Kewl_Kat's Replies

Give it a rest, Gubbio. The Dems own up to their mistakes. They apologize and they quickly fire the guilty party. Directly OPPOSITE of what hypocrite conservatives do. Notice how CNN didn't waste any time or make excuses? They were the same with Donna Brazile. Meanwhile, FOX draws out firing their multiple sexual abuse felons, pays them millions and then spend hours making all of the idiots on their "news" programs say glowing things about them. Give it a rest, you fools. Spineless, gelatinous fools, all of you. Go rot. I don't seethe with rage 24/7. Just when i get bored at work. And just so you know, I would have happily accepted a Kasich presidency. The guy is smart, not a jerk and has compassion for people. I like my politicians moderate. Trump is a lunatic. It is a great film. I especially like the youthful Jennifer Connelly and I'm a basically straight girl. So taut and firm. Yum yum! Yeah, it was enjoyable. I saw it for the first time a couple years ago. Never really heard about it before then. [i]3 Women[/i] is another great Altman film from around the same time period. Totally different but really good. Check it out if you haven't already. I'm sorry that we need you around but you do exhale carbon dioxide, which is needed by plants. I don't benefit from this but the plants do so I tolerate your ridiculousness. And just because someone thinks Trump is a moron doesn't mean they are a "leftwinger". It just means that person is smart. [quote]When was the last time you saw conservatives rioting on their streets because they were upset?[/quote] They riot. They call them "alt-right" rallies (neo-Nazi, for the layman). They also murder black people and Muslims just for being black or Muslim or those who dare to defend them. Watch the news once in a while. And stop with the holier than thou attitude. You are a horrible person, as evidenced by your tone deaf post. BTW, [i]you[/i] are guilty of labeling all "liberals" as people who riot or who want to kill cops. So effing stupid. What a dirty hypocrite you are. Now kindly go rot. It went on for the perfect amount of time. It was fun to watch the sheriff stand there trying to show patience with the absurd Wally and his ridiculous ramblings, as his beaming parents proudly looked on. I hope Wally shows up to "pay his respects" many more times over the next 14 episodes. 'Twas one of the funniest TV moments of the year. brux, if you are all about avoiding wasting energy and time, why are you spending time on here reading things you think are stupid and commenting on them? That sounds like the ultimate waste of time... unless you are just some unfunny troll, which is equally plausible. So you are either a jerk or a failure. brux is a jerk. Ignore him. I like your observations. Yeah, right. Grabbing pussy, denying science, being dirty racists, killing people who are different than they are just because they are different, lying as often as regular people breath. Conservatives are so great! It's a joke link, stupid. Martha needs to get that girl child. They would make a happy pair. What person would say that in an interview? It's embarrassing to admit mommy supports you when you are approaching 20, let alone 50. How he has money? Seriously? Chaz was given the lucky gift of a rich mommy. Cher is ridiculously wealthy. [url][/url] The biggest smack in the face to Henry is something of which he was blissfully unaware... his parents found a [i]new[/i] Henry and lovingly doted all over his Asian ass. So now Kimmy doesn't have to lose her dream man to [spoiler]"Japan"[/spoiler]. That's great news! Hopefully they will finally make sweet love in Season 6. I agree. Ralph is right. Seasons 1-3 were wicked good. So suspenseful and exciting. I think that could still be the case with the current season while maintaining the aspects associated with the character changes. I like the fact that they are growing disillusioned with their jobs but by golly, spice it up. We have one season left and the show is sorta limping its way to the finish line. I knew it!