FilmFan1983's Replies

Awful. It's hackers like these that will just make them crack down harder on everyone else. These types of breaches will just result in negative publicity and challenge the notion of a free and open internet. Should be on front page Yes, an actual trending feature similar to IMDb's popularity meter would be very useful. It's not like they have to get rid of the latest comments to make room for it either. I think imdbarchive looks quite nice actually, especially if you want something similar to what IMDb had. It would be nicer though if there was a proper homepage, or at least a good looking banner. I agree to some extent about TMDb. I think it has a good user base, but the lack of archived threads is a huge drawback. I meant the trending bar on the homepage. It has only 15 slots. Thanks for the detailed response. I agree that Mr. Porter's actions in the wake of Hannah's suicide made him look more guilty. I don't necessarily disagree that he should have notified the parents, but remember that Hannah never admitted to wanting to take her own life. That type of accusation is extremely serious and could result in someone being involuntarily committed. It was an extremely tough call, most likely one he wasn't qualified to make. I thought he was making an effort to be sensitive to Hannah's situation but any serious intervention would have required someone with more authority. I certainly can understand why the parents went after the school, but it was apparent they had missed the signs of their daughter slipping away, which just makes the situation much more tragic. It was down once for several hours, but is currently up and running. is the only site that contains almost all the celebrity boards. Could it be your trying to access the site through mobile? I understand that that is still a work in progress. In another post, a user mentioned that they were able to access the mobile site with an ad blocker. I agree in the sense that Hannah is portrayed as being somewhat unreliable in her testimony due to her emotional detachment. However, her wishes are mostly carried out by the people most important in her life (Clay and her parents) and their actions are portrayed as justifiable even as they go after her classmates, who were mostly victims themselves. or the school. Hannah became so good at hiding her pain to the point where she was showing no outward signs. She even had her parents fooled. I can't see how Mr. Porter could have done more when those people closest to her couldn't even reach her. The show did a fine job in having us question the motives of those around her, and providing no easy answers, but in the end asks us to accept that everyone else is partially to blame. I agree. Right now, on the film/tv latest posts it only includes the title in small print. Images would help. However, overall imdbarchive is slicker in terms of UI. For example, you can insert images or text markup in your posts on IMDarchive, the former which you couldn't even do on IMDb. Having said all that, I think has the most advanced UI of all of the above, plus the most comprehensive archive. It just needs more traffic. Moviechat doesn't really have a trending section, it's just latest posts. IMDarchive has a latest post board which collects all messages from the general boards, and another latest posts board which collects all the movie and tv related posts. An actual trending section would be nice, but as it stands, I prefer the latest posts feature on IMDarchive to here mostly because the posts don't get bumped off after 15 other posts. Most are on The mobile site is now working for some people. I'm now getting a javascript error but I think it's being worked on. The site owner is also planning to release an app. The site is still not too active I'm afraid. There is potential though. The guy definitely knows what he's doing. It's the only place I can go right now to read boards for people. Sad that this got more support than the IMDb message board petition. My favorite music tends to be both sad and uplifting at the same time. A lot of James Horner's work makes me feel that way. Here is one of my favorites: This post on its own almost makes the movie worth watching. Yeah, I got a white screen when trying to access the site on my phone. I asked about it in the feedback thread. Yep, that URL should take you to the front page. All recent threads are collected in the recent activity thread. I'm torn too as I've come to like the people I've met here and enjoy reading their posts (likewise, TMDb has also established a relatively small but dedicated community). I still intend to post here in the meantime, until there is an obvious front runner. As of now, a lot of these sites still have their pros and cons. However, I feel like is deserving of some recognition which it currently isn't getting so I'll chime in there as well. As much as I enjoyed the IMDb's boards, I always thought the boards themselves were clunky, so it's exciting to see someone bring it to the modern age rather than try to completely replicate it. Hopefully, that will work itself out in time as necessary tools are put in place such as having reported or flagged posts not factoring into the data. But if that's someone's primary motivation to post, it shouldn't be a problem provided they have something to say. I also had an idea of creating a list of most discussed instead of or in addition to most popular, which would principally factor in the length of threads. On imdb, it was typical for longer threads to have the most interesting discussion. These threads usually stayed at the top while inane posts quickly got buried. It's also bad netiquette to continually bump the same thread, which would inspire people to instead come up with really interesting threads and responses. I agree with this. It should be changed to most recent. I think a real trending list that works like IMDb's popularity meter would be tremendously useful for continuing discussion.