HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

I loved this movie too. I haven't seen it in years! I had a crush on Simon, Lol That's what I was thinking. "For Keeps" comes to mind here. I think mine was "The Bodyguard" when I was 11. Yes, and you will love it!!! Their slogan is that it's "the only Golden Girls podcast you will ever need," and that is the absolute truth! The hosts are very entertaining and offer a lot of insight into the program. I highly recommend it!! Great job Jim! Thanks for working so hard on this! bump Well said. Yeah the character was still whiny and bratty; however I still rooted for her whereas the author (real person) I did not. I will have to watch that scene again. I believe food can be an art and like you said should be respected as well. I love the film, but I couldn't finish the book. I read a good chunk of it, and Julie Powell seems like somebody who has no compassion for other human beings or at least the people in her life. She treated her husband and family like crap and took delight in making fun of them in order to make her book more entertaining. Amy Adams' portrayal was more likable. This is cruel on my part, but I can see why Julia Child didn't want to meet her. I remember seeing this in the theater and really liking it. The songs were catchy, the story was great and I really liked how they used old school animation. I really miss that in movies. I remember hearing that too. I must say I watched I think only one episode during its time on CBS, and it was the one where Steve and Laura got engaged. I would love to see a continuation. I'm surprised it hasn't been looked into yet. I had NO IDEA that Joan Crawford had adopted twin daughters until I watched this episode. I've seen "Mommie Dearest" more than once, and since they are not in that I guess that is why I never knew. At first I thought they were Mammasita's girls. I looked up some information on them. Unfortunately one of them died about a decade ago, and apparently so has Christopher Crawford. I did find a YouTube video of both the twins speaking about their famous mom from a few years ago, and both of them have a completely opposite opinions of that of Christina Crawford. I also found a video of Bette Davis' daughter B.D., and apparently she is 69 and does videos for a religious organization. They showed part of one of the videos, and she was talking smack about how her famous mom was into witchcraft or something like that (I wasn't really paying attention, so it may not be that). I don't know what occurred as the children of famous women, but I felt like the latter daughter I discussed on here was well...I don't know how seriously I can take her. bump I'm afraid not. :( I never posted on that board. I remember that. Oh that was eery! I've also seen Jerry Springer episodes where this family came on there to have a "nice Christmas dinner." Please!! I will usually binge watch it on Logo too. I like the episodes from later years more than the beginning ones. I saw an episode years ago where one of the stories ended up being true, because one of the guests in that segment was found dead a few days later; however I ended up seeing one of the guests in the other segment on Jenny Jones with darker hair and a different name literally the next day. I recognized her face, plus she had a distinct voice. That was how I was able to identify her. Now I feel like the show has mostly actors. I mean who really believes they are going to get married on the "Jerry Springer" show?!? I really like this post, and I am also glad to have you here along with everyone else! Welcome!! I usually skip past the troll stuff. I don't read everything, but I do skim a few things-no necessarily reading all the comments in the thread. Welcome Headless Honcho!! I'm actually surprised it hasn't been attempted yet, and I hope it won't be. The original was just too good, and I think this is one that needs to be left alone, like "The Goonies."