harryfyhr's Replies

Al Pacino,Robert De Niro,Marlon Brando I love 'em all as gangster or cops (that's broad) but comedies? Yeah,let's cast these hilarious dudes You may have been in comedies,but you are not funny and funny can't be taught in any acting classes if you are a one trick pony, nobody will believe you (still love you) Marlon Brando was a cunt,always late,didn't want to learn his lines why would anybody hire him thus endeth my rant whatever rocks your boat, I think of her like the tolken snl,person.not funny aat all I was ready to jump down your throat. Brilliant ACTING you fooled me I love John Lithgow Lazy comedians who steals material from others offends me. Tnx,I will check out her vagina jokes I came right from work and went to my friends,who usually were smoking weed and playing X-box. This day the news were on for a change and I got filled in that a fucking plane had hit one of the towers. We smoked a bowl and were making jokes until we saw the second plane came crashing. No jokes after that. Just a bunch of paranoid potheads waiting for WWIII you win,'couse you are special I'm out Let me expand on that Are there any female stand up comics that,. Let me rephrase that; are there any FUNNY female stand up comics that doesn't talk abut their vaginas or resorts to talk about: — being fat (if they are overweight) — being a minority (if they are not white) — being gay, trans,etc (if they are not "normal") Bring on the hate I love Stanley Tucci. One of my all time favorite actors. On the top of my head,only him and John Lithgow can play absolute asshole/psycho's in one role then turn it around and be hilariously funny in the next Stanley steals every scene in this movie "In a morbid irony 2019 is also the year Roy Batty expired" I was thinking the same. RIP Rutger,very sad to learn Hollywood is Dead is my go to happy song