FilmFan1983's Replies

We don't have valid statistics because we don't know how many illegals are living in the US. However, we know that there are illegal immigrants that come to this country who have criminal histories or are gang affiliated. Let me ask you. How many violent crimes is too many? I suspect you won't have an answer. Meanwhile, public mass shootings and assault weapons account for only a tiny portion of gun deaths. Why should only one problem be addressed through legislation and not the other? We also lack the necessary funding to process all these asylum requests and care for those who are in detention. There is already a huge backlog of asylum cases which encourage more illegal immigration. He's on record saying that Mexico will pay for the wall "one way or another". Still, the fact that people keep reverting to this talking point means that they can't defend their position that the wall would be completely ineffective. Even those who support the wall know it is only one part of comprehensive immigration reform. Ironically, those same people calling the wall ineffective fail to give any specifics about how their own measures would help curb illegal immigration in and of itself. I'm all for "technology" as long as it's part of bigger reform. Trump said Mexico would pay for it. He never said they would PREpay for it. No one believed that Mexico was simply going to write a check. Anyway, it's silly to assume that 5.7 billion is too much to protect our border and national sovereignty when we already spend billions upon billions annually on foreign expenditures. People who are not taken in by media spin will not change their position because Trump is obnoxious when making his point. He's still right. Trump has said that the wall is just one part of comprehensive immigration reform. He's also said in his address that it's a humanitarian crisis because we can't afford to take care of those who are currently in detention. Allowing unfettered access for more illegal immigration will result in many unable to get the proper medical care that they need and put more people making the trek in danger. Trump has also offered to increase border troops, immigration judges, and implement research into many technological advancements that democrats are calling for. The problem is many of the reforms the democrats have been calling for are not practical or still in the developmental stages. The democrats who are calling this a manufactured crisis are far more despicable than Trump. Schumer, especially, who calls the wall immoral, is a giant hypocrite for once advocating for a barrier at the border and then changing his mind when it's politically inconvenient. And mass shootings, while terrible and more easily preventable, make up but a fraction of the deaths of people in the US. Illegal immigrant crime is more deadly. I read it somewhat differently. He probably knows something we don't about Hollywood cover ups and is threatening to come forward with the full truth. His only crime for which he didn't pay the price would have been him not coming out sooner. Paul Shraeder, who directed the Oscar favorite First Reformed, expressed interest in working with Spacey as recently as a few months ago and said he had Spacey in mind for his next project. It's oddly coincidental. I'm surprised nobody in the press has mentioned the ending at all and how it eerily informs current events. I'm a little nervous about the second one since so much of what made the movie work was because of Cary's input and as far as I know, he's not coming back in any creative capacity for part 2. The second will be more difficult to adapt as it is. Read the second draft by Cary and it's pretty damn good. The movie's climax is a lot less confusing than it is in the finished product since the new version removes so much context. We actually see Alvin Marsh die at the hands of Pennywise, we find out that the floating kids are in fact dead (something the final cut left too ambiguous) and we see Bill trick Georgie into revealing his true identity. Ben's character is more fleshed out and we actually see the reason why he turns on Bill after the Niebolt house scene. The relationship triangle with Ben, Bev, and Bill are better defined in the script. That script also emphasizes more subtle scares during the Niebolt house scene and is far more effective because of it. While the new movie tried to include more of the clown, I liked how in Cary's version, Pennywise could change into seemingly benevolent human form. It would have made the movie more unsettling and unpredictable. The kidnapping angle was an addition to the new script, and doesn't really make sense as Pennywise should want to divide the group and not band them together. Although the more recent draft did a good job of retaining the spirit, if not the content, of certain scenes, some more important scares were left off. In the second draft we see Pennywise possess Bev's dad in a chilling scene, actually get to see the first appearance of the deadlights at the bottom of the lake, and get to see Patrick return as a reanimated corpse. I'm not saying that that draft was perfect. The flashback scene explaining the origins of It feels narratively out of place, and the condensing of Richie and Stanley's character wasn't the best move, but with just a little more tweaking and reintroduction of Stanley, I think I would have preferred it to what we got. It's worth noting that the final draft did not improve on any of the fundamental weaknesses of the earlier drafts such as the overly broad characterizations of the adults and Mike and Stanley functioning more like background characters. The only good thing the film added (besides Stanley who was still present in the original draft) was more visual flair that wasn't evident in the earlier script. The soundtrack was OK but was hoping for more synth/new wave or at least something less upbeat. The problem was that every single jump scare was given away in the trailer. The only one that wasn't (the projection scene) actually made me jump. Future audiences will have the benefit of not having seen the trailer before the movie, which should make all those scenes much more effective. Do you remember which songs are featured in the movie? How well are they used? Thumbs up! (See what I did there?) It seems like I was giving this movie too much credit. Having Walter at the end would have been a far better ending I think, but the movie mostly suffers for introducing exciting concepts and just abandoning them. Don't forget that Amazon reviews are no longer organized by most helpful. Despite the fact that people can enjoy nearly unlimited music, movies, and books for a minimal subscription fee, you now have to be a verified purchaser on Amazon to have your review displayed on the main page. And there is no way to filter out the verified reviews, so even if you select top reviews on the following page, the most helpful reviews will still be shoved down in favor of verified reviews. A lot of professional reviewers of entertainment media used Amazon reviews to build their brand, and consumers relied on it over other similar services, but now the site is dominated by 1 or 2 sentence reviews from older customers who don't really know what the review section is for. It's cluttered with people talking about everything but the product. I don't care how fast you got the product or the condition it was in, I want to hear about what you thought of the product itself. It's really sad what's going on. I'm sure it's not coincidental. I'm just surprised IMDb hasn't tried to disable their star ratings yet. Like the design for the companion script but I still can't get it to work after removing the other add ons. Anything else I should try? That looks much better. Would you be able to do it without the discuss/news tab? Looks better but needs to be even more streamlined and show just the posts.