gregg325's Replies

I don’t get why they decided on a new cast. Emily Blunt killed it in the first 2 movies. Why change that? Die hard NFL fan here and yeah this was 100% aimed at non NFL fans. The way the GMs and coaches talked to each other was way too unrealistic. Then on top of that the trades were just too goofy that even the dumbest teams in the NFL wouldn't even do them. Its pretty clear the people who made this film did zero research on how the NFL draft actually works I watched the first 2 episodes. It's got good writing and the characters are interesting (mostly to hate) but the plot didn't hold my interest. The family drama was alright but the business stuff put me to sleep. I just don't find that entertaining to watch on tv Well it beats being angry at everything so that’s fine by me 😂 Its not so much accepting it more than it is not letting it bother me. These are small things that just aren't a big deal. Theres way worse things in film on the woke scale. Go watch the new Chucky series. This is nothing in comparison to that Butchers can't be black? Insane evil white kid? Which character are you talking about? Matt? Harrison? This is Dexter. Those characters are going to exist. I wouldn't call that woke. I'll give you climate activism, wheelchair girl, and the gay shop owner but the other stuff seems like a reach. In any case these don't see like big problems where its shoved in your face anyway. Its not ruining the show I dunno but episode 5 really went crazy with it. Straight up forcing it at this point At this point its a surprise when there isn't any sort of agenda being pushed in a movie or show. Its become normal now. Ha I'm sure theres something similar planned like that sadly. Wouldn't put it past them! I don't think it matters that much since they were killed. Usually hollywood will make these people the hero and have some cliche ending involving them. So it could have been a lot worse as far as wokeness goes I mean he basically killed everyone in his path You know I actually kind of agree with this. I’m usually never on board with the whole idea that video games and movies cause violence however this franchise does sort of promote bad things. I don’t see how anything positive can really come from making a movie like this. It only puts bad ideas into peoples heads. And why was it great in the early seasons? Characters and story. Black Summer has neither which is why its weak Nope I am very serious. How else has it been so successful if those things didn't exist? Eh The Walking Dead is still the best imo. I didn’t find this show very good. Too much dumb zombie action and not enough good story and characters Yeah this movie was a snoozefest. It was basically a bunch of characters sitting around talking about some "sound" they heard. We don't actually see anything interesting until the final shot and even that wasn't that impressive. Also the two stories by the old man and old woman just dragged on way too long. I agree with this so much. To me Lost is the greatest show ever. I've watched a lot of tv shows over the years and nothing hits me like it does with Lost. Theres just something really special about it. Or simply just have a halfway decent plot