What is the theory of this movie?

Can someone tell me, without the the media hyperbole please? I don't need you to tell me it's "virulently anti-semtic", which is about all I hear about it. I'm just curious what it's actual premise is that it is putting forward.


I’m curious as well. I came here to ask the same thing.


I think.. the message is something along the lines of:

'the Bible says that black people were originally from Israel and were pushed out by ancient Jews who then stole their identity.'


I thought that might be the case. I remember hearing a few times over the last few years of some black guys who would "take up residence" (squat) in some building and then try and claim some nonsense about not being subject to US eviction laws due to being part of this "true Hebrew nation" or something, claiming some treaty or kind of diplomatic immunity that doesn't exist. Just pure grift.


Kyrie Irving Boosts Antisemitic Movie Peddling ‘Jewish Slave Ships’


The 2018 film was directed by Ronald Dalton, Jr., and based upon his 2015 book of the same name. A description for the film states that it “uncovers the true identity of the Children of Israel,” while a similar one for the book reads, “Since the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, blacks have been told lies about their heritage.” Both suggest Hebrews to Negroes espouse ideas in line with more extreme factions of the Black Hebrew Israelites, which have a long history of misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and especially antisemitism.

The Black Hebrew Israelite movement is fairly broad, comprising organizations that “operate semi-independently.” The movement generally coalesces around the notion that Black people are the real descendants of the ancient Israelites, with more extreme factions claiming that Black people have been “robbed of their identity as being ‘God’s chosen people'”.

It’s those extremist sects that have often parroted “classic” antisemitic tropes, like claiming European Jews (often referred to as the “synagogue of Satan”) wield outsized control over society, especially in industries like banking and the media. They’ve also pushed antisemitic claims that Jews are responsible for slavery and the “effeminizing of Black men.”

Irving’s ostensible promotion of Hebrews to Negroes comes at a moment when Black Hebrew Israelite thinking, and the antisemitism espoused by its most extreme sects, have been garnering more attention thanks to Kanye West. The rapper’s recent string of comments about Jewish people has been in line with extreme Black Hebrew Israelite thinking, such as his claim that “you guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone whoever opposes your agenda” and his assertion that he “actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also.”


The movie is made to show that Blacks were/are the descendants of the original Jews.. It does a very good job of backing up its premise by using Bible scripture, genetic science, language, geography and history... As well as eye witness accounts from people who were around during that time. The only thing in the entire film which can be remotely antisemitic is the claim that the European Jews whom we know of today are actually converts to the religion and not direct descendants. There is also a quote in there from a Jewish man who denies the Holocaust ever happened. But there is not just a bunch of antisemitic screed which is what most people want you to believe.. If you do rent this film off of Amazon(I highly recommend it) you will learn an awful lot.. The people who keep saying that it is full of antisemitic tropes have not seen the film.. And to be quite honest it seems as though they are scared of it.


Has it been proven that the Holocaust actually existed or was just used as an excuse to get America involved in Europe for WW2?


The movie doesn't deny the Holocaust.. It has a statement from a Jewish man who denies the Holocaust.. But saying that the director of this film himself denies it is a lie.. I myself remember seeing video footage of bodies being thrown into mass graves when I was a kid.. So I know that the Holocaust happened..


USA got involved in WW2 because Pearl Harbour was attacked by the Japanese. So nothing to do with the Holocaust.


There is absolutely no science in this movie! WTF are "eye witnesses"?

The original Jews were ancient Arabs and looked like modern Arabs. Humans originated in Africa and were black. Those that left Africa had lighter skin.

Jewish males headed north and settled along the Rhine. Evidence for this exists in the Y chromosome.


There absolutely was genetic science in this documentary.. The eyewitness accounts were from the people of that time period.. Don't come to me talking a bunch of none sense..


That groids are the real jews.
