Can Zemo work with Walker?

On another thread, I was raving about the scene where Walker starts getting uptight while waiting for Sam to talk to Karli.

Zemo starts watching Walker with obvious interest and concern. I'm guessing he's already thinking ahead, guessing who among them will take the serum if the opportunity arises, and who Zemo will have to kill along with Karli.

Makes me wonder if they're trying to create an MCU Suicide Squad with Zemo, Walker, Yelena and Blonsky. And if so, what's to stop Zemo from executing Walker same as he did Karli's people.


As a matter of fact, a report just came out that a Thunderbolts movie is apparently in the works.


That'd be awesome - a super team whose tactical leader (I'm assuming Zemo) wants to kill some its members (Walker & Blonsky) and has a personal death wish.

Makes sense that they'd re-introduce and "tame down" Blonsky in "Shang-Chi"




They need to introduce other major characters if they want to do The Thunderbolts properly such as :

Red Hulk
Norman Osborn


I think maybe the plan is to include Zemo, Walker, Abomination, and possibly Yelena Belova. Some new faces being introduced in the story. Maybe combine it with Dark Avengers.


If rumors are true, Daredevil is going to come to the MCU proper which means Bullseye would have already been introduced.

I think Moonstone might be in Ms Marvel or She-Hulk?


She could be the villain in Captain Marvel 2 as well.


And Daredevil's here, along with his own, personal Kingpin. Huzzah!

Though I'm a bit bummed that Zemo apparently won't be one of the Thunderbolts.

I still think he'd work in the film, precisely because he WON'T work. I.e., his personal death wish and desire to kill both Walker and Blonsky make for terrible team-building, but excellent drama.
