NorthernLad's Replies

I like to pick at it...but that's because I'm so fond of it. I would never call it crap. Again...another part of the story that is pretty much pointless. lol I like you. Here's another take on the bible there are several stories where God requires people to do certain thing which almost certainly see them end in their deaths, or locked away and possibly tortured. In doing these things one may ask, "Well hey...if you're God...I mean THE God...why don't you just take care of things yourself and leave people alone? In short, do your own dirty work." The moral of most of those stories is that God requires these people to do these things just because he wants to know WHO will stand up for him. In The Stand, Stephen King kinda wrote his own biblical story because that's pretty much what God wanted. The men were to go there and be the draw for everyone to be present and then in doing so, be destroyed. So yeah, I get your point. I still think from my logical perspective, if such a God exists...he or whatever it is should be doing his own dirty work. But in the end, King was just following suit so to speak and I do not hold anything against him for that. And I will always think certain things that happened in the book/story were kind of pointless in the end. That will never stop my interest in this story though. I know your critique is 3 years old...but every so often I watch this miniseries and the questions always get me going and your question is one of them. Why in the hell would God need Larry and Ralph to be there if Trash was going to arrive with a nuclear bomb and "The hand of God" was going to detonate said bomb? The end of this story is somewhat pointless when it comes to the story of Larry and Ralph. Also...when you think about it, why in the hell would God need people to come to Boulder or to follow Mother Abigail. She ended up being kind of pointless too. This story is fascinating, but if you really think about it, the story is full of holes and pointlessness. lol She's a technological savvy Granny then. lol I love this topic! lol Oh damn...he definitely looked better with a beard! Without it...he was hot...but he looked like your average daytime soap actor. Yes, he and John are my favorites. And I love when the two have scenes together. And I want to add that I love Stevie and any time she has a scene with David...their banter with each other is just priceless. Also love Ted...mostly because he's hot AF...but he also has a way of delivering those lines that makes me laugh. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Well if you want to be technical about it...Charles had the two younger kids in real life I sincerely hope he didn't ignore them...but Michael Landon had two younger girls who couldn't hence the adding of new kids who possibly could act. And I use that word very lightly. Saw it as well. Adam was almost obsessed with hounding Eric every time he saw him. I remember thinking, "I'll bet Adam ends up in love with him." And he did...great show! Agreed. Season 2 was slightly tamer than the first. Pj...had laugh at your feelings about're not alone in those feelings. I personally could take him or leave him, but it was clear Michael Landon wanted more of a male presence on the show....and they did let the character get by with murder...literally. Today if a kid was responsible for burning down a school...a blind school at that...especially one that lead to deaths...that kid would be off to juvie jail. You mention Melissa Gilbert...I think she was a great child actress...but as she got older...I think she lost the talent. I don't think she's all that great of an actress as an adult....especially as that show went on....and it went on too long. Melissa Sue Anderson got better in time...she'd probably never win an Oscar, but she was good. The twins who played Carrie were awful. And it was clear once Mary and Laura were grown that Michael Landon wanted child talent on the show and he wrote in all those excess kids into the show. And don't even get me going on the two boys in the last season...the ones who moved into the Little House. As for Erin Murphy, she was okay...for what they needed her to do...but not great by any means. I think her parents could have helped her at that point if they had invested in some training for her at that can be done. Gbennett, it's so funny that you bring up "The Warlock in the Gray Flannel Suit." I watched that one not too long ago and for the first time ever...I found him sexy in that particular role. Not sure why after all these years...but yeah, I saw it. I'm not, nor was I ever a huge Bernie Kopel role...but something about that role made me see it after all this time. Idiot fuckwad. Can you even read fuckwad? This! It needs to's done.