HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

For me it's Rose. 🌹 True. You gotta know the difference between a conversation worth participating in and one that's a lost cause. Well said Traveler. Plus they never concede. They just keep arguing for the sake of arguing. Now some of these people getting accused of being trolls on here I have spoken to on here, and they seemed alright to me. I mean they engaged in healthy conversation about the respected film or program with me, and they did not try to promote their own agenda. Speaking of if people are getting on here in a desperate attempt to promote another website that only means that MovieChat is doing really good! 😉 The original Harriet, JoMarie Payton :) We should definitely keep this at the top! Trolls will be everywhere. They're unavoidable; however responding to them only fuels them. Even if you use logic to win your argument you won't have won, because they will always come back with something. I truly believe that IMDB's reason for shutting down the message boards had nothing to do with trolls. They weren't making an acceptable amount of money off the boards anymore, and rather than admit that the easiest thing to do was use the troll issue as a scapegoat. I've seen the actors who played Carl and Harriet reunite in a Hallmark Channel movie as a married couple running a B&B, so for that reason I think they'd be willing to do it, and hopefully others would as well. Neverstandalone you're welcome!! Yeah Ashley was her ideal fantasy of what she thought she wanted, and she didn't really know Ashley the person. She knew Ashley the fantasy, and fantasies never live up to reality, because perfection does not exist. With that said I believe Ashley would have been a disappointment to her, because he would not have lived up to her self conceived expectations. I think Louiseculmer nailed it, and as a matter of fact Scarlett says that's exactly what she's going to do at the end of the film. I wonder if Rhett would have come back to her... Agreed! This is one remake Disney nailed!! Awesome movie!!! I'm watching this episode right now. She really is bitchy. I thought there really was a Cheers bar in Boston. Has anyone ever been there? Welcome to MovieChat Laurie! Glad to have you here!! I feel like she was included because the powers that be knew that the audience would want to see her (even if only briefly) since she was such a central character in the first film. I feel kind of sorry for the actress. I mean it's like, "Hey you know that hit Disney film you starred in? Well guess what? You're going to be in the sequel; however you're not even in two minutes of it!" That just sucks. Haha!! Mrs. Claxton!! She was miserable!! One I really like is where Blanche, Dorothy and Rose went to a dance off for charity and Rose started doing walkovers and splits across the floor!! The looks on Blanche and Dorothy's faces!!!! Lololol!!! I've only seen that as a flashback episode, but I wasn't sure if it was its own episode a part from that. Oh that's terrific news!! I will be watching for it now. Thank you for the heads up!! You've all named some very good ones, and like somebody said Disney is on the remake bandwagon right now. At the moment they seem to be concentrating on animated films; however they have done a few live action in the past, and personally I think they need to leave the live action alone! Right here, and seeing this movie tonight! That could work. I just got into the show recently; however from what I've seen of Paige and from what little I know about her she seems like the type who would crack under pressure or in the moment. I don't think Elizabeth or Phillip are willing to take that type of chance. I mean I know they were showing her all of these coping mechanisms, but she's still a teenager. I don't think they even expect them to work. One thing I have noticed from clicking around the site is that many more message boards are getting comments on them; however they are not showing up in the trending section, because it was either hours or weeks since the last comment, so that is very promising! I said the exact same thing on this thread. I mean yes it is possible to fall for and date coworkers; however I find it odd that in Hollywood they managed to stay together for a long couple of years and coincidentally broke up once their famous film franchise had ended. I forgot all about High School Musical, but the same went for them as well like you said.