BrutaleBent's Replies

DING DING DING *WINNER* Life wasn't very good, but was watchable - unfortunately, it beats Alien: Covanent by a good bit. -.- I disagree. Instead it's time to reboot everything that came after Aliens, and have Neill Blomkamp get a shot at it, or at the very least have James Cameron at least make a decent movie out of it. :P No, they implied it growing to full size almost instantly - which is yet another fuckup in this clusterfuck of a movie. Was the same with all the various alien creatures - they had a growth to full size in minutes. Not hours. Not days. Minutes. I mean, come the fuck on. Because it's mediocre af. Enjoyable, but mediocre. First Alien movie was good; mystery, alien, horror, memorable characters/scenes. A well thought out horror flick, that introduced us to some of the Xenomorph and somwhat it's biology. Plus, stupidity is minimized and you don't hate most characters. Second Aliens, great action/semi horror movie. A very solid movie alround, and iconic too. Solid characters, memorable moments/quiotes, nicely paced interesting story and even more in depth insight into the Xenomorphs. Plus, again, stupidity is minimized and you don't hate most characters. Fast forward to present movies... Which you so claim to be elevated to... "art" (disgust). I call it being lazy, there's nothing much to interpret. Take "Nocturnal Animals", that's what I could be forced into calling art, at best (if having to interpret makes it art, that is) - as it takes some interpretation to get satisfaction from that movie. No amount of "interpretation" will give any kind of satisfaction/closure/explanation. So no, Prometheus elevates jack shit. No art. Just empty unanswered premise, that's left in limbo, in line with lost, and not really open for interpretation, unless you like to grasp for straws. Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, are shallow, shitty, PiS filled, idiotic, lazy movies, that tries to ride on the first two movies success. Both could have been great, both became shit - Ridley Scott can't tell good scripts from the bad anymore. At this point, I'd rather James Cameron completely took over and turned this franchise into something watchable and cohesive again. PS. "If you're upset that shaw didnt make it , it might help you to consider that it shows us the indifference of the universe to our (her) need for answers and our (her) desires...", this whole sentence oozes of wanting to impose meaning/purpose where there is none, funnily very "un-nihilistic", opposed to the sentence/point itself... Guessed you like Lost too... "Random questions" != art. Either you present something, and walk the line, or you don't at all. It's a tease, with an otherwise stupid ass plot. Only good stuff is David and Shaw. Funnily, the directing was decent in itself, but Ridley Scott apparently can’t tell a good script/story from bad ones anymore, and he really should stop making these movies and pass the torch to people who can actually make something of a franchise with so much potential. I thought so too, when she was cast - shook my head in disbelief and thought "yeah, this is gonna suck". After watching the movie, though, I'm gonna have to disagree - couldn't have hit the mark much closer than they did with her. Alien: Covenant... Ohgodwhyyy.... Prometheus sucked ass, but at least piqued my interest for the following movie(s), as it raised some interesting questions. Alien: Covenant mostly ignored said questions, and made a horror gore movie, with really stupid characters and events. Shaw had so much potential, the answers she sought out to find could have been so interesting - but nope! Insert super goo, goo powered aliens with a growth rate of 1kg/min, super idiots and you end up with a horror gore flick, trying to be way smarter than it was. If you remember back, there was shown a continous evolution of Diana and her powers. Hence why she needed the harsh training to tap into her potential and start her "ascension". At the very beginning of the movie, she was basically a strong amazon in both mind and power for all intents and purposes. At the end, she was a fully fledged demigod - almost invulnerable, strong af and some of the godlike powers. Which is why she had a scratch on her arm after the first altercation with the germans on the beach (which healed very fast) - scratches she wouldn't get in the end, or BvS. ;) You made 258 as of now. And you're still a giant tool, who post crap like this, go figure. ;) Out of curiosity, what kind of change would you like to see, that only the sacrifice of CBMs can promote? Also, as a bonus, I'll make you a free telling of fortunes. CBMs will die off some after Infinity War and Justice League are done. Nope. This is the best DC movie, so far. Still liked MoS and BvS though - both good/solid movies. ;) EDIT: And can mention, even though I expected something else first time I watched it, I fucking love Watchmen - it's truly a cinematic piece of art. (I know he didn't direct WW though). ;) No, it's a great movie. So fuck off. Like how Kurse just obliterated him in the last movie? ;) It's ok for the hero to lose, and have someone better than him at one thing - Thor's powerset moves far beyond just strength, and while he is close to Hulk in terms of pure strength, he just shouldn't be able to beat him in an extended brawl, without interferrence. But neither should Hulkbuster, really - mindcontrol or not... Nah, Hulk only lost because Wanda's mindcontrol wore off - he was confused and saddened about the fear he inflicted, before beginning to ramp up his rage when Iron Man sucker punched him. You'd also note his rage wasn't "pure", he was in a confused/angry state at the beginning of the fight - he only got stronger and stronger as the fight went on. If hulk isn't beating a hammerless Thor, I'll be sad - h2h in a brawl: Hulk > Thor. Though, by the looks of it, Thor seems to be getting the first hit in! ;)