Kewl_Kat's Replies

Maybe you'll get your wish someday. Until then, accept apologies and subsequent firings and stop whining so much. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I saw that idiotic 'covfefe' tweet right after I saw the pic of Kathy holding up Trump's bloody, severed head. I became suspicious she murdered him mid-tweet. Then it wasn't deleted for 5 full hours so I thought [i]for sure[/i] he was really dead. The Room. Humor? HUMOR? You wouldn't know humor if it was disguised as pervert Bill O'Reilly and it shoved a falafel up your stupid ass. [url][/url] ZERO hypocrisy. A comedienne makes a bad decision, gets fired despite apologizing and moronic conservatives, THE SAME EFFING ONES WHO DEFEND SEXUAL ABUSERS AND WHO [i]NEVER[/i] APOLOGIZE, continue to cry about a freaking photograph. IT'S OVER, DUMBASSES! Meanwhile, pervert Roger Ailes (good riddance) and scumbag Bill O'Reilly are paid tens of millions of dollars and were only EVENTUALLY fired because of sponsorship pullout. It's always about filthy, dirty money with conservatives. ALWAYS. And stupid dunderhead supporters continue to suck their disgusting asses. Well I've had enough of it and so has the rest of the sane world. You will LOSE the next election and I will REJOICE! It wasn't "tolerated." She was roundly criticized and then FIRED within, not weeks, not days but HOURS after posting the pic, despite apologizing. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?? Chuck deserves every bit of it, mentally ill or not. He tried to get his brother disbarred so there are obviously repercussions. Jimmy took care of his lousy, insane brother for years and all he got was grief... mainly because Chuck was jealous of his brother. Jimmy is a flawed man like all people on Earth and I can understand Chuck being annoyed by him but he tried to take away his livelihood. At this point, turnabout is fair play. She apologized and then she was fired. What the hell do you want now? Man, people complain about EVERYTHING. Why are you people so effing annoying? You dolts are NEVER happy about ANYTHING. You would think she just murdered your child or something. Gain perspective on things. Dummies! Yawn. Ugh. Why is everything black and white with morons like you? There is mostly grey between the two extremes. Stop demonizing everybody as extremists. Most of us are rational moderates who think Trump is a mentally ill buffoon. Go eff yourself. You are roundly despised by the smart American community. Shut up, purple jerk. You aren't remotely funny. You are just a stupid dunderhead who makes idiotic liberal cracks. So immature and so played out. Grow a brain. 5 and 6 show up on the menu but they currently can't be watched. I can only set to record them (June 4 and June 11). Can anybody watch them on Xfinity? I doubt it. [quote]This has to do with a person with bad judgement and not much of a conscience.[/quote] You just described Trump. A lunatic of a man who has the power to pull us out of the Paris Agreement and to launch nukes. Did you vote for him? Well thank you for screwing my future, jerk. A powerless comedienne takes a picture and that is what bothers you, not The Buffoon in Chief. Wow are you ever a dolt. Go eff yourself. If you voted Trump, you are 100% stupid. There is no excusing it. ...or if millions of idiotic Americans didn't vote for The Clown Buffoon in Chief. What a joke our country is right now. A complete and utter joke. And if you were one of the morons who voted for the orange nightmare, go eff yourself. Seriously. Have you no respect for our once proud nation? Shut up, Rorikon. You are so annoying. Get some original thoughts for a change. Are you just living your life as a Rush "rail 24/7 against the boogeyman liberals" Limbaugh clone? What a sad existence. Go rot. ISIS [i]is[/i] JV. All they can do is run out some mentally ill lunatic with a suicide vest or a machine gun. That is the definition of JV. Trump has already surpassed Obama in golf time after he told America he would never, ever golf as president. Liar! Hypocrisy! If you notice, stupid hypocritical Trump also avoided using derogatory terms about Muslims while in Saudi Arabia. The same as Bush and the same as Obama. Know why? So we don't offend the Muslims who are on our side fighting terror. We all know who the terrorists are, you idiot. Also, Trump scolded Michelle Obama in a tweet for not covering her head with a scarf back when she was in Saudi Arabia and then hypocritically trots out his wife and daughter with no scarves covering their fool heads. Come on, stop watching and reading propaganda. You are embarrassing yourself BADLY today. Shut up you lunatic. Stop believing lies. So embarrassing!