MovieChat Forums > The Menu (2022) Discussion > They should have all stood up and said "...

They should have all stood up and said "I'd like a cheeseburger to go too!"

I mean, would have been worth a shot at least.


It wouldn't have mattered as they wouldn't have appreciated it.


I would have asked for fries and a large budweiser super cold draft beer as well.


Couldn't hurt.

But they HAD eaten from the previous dishes.


They should have started fighting immediately after them grabbing the old guy to chop off his finger. I was kind of dumbfounded they all just sat there and took it. What a bunch of weak willed clowns.


It seems at least one of the dudebros should a realistically attempted to order fast food thinking It would save him too.

It's kinda silly how everybody gives up without a fight. I'll take being stabbed by a waiter rather than burned alive.


Nobody knew they'd be burned alive when Margot was let go.


They sat around waiting with marshmallows around their necks and chocolate on their heads. Even after the chef had clearly stated that that they will be set on fire.


The dessert wasn't served until after the bill came. The kitchen was closed and Margot was all the way back at the boat before the marshmallows came out and chef revealed the dessert. By that time everyone was broken down and defeated; the guests were saying "thank you" and "we love you" by the time they were set on fire.

Also, I don't understand the criticisms centered around logically dissecting the movie in such a literal way; it's a satire. The entire movie is a commentary on the fine dining industry. It's like watching The Lobster and asking why couples care about having a common trait or why they have to be turned into animals if they don't.


That's what I said too!


Chef Slowik’s immediate response to that: No Cheeseburger for you!!!

Yeah, if fighting to the death wasn’t something they were ultimately willing to do, then they should have taken a cue from Margot. Unlikely this would have actually worked of course (perhaps they all felt it was useless), yet what else could they have done besides attempt to fight/obliterate Chef and his minions. But all of them (with the exception of “Margot”) belonged there as far as Slowik was concerned, so eh.


It would have only worked with her though because she was the only one there that wasn't meant to be there. She wasn't part of the plan so he really wasn't into wanting to kill someone that wasn't part of the plan. That's what I took from it anyway. And I think he found a little kinship in her as well.


I looked at it like she was able to present the chef with an opportunity to actually want to cook something again instead of just going through the motions as he had been doing for a long time for those type of people that frequented his establishment. I thought he may have let her go out of appreciation for letting him feel the love of cooking again because he finally had a challenge after so long without one.


This! Absolutely my take.
