MovieChat Forums > Otter > Replies

Otter's Replies

She's getting all the best lines, that's for sure! Excellent writing there, while everyone else is a whirlwind of ego or insanity or ambition or pickled like a herring, there's got to be one truthful, sensible character. And they made her hilarious! Neither of them looks like the star they're playing, but at least Sarandon has eyes as large as Davis's. That gives her enough of a resemblance to go on with. Lange looks nothing like Crawford from her face to her toes, and IMHO she's kind of missing the mark with her performance. Crawford was tremendously artificial, she created both a screen persona and a ladylike private persona for herself, and Lange isn't really getting the essential phoniness of Joan Crawford. She should have found Crawford's reading of her own book "My Way of Life", which were originally LPs and are now on YouTube. Yes, Crawford wrote a lifestyle book in the early sixties, and made an audio version just to make sure that all the blind and illiterate people could appreciate her faux-genteel narcissism. Black Widow. She hasn't had her nose surgically removed. And it's still true! Bwahahahahaaa!!! No, DOFP was much better, although it's not nearly as good as X2. For what that's worth. Really, "First Class" and "Apocolypse" were pretty terrible, this is the only decent film out of the three. I'm trying to imagine a stew so bad that Aragorn wouldn't eat it, and Aragorn has spent most of his life tramping around the wilderness and being glad for a bite of raw frog! So yeah, it's a corny and awkward moment, one that showed us what horrors PJ was capable of when he was off form. Like the "Hobbit" films. It's been a while, but some time in the last few IMDB-free months the following answer occurred to me: They made the Laketown government as horrible as they could, so that when Bard takes over and becomes king, it comes across as a good thing. We live in a democratic age, and replacing a mayor and town council with a monarchy wouldn't be considered a good thing in the real world, and wouldn't necessarily pass if PJ had shown the mildly unpleasant Master of the books. Which is an okay idea, but of course it was terribly realized and took far too much screen time. Like everything else in these movies. Yeah, it was pretty obvious that they couldn't afford more X-Men, an awesome fight sequence, or an impressive villain. And while I do love a good big-budget movie, "The Avengers" was on tonight and there's just no substitute for an alien invasion that cost a fortune in CGI! But the fact is that if you have all CGI and no script then you've got nothing but a mess like "Batman vs. Superman", so I for one would be happy to see Marvel make some mid-budget movies in this mode, with more wit and less CGI spectacle. It'll be good for their writing. Luke only had a couple of days total with his mentor Ben, and Ben was much more interested in training the kid in Jedi Powers than in telling him about his parents. Or rather, in having to think up new lies about his parents. So maybe there was so much going on in their time together than Luke never got around to asking, or maybe Ben put him off when he did. Lucas was right to scrap the scene, for whatever reason. A fast, harum-scarum bolt away from Tattooine is more fun than one where they stop to argue about money. I think that would have been terribly anticlimactic, but probably still better than the ending that made it to the screen. Personally, I wonder if it would have been better if Anakin actually HAD killed her, rather than being the idiot who believed yet another of Palpatine's lies. And that was probably in the script at some point, I heard that in TPM there was a dream sequence that got deleted, where Anakin dreamed about a pregnant Padme at the head of a hostile army. The whole prequel series is full of idiotic inconsistencies like that, characters who don't clue in to the obvious or plot threads that are abandoned, the effect is to make everyone up there on the screen seem less than intelligent. Why the hell Lucas didn't let a competent script doctor have a go at tying up all the loose ends, I'll never understand. Anakin is from Tattooine and you aren't, he probably knows more about the workings of Tusken society than anyone on this forum. So if he felt guilty about killing the females, that sort of implies that he knows they aren't combatants, but he could be just projecting his human values onto them because he's a dope. A big whiny dope. Yeah, but it would have made the debates about Jedi celibacy restrictions even crazier! And it might have been better than the Jedi just abandoning a woman who can give parthenogenic birth to Force prodigies, which is a horrible little plot point that still annoys me. Why not come back and free her, and see what marvel she'll pop out next? I'm the first to say that the prequels aren't ALL bad, that there's great stuff like Ian McDiarmid and the battle at the start of ROTS and the John Williams score and Padme's insane wardrobe. However, they're bad enough that the fandom has spent 20 years discussing where they went wrong and how they could have been better, and hasn't run out of things to say. Have you seen "Big Hero 6", also a Disney film from recent years? Terrific movie, if very different than the wonderful "Tangled". And no, "Tangled" isn't underrated, everyone loves it. And the "Wonder Woman" film is getting bad buzz, and doesn't it come out before the JL film? If it's true, there will be that much less interest in JL, which has got to be massively expensive to make. How the heck can they salvage their plans for an ongoing series of films if people have given up on the films by the time JL comes out? Honestly, I think the whole series is in the wrong hands, and there's no saving it from people who just aren't interested in making good movies. Or writing good scripts, finding good directors, or casting the right actors. Given those issues, I don't think bringing the films out in a different order would have done a lot of good, but it's always fun to speculate. I think you're right. Batman has had so many films in recent years that he's rather overexposed, and Superman has about 5,000 previous film appearances. I suppose a really good version of either character might have been welcome, but who hasn't seen better incarnations of both? I would say that they'd have had a better chance of making a good film if they've started with a lesser DC character and do their damdest to make him as memorable as Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, but that would have been much more financially risky than putting Batman and Superman right up front. And it's pretty clear that whoever is behind this film series is more interested in making money than in making good films. I was on the fence about the Disney takeover after TFA, which has good points and bad points, but I liked R1 enough to go over to the Disney Side after seeing it and seeing it again. it's a terrific film, gripping and visually awesome, as a Star Wars film should be. Somebody at Disney is doing something right with the franchise, and I'm now looking forward to their next effort. Or maybe I should give more credit to Gareth Edwards than Disney, I loved his Godzilla film.