcus' vision looks a lot like the helmet of the suits of the Engineers (from the Alien universe). Or maybe it will even explain why the engineers helmets look like weird "elephant-like" aliens...
or maybe not and it has no connection to Aliens. But I'm still enjoying it immensely.
Maybe I didn't like "mother" because there was little world building.


Mother is starting to see some weird vision of the past? future?

A bunch of hooded figures standing around an alien imprisoned in a capsule, pretty huge revelation if you ask me.

I have a feeling that Necromancers are actually part of an alien technology that fell into the hands of Mithraic.

This way the aliens are both gods and technology combined.
