MovieChat Forums > jim > Replies

jim's Replies

I'm still finalizing a few things from yesterday's update that have to be done behind the scenes, but the very next things I'll be working on are adding mods and implementing an ignore feature. Yep - still working on bringing the entire archive online plus a few other goodies 👍🏻 🖐🖐🖐 Here you go: <a href="">Facebook</a> <a href="">Twitter</a> It's going to be an all-at-once thing, so one second you won't see any new archived posts and the next second there will be millions of new archived posts. I've been working on it all weekend but unfortunately it's taking a bit longer than I expected, particularly the merging part. I'm going to keep hacking away at it, but realistically I think it might take a few more days. Hope you guys can wait! It's going to be a major update for us, included with a few new things that I haven't mentioned yet. Also, incase anyone's wondering, I haven't forgotten about the moderator applications - I will get to that once this update is finished. Back to work now... Yes and yes Nothing will be deleted. Everything will be merged. It's taking a bit longer than I expected because it's quite complex to merge all the new archived content with existing posts created here, but I've got it covered. Yep! Still working on it. Currently implementing some safeguards before we bring on mods (just in case). Also in the middle of importing the entire IMDB archive 😁 Thanks for sharing those stats! Really encouraging to see. Arvin, I implemented this yesterday. 1. New users can't sign up with an email that is already in use for another account 2. New users can't sign up with a temporary email (must be a real email address) 3. New users must verify their email address before making new posts 4. New users can't make an account with the same username as an existing account but with different capitalization or spaces at the end (eliminates imposter accounts) No problem, Leia. We will be sending emails to the address associated with your account, but if you don't have an email associated with your account, just drop me a line at Thanks! Thanks for everyone's interest. We will be sending emails to candidates shortly. Yep! Thanks Catbookss I'm glad you like it. I've actually discovered quite a few new things I'd like to watch from the Trending section myself. Now I just need to find the time! As some others have mentioned, we have virtually all of the movie and tv show threads backed up offline (thanks to archiveteam), and we're currently working on uploading everything to the site. Everyone - thank you for alerting me to this issue. The ad has been removed and the individual responsible for it is no longer with the MovieChat team. A little backstory: I recently contracted with an individual to manage our advertising/marketing and social media efforts. She had a solid background and work experience, so I thought it would be a good fit and help us get the word out. Unfortunately, she engaged in unscrupulous behavior that is absolutely unacceptable. Ultimately, it is my fault for not looking deeper into her and her marketing firm, as upon further examination, it appears they have engaged in similar behavior in the past. I was excited about spreading the word about MovieChat, and my excitement precluded me from doing the vetting and due diligence that I would normally do in the regular course of business. I take full responsibility, and I am now looking into potential legal action against her and her firm. I know the comments above are mixed, but let me be clear, this type of action will absolutely not be tolerated at MovieChat, and needless to say the individual responsible is no longer part of the MovieChat team. Jim PS: We are now looking for a new social media and marketing expert. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please email me directly at Yeah over half the web relies on AWS (including Heroku, our host) so it wasn't pretty... I'm implementing redundancy with another host that doesn't rely on AWS, so even if AWS crashes we won't lose too much uptime. Our hosting provider, Heroku, went down (affecting millions of sites hosted there, not just us). Thankfully we're back up and running!