Nirzhormahmud's Replies

I hope so. :) I think they did. If they really did this, i think it's a good decision. Even the casting and the roleplay of little "lady mormont" is perfect , i really adore her. :) I can't wait actually..... I agree with u on some point. I watch the FaF just for fun and action. And in that case, it seems ok to me. There is no way all movie should have "darknight" level storytelling perfection for enjoyment. Commercial movie dead on logic, please just enjoy your 2hours if you find fun on these. I'm a Mravel fan though! Ha ha ha!! Right! I hope so. Agree with u. I agree with u. u point out the facts. yes. agree with u bro. i have no negative thoughts about LGBT or Racial things, i'm a colored person too. look at the movie "MILK", how remarkable acting of Sean pen, that was truly oscar worthy. but giving prize just for making that kind of Concept-based movie or acting in it, its became annoying. if they continued that way, in a near future this prize lose its credibility just like Novel "peace" prize slowly, and just known for backing controversial propaganda/social messages on cinematic universe. actually who gives a f**K about Oscar now-a-days??!! this years oscar was total shit. i really lose faith on oscar, its now becoming the promotional stunt of LGBT/racial/political subjects!!! Oscar's fundamental objective should be "acting/story", but those get less attention than "social/racial/political movements" type of movies. it's depressing. hope so. Lucilled them No, but thanks to bring this table, I will read it..... 😊 As far as I know GOT universe has incredible background history like lord of the rings universe. It has its own history of thousands of years, mythological era, own civilisation pace. Honourable writer make it almost flawless. Great work. They are immortal but not indestructible..... Agree. No compromise about the quality..... This sequel doomed the whole series.... If you follow the history of "game of thrones" universe, you will find that; thousands of years ago, children of Forrest were the ruler the westeros until "the first man" came to the westeros from esos and fight against them. After achieving the victory against them the first man established the human civilization in westeros. After the defeat, Children created white walker to destroy human reigns but they lost control on white walker by overpowered them. Ww brought devastating war upon human durings the era of long night. The chosen one "azor hai" led human in the long night and defeat the ww and drove back them far north. The Wall was built on the consequence. both the first man & the lord who build the wall are the ancestors of the House stark. Good question. Because in on-screen they scavenging miles after miles for one canned food but during the off-screen they live on MacDonald's.... In this situation it can't be happen. Because none of the groups are in a position to make this kind of trade with the saviors except kingdom. Negan totally owned ricks group. They are guardless and arms prohibited. Although they go with their new weaponry to make a trade, they will be ruined the "surprise attack" plan & total rebellion. Negan would destroy them. And do u think Negan even care about Dwighty boy!!? if rick's group would come to this trade, negan happily bashed sasa's head in front of them.