Kewl_Kat's Replies

OK, just asking. Are you a Trump supporter? You have that irrational anger that is usually associated with one. Why would you bother to contribute such a hostile post? The Universe (or Multiverse?) is filled with mystery, I guess. I suppose your response is fitting. I liked it. Most women have the shelf life of warm milk. Not me though. I will be hot forever. The arm does have a doppelganger so don't go accusing it of murder just yet. Trump will say nothing. Pure evil. Trump supporters are the most evil people on Earth. Everyday there is a new cell phone video of some idiot losing his/her shit over a minority for simply existing. If Alex decides to transition is season 2, I will support his decision. Wally made me appreciate my own shadow and the way it accompanies me everywhere I go. Whether it be on my right or left, in front of me or behind, I will never take it for granted again. It is always with me... well except on cloudy days or at night. True all true. Maybe you are more corrupt but I've never seen you. You can pay me directly if you like. Post your email address and I'll send you a PayPal invoice. Choose the 'Friends & Family" option to avoid fees and put "for Kewl_Kat's mental illness" in the message box. This way, maybe you can write off the expense as charity on your next tax return. You have no idea what you are talking about, as usual. The electoral college is dumb and was almost abolished numerous times. In fact, in 1969 had it not been for filibustering racists, it would have been. Learn history. [url][/url] [url][/url] Well, I think you are one of the most crooked people. You think it's OK to be a thief like Trump and to grab pussy like Trump. You like pathological liars. Good for you. We'll agree to disagree on Hillary. [quote]But with the prospect of Mrs. Clinton, one of the most amoral, lying crooks ever getting into the White House and dragging horndog Bill along with her, frankly, I would have voted for Bugs Bunny for President![/quote] See, this is why we are suffering as a nation. The poorly educated believe all the propaganda that they are fed by AM radio and FOX "fake news" and they are allowed to vote. Hillary isn't and never was "crooked" and if Bill is a "horndog", what does that make Trump with his three baby mamas and his pussy grabbing ways? You really need to think for yourself. It's kinda embarrassing the things you believe. Trump didn't even beat her. He lost by 3 MILLION votes. The system we use is stupid. How can the person who loses by 3 million votes be the "winner." Ridiculous. Secondly, anybody with a functioning brain has been speaking out against Trump and his "poorly educated" supporters. I think you have value, even if you aren't well educated, but why should your vote count MORE than that of an educated person? That's how the electoral college works. People from the dumb states get more weight than people from the smart states. Crazy. Trump loves "the poorly educated" for a reason. [url][/url] Trump is the most corrupt person I've ever seen. He lies more often than you crap out of your mouth and ass COMBINED so that is really saying something. Now go eat your borscht, Russki. This thread is for proud and honest Americans... and I don't mean the FX TV show kind.